Monday, June 10, 2024 @

Chapter 97 The People of Rustu

Chapter 97 The People Of Rustu

 ――On a day off, as planned, I went with Diona, Leon-san, and Sieg-san to capture a monster.

 By the way, Iris wanted to come along and threw a fit, but considering safety, she's staying at Reinhardt-san's house.

 "I'm sorry for the trouble..."

 "Please don't worry about it. In fact, we're reassured by all the thought you've put into this, Laura-sensei."

 Sieg-san's trust made me feel a bit embarrassed.

 Ever since discovering the Drinking Water of the Spirits, I felt that Sieg-san and the others had slightly unrealistic expectations of me. Sure, finding a new synthesis material ―― especially a powerful one ―― was quite an achievement, but it was all thanks to my memories from a past life.

 Besides, I only provided the lead; I could never have reached the Drinking Water of the Spirits on my own. In short, I couldn't shake the feeling that my actual abilities didn't quite match the high regard others had for me.

 As I deflected Sieg-san's words with an ambiguous smile, Diona spoke up from beside me. She was holding a simple, hand-drawn map.

 "I've already identified a few likely spots. There are nests here and here that seem to meet the conditions. By the way, this one has larger monsters, but the young ones appear to be about the same size. I think they were born at different times."

 When she asked me with a look which one to choose, I found myself at a loss for an answer. Honestly, I couldn't decide which was better. Was one of them harder to capture?

 I didn't know, and I thought it would be wrong to answer based on a hunch, so I swallowed my pride and asked.

 "...I'm completely clueless about monsters. Which one do you think is better?"

 It was Leon-san, standing behind me, who responded to my question without hesitation.

 "If their body sizes are the same, the more mature one might be better. For example, a monster with tough skin has soft skin when it's just born. If we're trying to get as close as possible to the conditions of the demon king, then the more mature one is better. Though, in front of the demon king, it's probably too trivial a difference to matter."

 Leon-san was wearing a large sword on his hip and was also wearing simple armor, giving him the appearance of a seasoned adventurer. From the fact that he had agreed to accompany me as a guard, I thought he must be quite skilled.

 I nodded my head vigorously, thinking that a novice should obediently follow advice.

 "I see. Then let's go that way."

 Upon hearing my words, Diona took the lead and started walking, saying, "I'll guide you to the nest."

 The forest near the royal capital is not that deep, and we won't get our feet caught. However, of course, there are monsters lurking everywhere, so I followed behind Diona, who was walking in front, with Sieg-san and Leon-san walking on either side of me. I felt a little self-conscious because it was clearly a formation that said "we are protecting you."

 I had brought a bag of synthesized poison and healing potions just in case, but ―― it's more likely that they won't be useful.

 As if to ease my tension, Sieg-san, who was standing next to me, spoke up.

 "It's a good thing it's sunny."

 "Y-yes. It really is. It would be bad if it rained, the ground would be bad."

 "I hate it when it rains, my hair gets greasy."

 "...Leon, cut your bangs. You've grown them out too much."

 "Sieg is too uptight."

 Sieg-san and Leon-san, who were talking in a very casual tone, were brothers, I realized again, even though they didn't look alike. They were the same size, so maybe they were twins.

 Including their sister, Diona, the 3 of them were chatting in a relaxed way that didn't seem like they were on their way to a monster's nest, but――

 "There it is, inside that cave. Since they're nocturnal monsters, they're probably resting in their nest right now."

 "Alright," Diona said, raising her spear. Leon-san stood beside her with a provocative smile. Sieg-san, on the other hand, didn't move from next to me.

 As I watched the two of them about to jump into the hole, I asked Sieg-san next to me.

 "I've synthesized healing potions and poison, but am I just getting in the way?"

 "Let's wait together in a slightly different place."

 I felt relieved, even though I was ashamed.

 Sieg-san and I stood side by side and watched Diona and Leon-san as they headed into the hole. From here, I can only leave it to the professionals. A mere alchemist like me would only get in the way.

 I rummaged through my bag to prepare healing potions in case they came back injured. ――And then, it was at that moment.

 "Thank you again, Laura-sensei. For what happened today, and for Iris."

 I couldn't react immediately to the sudden topic change.

 Sieg-san chuckled at me, who barely tilted my head, and continued.

 "Iris has been so much happier since she started learning under Laura-sensei. She used to be sulky about the regular contact letters, but now she writes happily about her daily training and conversations with you."

 "That's... I'm glad. But I still have a lot to learn."

 I stammered out my honest feelings. It's always gratifying for a teacher to know that their junior students feel that way.

 "――The date for welcoming Elvira-san to the city of Rustu's people will probably be decided soon."

 Suddenly, Sieg-san's voice dropped.

 I half-reflexively looked at Sieg-san at the mention of Elvira's name, but he wasn't looking at me. He was staring straight ahead. What could he be looking at?

 "Regarding the 'Self-Destruction Disease,' I have no intention of making excuses. I want to believe that the path we have taken is not wrong, but at the same time, I understand that it was not the right path either. We will never forget the many sacrifices that have been made."

 At that point, he paused for a moment. Then he took a small sigh and said, "But," before opening his mouth again.

 "There are many among us Rustu people who believe that we are the only ones who are right. They think of themselves as special beings, as heroes and their followers, and look down on others."

 Sieg-san said this with an expression like he was confessing a sin, but I thought to myself, "That's a common story." I have often seen races or characters who think they are special and look down on others in the works of fiction I have seen in my previous life.

 In fact, the Rustu people are special. After all, they bear the grand mission of "saving the world from the demon king." There is nothing wrong with them thinking of themselves as special.

 ――I can understand their assertion that they are the only ones who are right, but there are some things that I find difficult to accept.

 "It's embarrassing to say, but we are so focused on preserving the world that we are unable to save it."

 Sieg-san's tone was laced with self-deprecation when he said that they cannot save the world.

 "I believe that Laura-sensei will be visiting our city soon. My mentor has strongly instructed us to welcome you warmly, but... you may be offended."

 These words were enough to make me feel that there might be a rift between Reinhardt-san and other Rustu people.

 Sieg-san turned to me and bowed deeply. Then he said,

 "I apologize in advance. I'm sorry."

 I was taken aback by the suddenness of it and blurted out.

 Even though I haven't been treated rudely, there is no need for me to be apologized to. In the first place, even if I were to be treated rudely by the Rustu people, there would be no need for Sieg-san and the others to apologize.

 "Nothing has happened yet, so you don't have to worry about it..."

 "No. We're just ordinary people without the Hero. Only Diona can properly use the power of light."

 ――Perhaps the blood of the Rustu people is thinning.

 "Last Brave" had a setting where Diona's power was particularly strong among the tribe, but there shouldn't have been such a setting. However, Sieg-san's words sound like he's saying that most people can't use the power properly.

 Am I overthinking it, or...?

 "If we had thrown away our silly pride and traditions, like being Rustu people or descendants of the Hero's followers, and joined forces sooner..."

 Sieg-san muttered to himself in a tone even lower than before, not to me. I couldn't help but shudder at his voice, which was tinged with an undeniable hatred.

 The Rustu people, who were given special powers and a mission to defeat the demon king, are not a monolithic group. But just thinking about it, I can imagine how suffocating it would be to live in a much more closed-off community than Emme Village.

 Sieg-san may have been robbed of something by the Rustu people's pride and long-standing traditions. His voice was so full of negative emotions that I couldn't help but think that.

 "Sorry, I'm rambling."

 Sieg-san chuckled and reverted back to his usual friendly self.

 The darkness he showed for a moment was not something I should have stepped into. I decided that and smiled vaguely again. I didn't know how to answer.

 "I hope you will continue to support Iris, Laura-sensei."

 I could only nod and say, "Of course."

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