Friday, June 14, 2024 @

Volume 8 Chapter 3 The Haunted Mansion

Volume 8 Chapter 3 The Haunted Mansion

 In the border city of the Divine Kingdom, Ravenyard.

 This city, also known as the "Graveyard City," is characterized by the vast graveyard that surrounds it on all sides.

 The desolate earth stretches out, with rows of crosses standing like sentinels. No one knows who lies buried where, and the grave markers have decayed, their inscriptions worn away by time. But the sweet, cloying stench of death lingers, a testament to the presence of the dead.

 "Do you understand? As an investigator, the most important thing is to bring back information. To do that, you have to avoid getting wiped out."

 Senior Rikka advances, parting the crosses as she goes, lecturing me, the newbie.

 "So, partners should keep a little distance from each other. That's the basics."


 After doing this job for a while, I realized that, surprisingly, the basics aren't that different from being an adventurer. There's not much new to learn, and if I can just focus on collecting information without wasting time and effort on studying...


 "Yeah, what?"

 "Did you hear what I just said?"

 "Ah, sorry. I was taking notes without looking up."

 "Ugh...fine, I'll say it again."

 Senior Rikka is a pretty nice person, despite being a bit of a handful.

 She looks like a kid, but she's got a mature, big-sisterly vibe going on. At first, she was pretty reluctant to take on new recruits, but she's really putting in the effort now.

 "The graveyard doesn't have any clear paths, so it's easy to lose your sense of direction. That's why, even if you think you're going straight, you might find yourself heading in the opposite direction. To avoid that, it's crucial to keep track of your current location."

 Senior Rikka stops, holding out her hand. She closes one eye, raises her thumb.

 "Like this, you measure the distance to landmarks. You know, like those weirdly shaped crosses, or the stone statues with their heads fallen off, or the ruins of old churches. Use those to get your bearings, and then check the shadows and moss to figure out the direction. If you compare that to the map, you can get a pretty good idea of where you are."

 "I see."

 This is just like what I used to do as an adventurer.

 In the past, I wasn't useful in battles, so I had to master all these mundane tasks. If I didn't, I wouldn't have been able to continue as an adventurer with 0 equipment.

 Well, now that I have Compass Eye (Ra Shingan), I don't get lost anymore.

 For now, I'll follow Senior Rikka's example and try holding out my hand.

 "Um, is our current location around here, I think?"

 "...Ah, that's correct. And you're even faster than me..."

 "It's thanks to your teachings, senior."

 "Eh, really? But I haven't taught you how to do it yet?"

 Senior Rikka looks a bit sulky.


 I seem to have ruined the mood. Human relationships are tough.

 "So, anyway, about today's job..."

 I quickly change the subject.

 That's my way of dealing with awkward situations.

 "Today's job is investigating the haunted mansion, right?"

 "Hmm? Yeah, that's right."

 "Exactly, that's the haunted mansion, right?"


 Up ahead, there's an open area.

 A plaza surrounded by crucifixes like a fence.

 In the center stands a small mansion. The haunted mansion ―― that's my first impression.

 Under the dark, gloomy clouds, the mansion is shrouded in a eerie mist.

 Crows are cawing ominously, and the wind is howling like a ghost.

 There are human bones scattered around the garden.

 Just looking at it, I can tell it's a mansion with a bad aura.

 And this mansion is our investigation site for today.

 I wonder why we have to investigate a haunted mansion... But it seems that in the Holy Kingdom, there's an image of 'unexplained phenomena that can't be explained with normal equipment = cursed equipment.' So, when something weird happens, the investigation team is sent out.

 Most of the time it's just a misunderstanding, but sometimes the real deal is mixed in, so we have to investigate seriously.

 I steel myself and gaze at the mansion.

 "I heard that anyone who enters this mansion dies..."


 "I heard that the graveyard was built before the mansion, but... it's more beautiful than I thought. Maybe someone's living there, right?"


 "Senior Rikka?"


 There was no response. Senior Rikka was frozen in place, her eyes fixed on something.

 This is... maybe...

 "Ah, there's a person in that window!"


 Senior Rikka jumped up with a start.

 "W-where?! Ah, no, don't tell me!"

 "Ah, I must have seen it wrong."

 "H-hey, don't suddenly say scary things like that."


 "Eh, it's not scary at all?"

 "Yeah, that's the reaction of someone who's scared."

 Senior Rikka's behavior was clearly weird. Her eyes were darting around, and she was sweating profusely. I had discovered an unexpected weakness.

 "Um, are you okay? If you're scared, I can go alone."

 "H-hey, I'm not afraid of ghosts or anything."

 "I didn't say anything about ghosts, though."

 "A-anyway I'm totally fine, don't worry about it!!"

 Senior Rikka was on the verge of collapse, her words tumbling out in a rush.

 She didn't seem very okay at all.

 I wondered how she had managed to get this far on her own...

 I think I understand why Roreis-san tried to force us to pair up.

 "Well, if you're not okay, just say so."

 "There's no way! I'm not okay! I'm a senior, after all!"

 "Okay, okay."

 "Why are you patting my head?"

 Senior Rikka was like a puppy, so I couldn't help but reach out to pet her head.

 Anyway, I stood in front of Senior Rikka and approached the mansion.

 I stepped into the garden, but... nothing seemed to be happening.

 If something was going to happen, it would probably be inside the mansion.

 I reached out to open the large front door. This must be the entrance.

 "Hmm, it doesn't seem like the door is locked."

 "H-hey, don't open it suddenly We still have to prepare... AAH!! "

 I ignored Senior Rikka and opened the door.

 There was a creaking sound, like a sad scream.

 Then, a warm, gentle breeze caressed my nostrils.

 It's likely been a long time, and the air is thick with the scent of wood, dust, and paint.

 The inside of the mansion is ―― dark and hard to see.

 Even with the curtains closed, it's still dark.

 I should've brought a lantern, I think, as I step inside.



 Suddenly, a jolt of electricity runs through my entire body.

 My blood vessels and nerves are in an uproar, and it feels like I'm being burned alive. The pain is so intense it's like my body is being torn apart, and I'm left with a sense of disorientation.

 It's an unexpected shock, but at the same time, it's a familiar sensation.

 "...Forced, equipment...?"

 But by the time I realize what's happening, it's too late... I've already fallen to the floor, face-first. The cold, hard sensation of the marble-like floor presses against my cheek.

 "N-Noa!? What's wrong, Noa!"

 As my senses return, I hear Senior Rikka's panicked voice.

 Ah, I'm in front of Senior Rikka.

 This is bad, the timing is the worst.

 I quickly get up and force a smile onto my face.

 "It's okay, I just got a static shock or something."

 "Is that what that was...? You were twitching all over the place."

 "That's just a fish-like reflex."

 "...Why did it happen at that timing...?"

 For now, I forcefully push through the conversation.

 Senior Rikka seems to believe me, and her worried expression changes to a relieved one, puffing out her cheeks.

 "Hmm? But Noa, you're scared of static electricity? Yeah, I guess I'm necessary senior after all~"

 Ugh, she's giving me a smug look....

 Is this payback for teasing her earlier? She can be so childish sometimes.

 However, this has become a troublesome situation.

 Who would've thought that this 'mansion itself' is cursed equipment...?

 I need to re-examine the effects of this mansion.

 - Parasite Palace (Curse)

 ...A palace for shut-ins. Once you enter, you can play forever without aging.

 Rank: SSS

 Type: Armor (Dungeon)

 Effect: HP +2100

 Aging nullified

 Cost: If you leave the palace, HP = 0

 Aging nullified...

 It's like humanity's dream has come true, but in a completely unexpected way.

 Now, my consciousness can only focus on the Cost.

 If I step out of the palace, my HP will be 0 ―― in other words, I'll die if I go outside.

 "...You're lying!"

 I never thought it would happen, but the truth behind the rumor "you'll die if you enter the mansion" has been revealed in the worst possible way.

 The rumor was true.

 If I enter this cursed palace, I'll definitely die.

 It's because of the Cost of the cursed equipment...

 It seems I've been trapped in this mansion.

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