Tuesday, June 11, 2024 @

Chapter 99 Berta

Chapter 99 Berta

 ――The power of light that the people of Rustu possess reacted to The Drinking Water of the Spirits, and it was found that its effects were further enhanced on monsters 2 days ago on the holiday. Immediately after that, I requested cooperation from Diona and sent a letter to Lukas, my childhood friend who is a Hero.

 Even though I have asked Diona for help several times and continued with the synthesis afterwards, I have not yet achieved any more results. But I took a big step forward, and I want to seek results steadily without rushing.

 After the holiday, I went to see Arnold before anyone else. It was still before the start of business hours, but he usually stays in his synthesis room early in the morning. Today was no exception.

 I knocked on the door of the synthesis room and, after confirming a response, I turned the doorknob vigorously.

 "Good morning, Arnold-san! There has been progress in the synthesis of The Drinking Water of the Spirits!"

 Without much of a greeting, he seemed to be reading something when I entered and, in response to my words ―― or perhaps my enthusiasm ―― his eyes opened wide. However, he gradually seemed to digest my words, slowly closed the book, and urged me to sit in a nearby chair.

 Unable to contain my excitement, I continued speaking after taking a seat as instructed.

 "The power of light from the people of Rustu interfered with The Drinking Water of the Spirits. The 'synthesized' The Drinking Water of the Spirits had such a powerful effect that it melted the front legs of the monster."


 Although it was a simple response, Arnold's black eyes were fixed on me as if trying to see through me. He must be desperately trying to figure something out from the little information I provided.

 I stared back at Arnold firmly and opened my mouth again.

 "So, it seems that the power of Rustu's people is similar to the power of a hero. So, maybe Lukas's power too...!"

 This is just my speculation, which I haven't even tried yet. So I didn't say anything more, but Arnold could easily imagine what I was thinking.

 "I immediately sent a letter."

 "When you perform the synthesis, be sure to let me witness it too."

 I nodded vigorously at Arnold words and got up from his chair to leave before work. As I turned to leave, Arnold stopped me.

 "I have one report. The date for taking Elvira to the city of Rustu's people has been decided. Also... Elvira, my mentor, and Berta-san have returned."

 Berta-san has returned.

 Those words made my mind go blank.

 Did Mentor find out about the demon king's existence? Did they talk about Marcedes-san and the true identity of the self-destruction disease?

 Arnold-san didn't say anything more. He just stared at me.

 I thought I needed to calm down and talk to him properly.

* * *

 That night, I had come to the front of the inn where my mentor was staying. I was scared and thought about going back to the castle many times, but I dragged my heavy feet here, feeling like I couldn't run away.

 I knocked on the door. When I said my name, I got a response of "come in" ―― I took a deep breath and opened the door.

 As soon as I saw her standing on the other side of the door, my vision blurred.


 "What's with that pathetic look?"

 "No, it's just..."

 Unable to find the right words, I stumbled over my words. Mentor invited me into the room and made me sit in a chair, seeing how sunk I was.

 "Marcedes took me to the elf village. I've been there a few times, it's a good place. The people are warm, the air is clear, and the food is good."

 She started the conversation with an unusually bright voice. But I couldn't react well.

 "...I've visited with Annette many times."

 Mentor said in a nostalgic tone.

 Annette. My heart jumps at that name. It's the name of the granddaughter of Mentor, who lost her life to the self-destruction disease.

 I wonder if Mentor has found out the true cause of the self-destruction disease that took the life of his beloved granddaughter.

 "I heard everything from Marcedes."

 ――Ah, and I let out a breath without realizing it.

 Sweat drips down my forehead. My head throbs as if it's being squeezed.

 I still couldn't say anything. I didn't know what the right thing to say was.

 "I don't know what you were thinking, but don't dwell on unnecessary things."

 My mentor's voice was stern, as if she was trying to remind me of something. She looked at me with a very kind expression.

 "To treat the self-destruction disease... to defeat the demon king, the wisdom and power of the Rustu people are indispensable. Don't be swayed by emotions."

 Mentor seems to see through my hesitation and thoughts.

 I involuntarily let out a short breath. Mentor lowered her slightly relaxed mouth and continued with a serious expression.

 "Don't be held back by the lives you couldn't save. Think about the lives you can save from now on. You are an alchemist."

 My vision blurred and I couldn't hold back the tears.

 I tried not to show my pathetic crying face and looked at the floor, where my tears were wetting it.

 "Oh, don't cry, don't cry."


 Mentor's voice was tinged with a wry smile, making me cry even more. I sniffled and wiped away my tears with a handkerchief.

 "I'm glad I found out the cause of the disease that took Annette's life while I'm still alive. It feels like time inside me has finally moved forward."

 Finally, time has moved forward. As I heard those words, I lifted my face again. There, I saw my mentor's face, smiling faintly as if about to cry. It was a smile I had never seen before, as if a weight had been lifted off.

 ――I remembered Marcedes-san's words from back then.

 After Annette-san passed away, our mentor disappeared from Marcedes-san's sight. Later, when Marcedes-san found our mentor again, it seemed like they had given up on everything, as if they had accepted their grandson's death.

 From the day Annette-san died, had our mentor's internal clock stopped? And now, had that stopped time finally started moving again, now that she knew the true cause?

 I couldn't save Annette-san. I couldn't change my mentor's painful days now. But――

 "There's been progress on the treatment of the self-destruction disease..."

 I managed to say, still choked with tears. My mentor's eyes widened in surprise, and she urged me to continue, "What happened?" Her eyes sparkled with excitement, overflowing with interest in the new synthesis method.

 Seeing that expression, I couldn't help but feel happy. Ah, she's a true alchemist at heart.

 "It's about the special power held by a certain clan in Rustu... The Drinking Water of the Spirits reacted to it."

 "Tell me more."

 I nodded. Then, for a few seconds, we gazed at each other with tearful eyes ―― and suddenly, we both burst out laughing, as if wondering what we were doing.

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