Tuesday, June 4, 2024 @

Volume 1 Chapter 2 Cursed Equipment

Volume 1 Chapter 2 Cursed Equipment

 I heard there's cursed equipment deep in the dungeon, so I started getting ready, but... with my current skills, it's impossible for me to even defeat the boss, let alone break through.

 As a zero equipped adventurer, it's even hard for me to defeat a single monster.

 However, I'm not completely helpless.

 Even someone like me has a way to reach the deepest part of the dungeon.

 It's... parasitism.

 I'll follow a stronger party and casually ask for only the cursed equipment. I don't think anyone would want cursed equipment, so it will probably be left behind. I plan to sneakily take it for myself.

 But, no party would hire me just to carry their stuff. As the gold guy said earlier, there's no room to carry extra baggage in the dungeon. While I might be able to tag along for a casual look around, it's clear I won't be taken along for a serious boss battle.

 However, if I follow along on my own, there shouldn't be a problem.

 ――Well, guess I'll manage on my own from tomorrow. Ain't got no room for dead weight in the dungeon.

 From what the gold guy said earlier, it seems likely that he'll go to the dungeon tomorrow. Considering today was just a reconnaissance, tomorrow he'll probably go all out to defeat the boss. And most likely, the gold guy will emerge victorious. With 3 B-rank equipments equipped, his power is unmatched in this Town of Mahariji. Whether it's his first time or not, there's no way he can't defeat a boss that other parties have already taken down. If I follow him, I'm sure to get some benefits.

 While devising such a pitiful plan, I prepared the tools to go to the dungeon.

 Wearing equipment I can't equip, carrying plenty of healing potions, wrapping old cloth around the soles of my shoes to muffle my footsteps, and preparing a large hooded cloak just in case my face is revealed...

 After spending the night carefully preparing, the next morning I was unusually filled with confidence. Today, I will obtain the cursed equipment and change my life. Excitement was already bursting in my mind, and my feet felt light.

 Leaving the town at daybreak, I headed towards the Eastern Dungeon.

 I took a position in front of the entrance and waited for the gold guy to come.

 My expectation that he would arrive early if he planned to seriously conquer the dungeon was spot on. From afar, I could see him, all golden, accompanied by party members, strolling confidently towards the dungeon. As the surrounding adventurers made way for him, he entered the dungeon straight ahead, seemingly ignoring them.

 Besides me, there were other adventurers eyeing for benefits, sneaking in behind the gold guy's party. I also slipped into that group.

 The conquest of the first floor went smoothly.

 Even from a distance, I could see the gold guy defeating monsters with a single blow. The only monsters appearing on this dungeon's first floor were sword-wielding skeletons, ranked E—meaning they were monsters that even E-rank adventurers could defeat alone. Their agility was quite low, and they moved sluggishly.

 The gold guy continued ahead, chatting with his party members, as if on a picnic, moving forward steadily. I, who only needed to be wary of traps, fell behind. The difference in speed was evident in our walking pace.

 Before I knew it, the other parasites were out of sight, and I was left behind in the dungeon.

 However, I wasn't worried. Thanks to yesterday's baggage-carrying, I had the map of the dungeon up to this point memorized. If I picked up the pace a bit, I should catch up soon...

 Thinking so, as I turned a corner ―― there it was.


 I couldn't help but let out a sound.

 Whether it was in response to my voice or not, it turned around.

 ――It was a skeleton. The weakest enemy in the Eastern Dungeon.

 The enemy that the gold guy easily killed while chatting.

 Despite being such a weak monster, it instilled a fear of death in me. Without any equipment, even such a weak monster was beyond my ability to defeat. It was an enemy that could kill me if I let my guard down even a little.


 If it were the gold guy, defeating monsters should be easy.

 For a moment, I thought the gold guy left the monster behind to harass me. But then I quickly dismissed that thought. When you're seriously trying to conquer a dungeon, there's no reason to do something like that.

 So, the answer is simple.

 This skeleton was deemed not worth defeating. It's an enemy that wouldn't pose a threat even if left alive. So, even if they could defeat it in an instant, it's better to ignore it to conserve energy.

 Certainly, the slow-moving skeleton could be easily avoided without bothering to engage with it... if it weren't for the speed of the gold guy and his friends. Other parasites probably did the same.

 But even that is difficult for me.


 The skeleton noticed me and started approaching with a clattering sound. Every step it took made its jaw bones clack together, making it look like it was smiling at its prey, which only made it more terrifying.

 I could try to run away by turning my back, but then I wouldn't be able to catch up with the gold guy and his crew anymore. I wouldn't get any cursed equipment, and my life wouldn't change at all...


 I also drew my bronze sword and readied myself nervously.

 Just one strike... just one strike. If I could somehow land just one strike, I could intimidate the skeleton. In that moment, I should be able to move forward. Even with zero equipment, I might be able to handle the weakest enemy in this dungeon a little.


 I swung my sword and charged at the skeleton. It was my first battle with a monster, but the will to move forward overcame the fear.

 Besides, I had been training with the sword every day. I had simulated battles with monsters in my mind and studied their weaknesses thoroughly.

 The skeleton's weakness was its head.

 If I attacked its head, it should lose its balance and fall.

 Following that information, I slashed at the skeleton. Thanks to all the hard work I had put into sword training, I was able to deliver a lightning-fast slash that the skeleton couldn't even react to.

 As planned, the sword struck the skeleton's head with full force――


 ――And it didn't even flinch.

 It was common knowledge for adventurers that attacking a skeleton's head would disrupt its balance. Even novice adventurers handled skeletons that way.

 Yet, I couldn't do it.

 Without equipment, humans couldn't defeat monsters.

 I felt like I finally understood the meaning of those words.

 "Ah... ah..."

 The skeleton looked at me with its pitch-black eye sockets.

 Feeling overwhelmed, I took a step back.

 At that moment, the skeleton swung its sword at me.

 Its movement was sluggish, and my guard held up, but――


 My body was sent flying along with the sword I used to defend myself.

 I bounced off the ground several times, finally coming to a stop after hitting my back against the wall. Gasping for breath from the impact, I raised my flickering vision and saw the bone color approaching me with clattering sounds.

 I tried to ready my sword, but then I noticed something.

 My bronze sword was snapped in half.

 I had saved up 2 silver day wages for years to buy it, and I had taken care of it every day.

 And now... it broke in my first battle.

 To destroy equipment, you need equipment of a higher rank than what you're trying to destroy.

 That meant I was even losing to the skeleton in terms of equipment rank.

 Even against this weakest monster, there was an overwhelming power difference.


 I could only laugh.

 Everything seemed ridiculous. Perhaps along with my bronze sword, my heart had also been broken.

 "Haha, haa..."

 If I ran away now, I wouldn't catch up to the gold guy?

 I couldn't change my life?

 So what?


 I threw the handle of my beloved bronze sword at the skeleton and fled miserably.

* * *

 I ran away desperately from the weakest monster, came out of the dungeon crying, and was laughed at by the adventurers――

 Wandering through the town like a sleepwalker, I realized it was already evening. Hearing the evening bell echoing through the town, I finally came back to my senses. It seemed the shock of losing to the skeleton had almost driven me insane.

 I wonder if the gold guy has defeated the dungeon boss by now.

 Suddenly, that question crossed my mind.

 But, who conquered the dungeon... well, that's none of my business anymore. I can't even survive properly, so why should I care about dungeon affairs?


 I walk aimlessly, lost in thought. Unconsciously strolling along, I found myself in front of Mr. Yabuki's weapon shop.

 The usual Adamant Armor was displayed in the storefront. Its shining blue-silver radiance was as usual. However, it didn't comfort my heart as it used to.

 This Adamant Armor will eventually be worn by a hero-like person who will effortlessly equip it. Surely, that person won't be as weak as me and won't look as awkward.

 "Ah... how nice."

 A warm feeling spread across my cheeks. I couldn't stop it.

 "I also wanted such equipment..."

 Every adventurer dreams at least once.

 To clad themselves in dazzling equipment and gallantly save the world.

 I've been dreaming that dream until today.

 So, even if I can only equip cursed equipment, with 9999 equipment slots, maybe I can become a hero too. Just like someone once said, maybe I can become the strongest in the world...

 But, let's put an end to such unrealistic dreams.

 If just wearing cursed equipment could make me a hero, someone else would have already done it. Many have touched cursed equipment before. Yet now, no one dares to touch cursed equipment.

 Why? The answer is simple. Cursed equipment holds no value.

 To me, who can only equip cursed equipment, I hold no value either.

 This isn't just about adventurers; it applies to all professions.

 Equipment doesn't just provide combat power. A scribe's quill, a priest's gospel, even a porter's bag... everything is equipment. In this world, everything holds a soul, and by forming contracts with these souls, weak humans can finally stand on their own.

 In this equipment-driven society, if one can't equip theirselves, they can't become anyone, not even a hero.

 "...Am I forever stuck as a 'zero'?"

 I placed my hand on the glass, questioning the Adamant Armor.

 And then...

 ――The shop vanished.


 A deafening noise followed with a slight delay.

 The suddenness left me unable to grasp the situation.

 I was thrown to the ground like a pebble by a shockwave from somewhere.

 "Ugh...! Wh-what...!"

 I managed to get up, raising my head.

 Up until now, I was composed. But there, my thoughts halted.

 ...It wasn't there.

 Just a few seconds ago, the town under the evening sky ―― was gone.

 The bustling town was completely missing. The surrounding shopping district had turned into a pile of rubble in the blink of an eye. The weapon shops that lined the streets were spewing out broken weapons as if gutted. I couldn't tell if the fragments scattered around were human body parts or not, they were carelessly strewn about like horse dung on the roadside.

 Combined with the crimson evening sky, it look like the end of the world.

 "What is this..."

 I couldn't comprehend. Sitting on the ground, I started to retreat.

 Then, something hard touched my hand.

 Looking down, it was a blue-silver shard. Similar colored shards were scattered around me.

 Because I had seen them every day, I immediately 'recognized' what they were.

 "...Adamant Armor?"

 It was the world's finest A-rank equipment.

 Generally, equipment of a higher rank cannot be destroyed.

 Yet, it had been shattered into pieces by a mere shockwave, leaving pitiful remains.

 I didn't understand what was happening. The only thing I knew was that the world I believed in had shattered along with the Adamant Armor.

 "Cough, cough... Noroa?"

 Turning at the noise behind me, I saw Mr. Yabuki crawling out from under the rubble.

 "Mr. Yabuki! I'm glad you're safe!"

 "The shop may not be safe, though... Hey, what's going on here?"

 Mr. Yabuki's expression stiffened as he looked at the broken Adamant Armor.

 "Hey, Noroa... what exactly happened?"

 "I-I don't know. Suddenly, there was a shockwave..."

 "A shockwave? What's that?"

 Mr. Yabuki furrowed his brow and looked around sharply. As a former B-rank adventurer, his eyes seemed to take in every detail of the situation. In this extreme situation, Mr. Yabuki appeared not as the usual humble shopkeeper, but as a reliable veteran adventurer. Even in such dire circumstances, being by Mr. Yabuki's side made me feel like everything would be okay.

 "...No way."

 Eventually, Mr. Yabuki muttered under his breath.

 "...It's cursed equipment."

 His voice trembled with fear.

 Following Mr. Yabuki's gaze, there stood a bloodied man. His eyes were red, red veins protruded from his skin, and he walked stiffly as if he were a skeleton.

 Every swing of the dark red sword in his hand created shockwaves that blew the town away. Initially, one might have thought he was a high-ranking monster, but the faint "golden" peeking out from his blood-soaked armor seemed familiar.

 However, despite the familiarity, it was impossible to confirm his identity.

 His appearance had changed so drastically. The handsome face from that morning had transformed into a ghastly figure devoid of emotion. If something could drive him, a B-rank adventurer, to such a state, then surely it must be――

 "Damn it, fool... you fool!"

 Mr. Yabuki gritted his teeth, his massive frame trembling slightly.

 "―― A fool touched cursed equipment!"

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