Monday, June 24, 2024 @

Volume 6 Chapter 33 Chaos

Volume 6 Chapter 33 Chaos

 Sandra was bracing herself against the approaching 'Discarder'.

 As she saw it up close for the first time, she was overwhelmed by her bizarre presence. Despite her carefree demeanor, she seemed to have a core or a center to her body.

 No wonder, this must be a high-ranking fighter, equivalent to a gold rank. She thought to herself.

 I wish I could fight it head-on just once, she thought.

 Suddenly, a giant's foot came crashing down from the ceiling of the abandoned castle.

 "Whoa!? What's going on!?

 'Hahahahaha! What's with you, Clay?! Should I just destroy this castle?!'

 "Well, go ahead and rampage for now. Yeah, that's right. And they have Fist of the Dragon, who we couldn't beat before, so let's do our best tonight!

 'What did you say?! This is revenge, isn't it?! Hahahahaha! Take this!'

 A loud crash echoed. Typhon, who had already destroyed a significant portion of the abandoned castle, was struck by Fist of the Dragon's punch and crumbled to the ground. Sandra was frozen in shock, recalling Fist of the Dragon's trauma.

 "You did a great job getting here!"


 "Damn, I thought I could do even more... No, not yet! Typhon, regenerate and go wild while buried in the ground!"

 'U, wooo! I'll do it! I'll do it!'

 "Don't forget about me!"

 As Toxy flew around, scattering poison everywhere, Sandra saw her figure through the gap in the broken castle wall. The scattered poison was taking down the phantom beasts that had been released in the open area. Of course, their allies had already taken the antidote.

 "Ugh, cough cough! What's with this rampage?! This chaos is too much!"

 The 'Discarder', poisoned and screaming, disappeared into the broken wall. Sandra and the others took advantage of the distraction to sneak into Wade's room.

 It wasn't surprising that this commotion was happening, but it seemed that some kind of magic was preventing the outside chaos from affecting the inside.

 She reached out to the door, but it wouldn't open. She chanted, "Spark," trying to break the lock.

 But the lock didn't break. Which meant it wasn't just a ordinary lock.

 "Is this a magic tool...?"

 She touched the keyhole. Then, she looked at Kadras.

 "Kadras, can you destroy this lock with your anti-magic Sword?"

 "Let me try. Step back."

 Kadras swung his twin swords at the lock. Clink! an unnatural, high-pitched sound. Kadras checked his grip and said,

 "I think I can destroy it if I take my time. Rather than relying on brute force, I can use anti-magic's power to penetrate and break it with a 'clink'."

 "Got it. Then, I'll leave it to you."

 Beyond the broken wall, the returned 'Discarder' gazed at them with intense focus, and Sandra turned to look at her.

 "I thought I heard a sound just now. Cough... Ugh, this poison is terrible..."

 Have they not been detected yet? Sandra wondered, still observing her figure.

 But then, she was suddenly struck by a sense of unease. The sound. 'I thought I heard a sound,' 'Discarder' said. But Dream's invisible magic should have made it impossible to hear any sound.

 "Dream, what's going on with your magic's effect?"

 "Huh? It should still be active. It lasts until the magic runs out."

 "Right. Thanks."

 So, was 'Discarder' just being paranoid? Sandra quickly understood that she was trying to make her let her guard down.


 "Oh, you've been found out♪"

 'Discarder' instantly closed the distance and unleashed a swift attack on Sandra. But Sandra's Swadhisthana Chakra unconsciously dodged the Discarder's attack, and she counterattacked by chanting,


 Zap! Zap! static electricity crackled. A powerful lightning bolt struck back.

 Now, take this!

 The lightning bolt struck 'Discarder' from the sky. The lightning bounced off in the destroyed corridor.

 "Haha! That's amazing! Oh, I finally got to see the real deal!"

 'Discarder' drew her sword from her waist and deflected the lightning bolt. A sharp, single-edged sword, one of the many blades attached to her waist like a skirt.

 "Hmm, 3 people, huh. I see some familiar faces too. I let them escape earlier, but it seems I made a mistake by letting them come back."

 Kadras and Dream, the 2 of them, were clearly intimidated by the 'Discarder's' gaze, their movements slowing down in fear. Sandra stepped forward, diverting her attention to herself.

 "I see. So you're going to be my opponent this time. That's great. It's an honor to fight against a famous adventurer like you."

 The 'Discarder' drew another sword. It was a rugged, stone-like sword.

 "My defense is the 'Magic Cutter', which can deflect even iron plates. And for offense, I have the 'Rock Blade', which can cut through lightning-fast attacks."

 With 2 swords at the ready, the 'Discarder' said,

 "I'm ready to take you on, 'Thunder Strike' Sandra."

 "Got it. I'll take the first move."

 "Oh, you're eager to fight!"

 Sandra's hand glowed with a spark, and she unleashed a "Spark" attack. The 'Discarder' charged forward, swinging the Rock Blade. The spark was crushed and disappeared, heading straight for Sandra.

 But Sandra was unfazed. Her unconscious avoidance, fueled by her Swadhisthana Chakra, allowed her to dodge any attack as long as she maintained her focus.

 "Whoa! How did you avoid that? I thought I had you for sure!"

 "You're too slow. I can dodge even after you've touched me."

 "Hmm? You're quite confident in your speed, aren't you? Well, I guess the Rock Blade is no good anymore. The blade's already worn out."

 The 'Discarder' discarded the sword, as its name suggested, and drew a new one. The blade had 3 eyes that glowed eerily.

 "This is the 'Following Sword', a magic sword that adjusts to the enemy's movements automatically. It's a beginner-friendly sword, but I never thought I'd be using it at this point."

 "Beginners don't use magic swords."

 "Haha, you're right! That's why I bought it, and it's come in handy in this unexpected battle."

 This time, it was the 'Discarder' who rapidly closed in. Sandra tried to remain calm and counterattack with a lightning-fast strike, but the Swadhisthana Chakra, a non-existent baby, cried out in alarm.


 She retreated. She jumped back. It was a narrow escape. Sandra's side tail, which was a bit late, was barely cut off and fluttered about.

 "...Now, the sword has extended to avoid the Chakra."

 "Yeah, you're doing great. But you ended up avoiding it. I was going to cut off your head right here, thinking you were careless."

 "Scary person."

 "I taught you what kind of sword it was, but you didn't even flinch. Don't you think it's a good lesson for a foolish person like you who underestimates battles?"

 Sandra glared at the 'Discarder' with a scowl. Then, she took out the hidden gold from her armlet and said this.

 "I'm angry. I'll beat you up."

 "Ahahaha Is that your trump card? Alright, bring it on If I can take you down here, this war will be our victory!"

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