Tuesday, June 11, 2024 @

Chapter 98 The Power of Light

Chapter 98 The Power Of Light

 Not long after entering the cave, which was a monster's nest, Diona and Leon-san came out. Relieved to see that they didn't have any noticeable injuries, my eyes were drawn to the net that Leon-san was carrying.

 "I've put it to sleep with magic for now."

 Leon-san said, placing the net on the ground to show me its "contents."

 At first glance, it looked like a simple net, but there were decorations on the part that Leon-san was holding ―― some kind of stone was embedded there. The stone was flashing brightly, and each time it did, light ran through the net. Perhaps the embedded stone was used as a medium to enhance the magic throughout the entire net.

 Sleeping inside the net was a monster the size of a large dog. Its fur seemed fluffy, and at first glance, it was clear that it was a "child."

 Ignoring the slight pain in my chest, I looked up at Diona and said,

 "Thank you. If you don't mind, could you..."

 Although neither of them had any major injuries, they were undoubtedly tired. Thinking this, I offered them a healing potion, and Leon-san and Diona accepted it with a smile.

 "Thank you."

 Diona smiled, exuding a dignified beauty and looking much more mature than before.

 While Leon-san carried the monster, we returned to Reinhardt-san's house.

 Leon-san locked the monster in a cage near the house. It had a lock on it ―― or so I thought, but the stone that had been embedded in the net containing the monster was attached to it. Puzzled, Diona's supple hand touched the stone, and she gently closed her eyes, as if putting her strength into the stone.

 A few seconds later, the stone that Diona had touched lit up. Then she turned to me and spoke.

 "It's a simple cage, but I've sealed it with my power. This monster should not be able to break free at all."

 "Ah, I see, so it's the wisdom of the Rustu people." I thought. I don't know how it's made, but it seems like they enhance the power of their light by embedding it in stones.

 As I looked down at the monster sleeping peacefully in the cage, Diona said,

 "Shall we try it right away?"

 I hesitated for a moment at Diona's words, but then nodded vigorously. I had to get rid of my worries.

 I took out the prototype I had prepared and, with the 3 of them watching, I tried to hang it on the monster's front leg. I stared at the monster's skin for a few seconds, but there was nothing unusual.

 "Hmm, it doesn't seem to work after all..."

 "Shall I use my synthesis machine?"

 Sieg-san immediately followed up with his next words. I looked up at him. He had a gentle smile on his face.

 Fortunately, the Drinking Water of the Spirits was divided into small containers, and there were many medicinal herbs growing in this forest. I decided to gratefully accept his suggestion.

 I nodded, and when I arrived at the house, Iris jumped on me enthusiastically. She seemed to have been quite bored while I was away. When I explained the situation to her, her eyes sparkled and she dragged me to the synthesis room.

 "Ah, Laura-sensei, are you okay?"

 Reinhardt-san greeted me in the synthesis room. I told him the situation, and after helping me prepare the synthesis tools, he left with a "Please."

 I briefly hoped that I could also borrow his wisdom, but he might be busy with Elvira's matter. Without calling out to his retreating back, Iris and I started the synthesis.

 "Laura, have you tried this synthesis?"

 "I haven't tried it yet... I wonder. Iris, can you help me?"

 "Leave it to me!"

 I compared the prototype we had brought with me and the synthesis notes we had made so far, and made a new prototype. For now, it's more about quantity than quality. Regardless of medicinal herbs or poisonous herbs, we tried various synthesis methods that came to mind.

 ――The door to the synthesis room suddenly opened, and I reflexively looked up. Standing near the entrance was Diona.

 "May I observe?"

 "Ah, yes. Of course."

 I was surprised by her sudden visit, but I had no reason to refuse, so I nodded. She then walked over to the synthesis table, looking a bit shy.

 "This is The Drinking Water of the Spirits, right?"

 She kept a safe distance, watching with interest as she examined the container holding The Drinking Water of the Spirits. She peered into it and shook the container, observing the liquid inside.

 Her childish behavior made me smile unintentionally. The Diona who emerged from the cave already exuded a refined beauty, and I couldn't help but be fascinated by the "power of light" I glimpsed in her earlier.

 A power specialized against monsters. If I could create a healing potion like that 'power of light', it would be the best...

 "Diona-san's power, is it similar to magic?"

 "Yes, it is. Not exactly the same, but similar."

 "How do you use it?"

 "It's similar to magic. Like this...."

 ――At that moment, The Drinking Water of the Spirits in Diona's hand began to glow.

 "It's glowing!"

 I exclaimed in surprise. Diona looked puzzled, and I hastily approached her.

 "The Drinking Water of the Spirits is glowing. Are you trying to use your power now?"

 We locked eyes for a few seconds, her amber-colored eyes slowly understanding my question and nodding slowly.

 ――The Drinking Water of the Spirits had reacted to Diona's power of light. It wasn't just my imagination.

 "Wait, wait a minute. Can you infuse The Drinking Water of the Spirits with the power of light?"

 "Infuse it with the power of light?"

 "Well... Earlier, it felt like I used power on the cage, or rather... to let The Drinking Water of the Spirits soak in power, no, blend in, or rather..."

 As someone with no talent for magic, I sadly don't understand the sensation of using magic. Perhaps because of that, my explanation became quite vague. But it seems that Diona understood what I was trying to say, as she hugged the container close to her chest and gently closed her eyes.

 ――In an instant, The Drinking Water of the Spirits glowed. It wasn't my imagination. Absolutely not.

 Diona, after opening her eyes, looked down at me with a bewildered expression. A face that said she didn't know what was happening.

 To be honest, I also didn't quite understand what was happening. The only thing I knew was that Diona's power of light had some kind of influence on The Drinking Water of the Spirits.

 After apologizing, I took the container she was holding.

 I looked at the liquid inside the container. It had no stimulating smell, and there was no change in the color of the liquid. It was natural since I hadn't done any synthesis.

 However, it was unlikely that there was no change at all. After all, the liquid showed a clear reaction by glowing.


 I ran outside with the container. I headed towards the captured monster's cage. I felt Diona and Iris following me from behind, as well as Sieg-san who had heard the commotion, but I ran without looking back or saying a word.

 I stopped in front of the cage. I took a breath in front of the captured monster, and then...


 I muttered as I poured the contents of the container onto the monster's front paw. In an instant ―― the monster's growl pierced my ears.

 I was so shocked that I ended up on my butt, but Diona, who was standing behind me, pulled me back a bit. I was still in shock, but when I looked, the monster's foot was melting away like it was burned ―― it was dissolving.

 "Did the power of light react to The Drinking Water of the Spirits...?"

 I muttered to myself. As I slowly began to understand the situation, I wondered how to put it into words.

 Did the power of light react to The Drinking Water of the Spirits? Did it dissolve? Did it synthesize? Whatever it was, it was clear that it showed a reaction unlike anything I'd seen before.

 I remembered that The Drinking Water of the Spirits ―― or rather, the spirits ―― seemed to react to Lukas's Hero power. In fact, if Lukas wasn't there, we wouldn't have discovered The Drinking Water of the Spirits.

 The Hero power and the power of light, which is similar, might have a good affinity with the spirits' power.

 That's possible. If we can synthesize the power of light into The Drinking Water of the Spirits ―― even though I can't find the right words to describe it ―― if we can reflect the power of light onto The Drinking Water of the Spirits, it could become a highly effective item against monsters. It wouldn't have any bad effects on humans like poison, and it might even be more effective against monsters than poison.

 And that's not all.

 (If the power of light reacts, then the Hero power might also...)

 The Hero power that can defeat the demon king might also be able to reflect its power onto The Drinking Water of the Spirits. And if the Drinking Water of the Spirits can be used as a medium to safely absorb the power into the body, it could even help with Elvira's treatment...

 It felt like a new path had opened up before my eyes.

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