Sunday, June 23, 2024 @

Volume 6 Chapter 32 And the Deep Night Arrives

Volume 6 Chapter 32 And The Deep Night Arrives

 Ice was alone at Wade's party house, spreading out a map.

 She had everything she needed: a pen, a blindfold, and a Calling Ring. She had assembled a team capable of achieving their mission. From here on, it was her responsibility.

 She took a long, deep breath and checked the map. The map, the route, and the information on the expected obstacles were all etched in her mind.

 There was no choice but to do it. She steeled herself quietly, covering her eyes with the blindfold.

 She activated the Calling Ring.

 "Everyone, let's start the operation...!"

 'Roger that!' 'Affirmative'

 The voices of all team members responded in unison. Ice confirmed that everyone was in place and focused her consciousness on the delivery team.

 The delivery team, led by Sandra, proceeded in the order of Kadras and Dream. Dream's magic hid their figures, and they gazed up at the wall in the forest.

 '...Is this the entrance?'


 'Whoa, this is crazy... How are we supposed to climb this?'

 Kadras and Dream were grumbling, but Sandra poked Ice's snowman with her finger and put her hands on Kadras' and Dream's waists.

 'What's up, Sandra-chan? Have you finally noticed my charm?'

 'Kadras, read the atmosphere! I'm Sandra-chan's goal!'

 'You're just joking, right?!'

 'Both of you, shut up! Thunder Speed!'

 The 2 were enveloped by Sandra's magic, their bodies electrified. Sandra calmly climbed up the wall and reached the top.

 When the magic was dispelled, Kadras and Dream exclaimed, 'Whoa, that's amazing...!' 'Five meters (≈ 16.4 feet) straight up? That's crazy!'

 There, Ice said,

 'Sandra-san... From here on, my snowman will guide the way. Follow it and proceed...'

 'Got it. That's the plan.'

 'Alright. From now on, let's keep your conversation to a minimum. Even if you make a ruckus with Dream's magic, no one else will hear it, but the tension will still dissipate.'

 'As the chatty Demon, I want to keep talking forever, but...'

 'Dream, can you please be a bit more serious?'

 As they bickered, the 3 of them advanced along the castle walls. Then, Kadras saw the central square and let out a voice, 'Whoa.'

 There were countless Phantom Beasts there. They looked like they were resting, but they weren't sleeping, judging from their subtle movements.

 'The Phantom Beasts are all over the castle, so be careful, okay...? Especially, avoid the ones that seem sensitive to smells, and be careful about that too...'

 'Got it, Ice. Who are we going to kill?'

 'That's also something we should avoid as much as possible. We don't want to be detected by the 'Phantom Beast Army'.'


 'I see. The Phantom Beasts are tough opponents, and it's hard to take on 3 of them alone.'

 'I can't even handle one, haha. But I guess it's not like they'll notice me anyway.'

 'I recently destroyed a whole bunch of them.'"

 'The gold rank is now on par with the silver rank, huh? Ha, Sandra-chan and I have come a long way... This is the difference in madness, I suppose.'

 The 3 of them entered the castle. There, they heard Frain's voice from another Calling Ring, saying "Regular report."

 'There's no change inside the castle. The Phantom Beasts are still patrolling, and the 'Discarder' is the same. Did I tell you that the female knight is dangerous?'

 'Yeah... Don't worry, I'll guide you to avoid her.'

 'Please do. I'll get my revenge when I get stronger.'

 Ice just listened and began leading the delivery team again.

 They knew the Phantom Beasts' movements and where they were. But at the same time, they couldn't do what they had planned, and it was beyond their control.

 'Stop. Fall back a bit...'

 Following the instructions, the 3 of them retreated a bit. A white tiger Phantom Beast crossed the path ahead, its nose twitching, but it didn't notice them thanks to the wind and distance.

 'It's fine, let's move ahead...'

 'Let's move forward.'

 There was a quiet stillness in the middle of the night. The 3 of them were moving forward, avoiding the illusions and dodging the gaze.

 They soon found themselves in a difficult situation.


 The 3 of them came to a halt. Ice checked multiple conditions, furrowed her brow, and said.

 '...All 3 of you, listen... you're almost at Wade-kun's room, but... "Discarder-san" is taking up residence, and you can't get past...'

 'That's a tough one.'

 'Discarder is a pain. Sandra-chan might be okay, but I and Dream are stuck.'

 'Frain put up a bit of a fight, but I didn't have any room to use my big magic, so we lost in the end.'


 Ice thought it over. Wade's room was a windowless individual room, and there was no way to get in except through the door. Discarder had been patrolling around here for the past few days, after all.

 Still, this was within the range of expected unexpected events. Ice thought it over a bit more, then decided to take a gamble.

 'Frain, kun. Please take the shot...'



 Ice finally announced hrt plan.

 "On the other side of the delivery team, with Discarder-san in between."

 "Got it. Snipe Fire."

 From 'Discarder's perspective, the 3 of them were moving forward from the right side. Frain took aim from a window at the curved corner of the left path, a little ways away.

 The sound of the stone being chiseled out caught 'Discarder's attention.

 'Misty! There's an intruder! Let the phantom beasts run!'


 The judgment was too quick. It would be better if they were a bit suspicious, but they didn't think it was just a noise, which was typical of a general.

 All the phantom beasts in the abandoned castle woke up and started running around the area. It would still take some time for them to collide with the delivery team's area, but the time limit was set nonetheless.

 From then on, Discarder kept a close eye on the left side, while also being mindful of the right side, where the delivery team was. She must have been thinking whether the sound from earlier was real or just a diversion.

 The probability is 50%. Ice is, well... praying. Go search on the left. Don't underestimate my abilities. Ice is praying silently, and then―――

 'It's stupid to worry. It's fine no matter which path they take.'

 The Discarder took off the ring on her right middle finger and threw it to the ground. Before her eyes, the ring transformed and took on a form identical to the Discarder.

 The Discarder said,

 'Duplicate ring, I'll leave the left path to you. I'll take the right path.'

 The duplicate ring nodded once and proceeded down the left path. Meanwhile, the real Discarder headed down the right path where the delivery team was waiting.

 Kadras and Dream started making a ruckus, shouting 'This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!' Sandra's gaze turned sharp as she said, 'Ice, please give us instructions.'

 Ice gritted her teeth, but decided to issue orders.

 '―――Clay-kun, Toxy-chan, go wild!'

 'I was worried! I wouldn't get a turn!'

 'Yeah, let's go wild!'

 The 2 people waiting on the rooftop of the abandoned castle laughed, their eyes sparkling. They said,

 'Let's do this, Typhoon!'

 'Let's go, Hydra!'

 Clay bit his hand, and the mouth that opened on the rooftop drank blood. A phantom image of Hydra stretched out from Toxy's shoulder.

 This is where it begins. Ice steeled herself and transformed the numerous snowmen she had set up into ice soldiers.

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