Friday, June 14, 2024 @

Volume 8 Chapter 1 Senior Rikka and the Morning Assembly

Volume 8 Chapter 1 Senior Rikka And The Morning Assembly

 The morning after defeating the equipment hunter.

 I had been working since early morning.

 As a cursed equipment investigator ―― that's my daytime job.

 Under the command of the Cursed Inquisitor, I investigate people and places related to cursed equipment ―― it sounds like a decent job, but in reality, it's a dirty job that nobody wants to do. Dealing with cursed equipment is risky, and if you're not careful, you'll lose your head instantly.

 So, why am I doing this job? Of course, it's for information gathering.

 As an investigator, I can learn about the inner workings of the Inquisitor's office. Plus, I get to learn about cursed equipment, so it's a convenient job for me.

 Today is our weekly morning assembly, so I had to leave my dorm earlier than usual.

 Since it's summer, the sun was already up, but the town still had a sleepy atmosphere.

 Juju was still sleeping in my bag, snoring away... 'Zzz... zzz... nggh!'

 "And, the meeting spot is here, right?"

 I crossed the canal running through the city center and entered the old town with its stone buildings.

 Soon, I saw 'it'.

 A castle-like structure with a tower shaped like a corner post.

 This is the Cursed Inquisitor's 'office.'

 They renovated an old castle on the city wall to use as their office. But even though it's a borrowed office, the bloodstain patterns on the walls and gates accurately symbolize the true nature of the Cursed Inquisitor organization.

 In the plaza in front of the office, the heads of "cursed" people were on display, and it still sends shivers down my spine every time I see it.

 It's a common sight in this holy kingdom, but... these small, everyday scenes remind me of the strangeness of this country.

 Anyway, today's meeting spot was supposed to be this plaza...

 And it looks like I'm in the right place.

 However... I arrived 30 minutes early, but the other investigators were already lined up.

 Glancing around, I felt a bit uneasy for some reason.

 "Hey, 'Noa'! Over here!"

 A small hand poked out from above, waving around like it was drowning.

 The red hair bounced up and down in sync with the hand's movements.

 No mistake about it ―― it was my senior colleague from work.

 I jogged over to where my senior was.

 "You're late, Noa."

 The one waving her hand was indeed Senior Rikka.

 She was a petite girl who reminded me of a puppy.

 Her light equipment prioritized agility over defense, with a D-rank knife stuck in her waist pouch ―― it was an outfit that made me think of a thief.

 "I'm sorry, I got the time wrong."

 I bowed my head in a hurry, and...

 "No, the time is correct."

 She replied.

 "Just remember, for morning assembly, it's basic to arrive an hour early. If you don't, those inquisitors will nitpick."

 "Then why not just set the assembly time an hour earlier?"

 "That would mean we'd have to gather an hour earlier, too."


 I didn't really get this custom.

 Since I had just started working, I was still feeling my way around.

 I needed to learn more, but... as someone who was definitely going to quit soon, it felt like a futile struggle.

 "Hey, there are still people who haven't arrived yet."

 Looking at the investigators' lineup, I saw holes here and there like they had been eaten away by insects.

 "...Those are absentees."

 Senior Rikka's face scrunched up in distaste.

 Absentees, huh... in other words, people who had been caught up in the cursed equipment's rampage or had been hunted down by the examiners after touching the cursed equipment. I didn't know which, but it was a job that literally risked your life.

 After standing around idle for a while...

 "The inquisitors are coming."

 Senior Rikka whispered to me. The investigators all shut their mouths and straightened their backs at once.

 Almost simultaneously, the inquisitors arrived.

 Trained like a well-oiled military machine, they moved in perfect sync, surrounding the investigators in a formation. Then, they drew their ceremonial equipment, brandishing it in a threatening manner.

 At the front of the wooden command platform stood Chester Ville.

 He stood tall, his sword held like a cane, gazing down at us with an air of superiority.

 "...Looks like the stray dogs have decreased in number again. How refreshing."

 He said with a smirk, his voice laced with disdain.

 The term "stray dogs" seemed to be a derogatory term for the investigators. It was the opposite of the "Church Grim" ―― the feared Cursed Inquisitor ―― and carried a nuance of impurity.

 Senior Rikka, standing beside me, furrowed her brow, and the investigators' eyes grew tense with anxiety.

 However, no one dared to openly defy him.

 Resisting the Inquisitor meant certain death. There was no way to fight back.

 After that, Chester continued to belittle the investigators.

 "Well, let's get to the main topic."

 He finally got to the point.

 "You're all aware that a suspicious character called Phantom has been appearing lately. They're a despicable person who steals the Inquisitor's credit and gets treated like a hero by the citizens. What a disgusting creature."

 Chester spat in disgust, his frustration palpable. He slammed his sword, which he was holding like a cane, against the ground.

 "But, I wonder... why did we let such a person rise to power? Do you know the reason, you stray dogs?"

 "I-I don't know..."


 Chester sneered.

 "Then let me tell you. It's because you're all incompetent."


 "You're all too slow in your investigations, which is why we Inquisitors can't take action. So, what you should do is obvious. Investigate faster than Phantom and report back to us. That's all. And if some of you are lacking... well, that's not our problem. From now on, those who don't produce results will be severely punished... got it?"

 Chester continued to berate the investigators.

 "That's all. Get back to work, now."

 And, finally, the investigators were released. Chester had a satisfied look on his face as he descended from the command platform.

 "Senior Rikka... what's the point of this morning assembly, anyway?"

 It was just an hour of listening to our superior's complaints and boasts.

 "That's just Chester's hobby. He loves to bully investigators."

 Senior Rikka seemed to be beyond annoyed, already used to it.

 "From now on, this will happen every week. Get used to it."


 The recruitment ad for investigators said, "We have a comfortable workplace!"...

 "Anyway, let's get going with the investigation. If Chester notices us, we'll be appointed as 'Today's Sandbag'."

 "Ha... but it seems like it's already too late."

 "What!? "

 Chester was walking towards us.

 Senior Rikka stiffened, eyes wide with fear.

 "W-what do you want?"

 "Shut up. I don't need you."

 Chester grasped the hilt of his sword, and Senior Rikka took a step back.

 Then, Chester glared at me.

 "Hey, you. What's your name?"

 "I'm Noa Collector, the new recruit."

 I saluted hastily.

 "A new recruit, and yet you're late? That's quite a privilege. And... what's with your eye color?"

 My eye color. He's probably talking about my left eye's Compass Eye. I tried to hide it with my bangs, but it didn't work.

 "I was born with this color."

 "...Filthy. Trash."

 Yes, I was called "trash."

 "When I look at your eyes, I get irritated... what do you plan to do about it?"

 "Uh, I heard that meditation is good for stress relief. A famous doctor said so."

 "Are you kidding me?"

 "I'm being completely serious."

 "I don't sense any respect towards me from you."

 "That's not what I meant..."

 "Hmm... your voice, it sounds familiar..."

 Chester's eyes widened in surprise, and he suddenly grabbed my chest.

 He examined my face carefully, as if appraising goods.

 And then, suddenly...

 "――Ram wants a pat too."

 A sharp voice pierced my ears.

 By the way, Senior Rikka is younger than Noroa.

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