Friday, June 14, 2024 @

Volume 8 Chapter 2 This is What a Small Fry Character Looks Like

Volume 8 Chapter 2 This Is What A Small Fry Character Looks Like

 "Hmm... your voice, it sounds familiar..."

 Chester's eyes widened in surprise, and he suddenly grabbed my chest.

 He examined my face carefully, as if appraising goods.

 And then, suddenly...

 "――Ram wants a pat too."

 A sharp voice pierced my ears.


 I didn't quite catch what he said, but it sounded weird.

 I turned to look at Chester, but his expression remained unchanged. What a serious face.

 Chester opened his mouth again.

 "――The tension was too high!"

 ...Huh, what's that supposed to mean? It's too scary because I don't get it.

 "Uh, what's that?"

 I asked, but there was no response.

 It's not like he's actually hyped up or anything.

 Wait, is he trying to get pumped up in his own way?

 Did something good happen to him? Did he finally get a decent equipment or something?


 Chester scratched his chin, slowly looking down.

 He gazed at my dummy equipment――an iron sword and a wooden shield――for a while.

 "Tch... Off the mark"

 Chester muttered, then tried to push me away with a burst of energy.

 No, he tried to push me away, but...


 Chester looked puzzled.

 Oh no, I let my guard down.

 In the heat of the moment, I forgot to react.

 Chester is a powerful warrior with 4 equipment slot. It's unnatural that I wouldn't take any damage from him.

 I need to recover quickly.

 I panicked and jumped back in an instant.

 "Waaaah! Time lag attack!"

 I spun around in mid-air, dancing.

 I should be rolling on the ground, but considering Cirrul's laundry troubles, I don't want to get my clothes dirty. Instead, I crashed into a nearby wall, grunting "Ugh," and coughing in discomfort. Finally, I shot him a rebellious glare for a split second, muttering "Damn, time lag attacks are so cheap!" before looking down, defeated.

 ――Overwhelmingly, small fry-like.

 This is what a small fry character looks like.

 My years of experience and practice have honed my small fry acting skills to perfection.

 Now, let's see how the other person reacts.

 I glanced over, and Chester was staring blankly, blinking rapidly.

 "Hey! There's no need to go that far!"

 Senior Rikka suddenly rushed over to me, glaring at Chester.

 Chester looked away, snorted, and then said,

 "...I'm done. Disappear."

 With that, he turned around and walked away. But, he seemed to be in a hurry, as if he was thinking, "I got involved with a weirdo..."

 "Are you okay, Noa?"

 Senior Rikka peered into my face, looking genuinely worried.

 "I'm fine. That was just an act."

 "...Sorry. As a senior, I should have protected you."

 "No, it's okay."

 The atmosphere had become serious.

 Whoa, my acting skills were too good...

 I quickly stood up, trying to lighten the mood.

 "Don't worry about it too much! It's not a big deal!"

 "It's not a big deal? You flew 10m (10,9yd) back!"

 "10 meters is nothing. I used to get blown back that far every day in my hometown."

 "No way...you're lucky to be alive, that's crazy."

 "I got a little nostalgic. It's nice to get blown back like that sometimes."

 "Is it not a big deal...?"

 "Yes, it's no big deal. So..."

 I placed my hand on top of Senior Rikka's head.

 "There's no need to worry about me, senior."

 "What the...?! You're patting my head!"

 "Ah, sorry. Your head was just in a convenient position to pat."

 "Are you saying my height is low?!"

 "Sorry...it's just a habit of mine to pat kids on the head."

 "You're treating me like a kid?!"

 "Ah, it's just a figure of speech. Yes."

 Senior Rikka glared at me, looking resentful.

 "Hmph! I'm worried about you, but you're just pretending!"

 "Oh! You were really worried about me."

 "I wasn't!"

 She turned her face away, pouting.

 "Hmph... you're just full of yourself because you're a little taller..."

 "No, I'm not that tall either..."

 "Don't say that! I don't want to hear it!"


 I decided to stay silent for now.

 "What's today's job, anyway?"


 Senior Rikka pulled out the instruction manual that was crumpled up in her west pocket.

 Then, for some reason, she made a face and announced,

 "――We're investigating the haunted mansion, that's what."

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