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Volume 1 Chapter 3 Stealing Equipment, Cursed Equipment

Volume 1 Chapter 3 Stealing Equipment, Cursed Equipment

 In the blink of an eye, in the town, a blood-stained shiny golden man was walking unsteadily. Even without seeing his blood-red eyes or the veins that stood out like lightning, it was clear at a glance that he had lost his sanity.

 Every time he swung the red and black sword in his hand, buildings were blown away by shockwaves. His overwhelming attack power was too much to handle. Even the B-rank Gold Sword that the golden man was using seemed to be as powerful as a toy.

 "Darn it! Of all things, he had to touch troublesome cursed equipment...!"

 Mr. Yabuki clicked his tongue and touched the sword and shield that were lying beside him. The soul contract with the equipment was completed immediately, and he equipped them in an instant. As expected of a former B-rank adventurer, the equipment did not reject him.

 "It may not be of great quality, but it's better than nothing. Well then, I won't run away."

 As Mr. Yabuki stood up, he reached out a hand to me, who was still trembling.

 "Running away... wouldn't it be better to hide?"

 "Do you want to be crushed under hidden debris?"


 I couldn't see a way to escape or hide.

 As my sanity slowly returned, despair filled my mind. The more I calmed down, the more I calculated, the more impossible it seemed to survive in this situation.

 Perhaps seeing my distress, Mr. Yabuki smiled encouragingly.

 "Don't worry. I've been through many tough situations like this. Getting involved in trouble with cursed equipment is nothing new to me."

 "...Mr. Yabuki."

 For the first time, Mr. Yabuki seemed so reliable.

 If I followed this person, I would surely be saved.

 With that conviction, I tried to reach out and grab Mr. Yabuki's hand――



 At first, I didn't understand the sound.

 But then, I couldn't comprehend what was happening.

 Why was Mr. Yabuki's hand... on the ground?

 Tentatively, I raised my head to check.

 The evening sky came into view.

 ――Mr. Yabuki's upper half was missing.

 For some reason, I felt like I needed to find him quickly.

 But, no matter where I looked... he was gone. He had disappeared. Despite his large body, he vanished in an instant.

 As I pondered this, the remaining part of Mr. Yabuki swayed and fell to the ground with a thud. Warm blood splattered all over me.

 With that, everything fell silent.

 The town fell into a deathly silence――


 Suddenly, there was a noise from behind.


 It sounded like the noise of leather shoes hitting the ground.


 The footsteps were getting closer.




 The sound was almost there.


 Right behind me, the sound stopped.


 I seemed to have stopped.

 Fearfully, I turned around.


 ――A man was staring at me intently.

 His emotionless face was so close that our noses almost touched.


 I couldn't even scream.

 My whole body stiffened, and I couldn't move a finger.

 From the man's face, devoid of any expression, I couldn't read any emotion.

 But, with eyes wide open like they were about to pop out, they stared at me. In those smooth, red eyes, my crumpled face was reflected.

 In the man's hand, the red and black sword was still gripped.

 Upon closer inspection, the sword was pulsating, throbbing as if in joy at the sight of its prey. The red blade glistened with a wet, sticky sheen, like a beast's tongue covered in saliva.


 My voice still wouldn't come out. It seemed like I had forgotten how to speak, only able to gasp with my mouth agape.

 The man's expressionless face drew even closer. Our eyes were almost touching.

 Maintaining that distance, the man slowly raised the sword.

 In the corner of my vision, I saw it and gasped.

 ――I'm going to die.

 At that moment, my body moved on its own.

 It wasn't that I wanted to live, I just wanted to escape.

 I was thrown forward as if pushed, rolling awkwardly on the ground.

 That action ultimately saved my life.


 The sword swung down ―― and the place where I had been just a second ago vanished in an instant.

 A huge crater was pierced. Whether the shockwave of the sword had blasted away what remained of Mr. Yabuki, a wet sound could be heard from afar.

 The man seemed to realize immediately that the sword had come off.

 He turned his head around, looking at me again.

 He then brought his face close to mine, staring at me intently. It was as if he was appraising me... hesitating to attack me.

 ...Why doesn't he just kill me right away?

 He killed Mr. Yabuki with just one strike. If he's going to kill, do it in one go. After all, I can't run or hide anymore.

 Thinking that, all resistance drained from my body.

 Oh, I didn't need to dodge the sword. Dodging the sword once would only prolong my life by a few minutes at best. Besides, even if I manage to survive, it's not like I'll lead a great life. If I have to live even a second longer while feeling this fear, it's better to just die quickly.

 I relaxed my whole body, closed my eyes tightly...

 '――Yawn... What, construction noise? It's so loud, I woke up.'

 Suddenly, a misplaced girl's voice could be heard from below.

 I thought it was an auditory hallucination. However, the voice came again.

 'Wait... What's this!? Something crazy happened while I was napping!? Huh, construction? Is it construction!?'

 It probably wasn't construction.

 'And, it's already evening!? No way, I slept for like 10 hours!?'

 Is that really so surprising?

 'Wait a minute, is this one of those scenarios where you die too? That's not good. Stop it.'

 Even if told to stop, I'm the one in trouble.

 It's really noisy, especially when someone is prepared for death.

 I couldn't ignore the voice anymore, so I opened my eyes.

 Looking down, there was a palm-sized black-haired doll at my feet.

 It was the one displayed in Mr. Yabuki's armory.

 The birdcage it was in seemed to have broken, and the doll lay flat on the ground. It didn't move like a doll should. However, I noticed that its expression was subtly changing.

 'Wow... Unbelievable. If you die too, I'll be left alone forever.'

 The voice seemed to come from the doll.

 'Hey, you! What are you spacing out for!'

 "Uh, sorry."

 The voice that came out after a long time was an apology. The ingrained habit of apologizing in my life was showing even in this situation. It's embarrassing to apologize to a doll.

 'You, equip me!'


 'I said equip me!'


 She might indeed be something to equip. But I can't equip normal armor. No, I don't think she's a normal piece of armor either.

 'What? You don't know how to equip? Don't worry! I'm cursed equipment! Easy to equip with just one touch, even for beginners!'

 "Cursed... equipment?"

 'That's right! Now, come on if you understand! Touching is free right now!'

 It seems it's usually a paid service.

 'Come on, what's wrong? Could it be... you're not satisfied with just touching?'

 "No, it doesn't make sense to go beyond touching with a doll... I mean, not like that."

 I swallowed hard.

 In front of me was the cursed equipment (self-proclaimed). It was the cursed equipment I had wanted so badly. It was equipment that even I could equip.

 Yet, my hands trembled and refused to move.

 Maybe I'm scared of the cursed equipment. Because I've seen a real cursed equipment. Because I've seen a man driven mad by cursed equipment.

 When I looked ahead, the man was still staring at me intently.

 It's incomprehensible and very scary.

 I don't want to end up like this.

 'Why... are you silent? Don't you want to equip me that much? Would you rather die than equip me?'

 In the red eyes of the doll, a flicker of unease dances.

 'Um, I... I'm sorry for being so forward. Please... I'll pay you, so please touch me. I'm even okay with more than just touching...'

 "No, I'm fine with just touching."

 Because of this doll, all sense of tension had completely disappeared.

 Even though my life is in danger.

 'Ah! Behind you!'


 As I turned around, the man was raising a sword.

 I may not understand the timing of swinging the sword, but I can tell he's fully intent on killing.

 "Whoa!?" 'Eek!?'

 I quickly somersaulted and dodged the sword just like before.

 The sword came down, causing an explosion on the ground.

 Somehow, I managed to avoid it, but the epicenter of the explosion was right where that doll was. The power to destroy Adamant Armor with just the aftermath of an attack. I thought that doll must have been destroyed too... but.


 That doll fell with a soft thud.

 'Hey, that hurts!? This is unbelievable!'

 Is it enough to just say it's unbelievable? Surprisingly tough, this doll.

 'Hey, you!'


 'It's obviously you!'


 Since the face doesn't move, it's hard to tell who I'm talking to. Maybe I'm talking to the man, and if I respond, it might get awkward.

 'You, you avoided it, so that means you want to live!!'


 Come to think of it, did I dodge again?

 Even though I was prepared to die.

 'If you want to live, equip me!'

 "...If I want to live?"

 It's like saying that if I equip this doll, I can beat that incredibly powerful sword.

 I looked at the man. At this rate, I'll eventually be killed by this man's sword. It's been somewhat of a miracle that I've been able to dodge the attacks so far.

 But, is it really okay to be killed like this? Is it okay to end my life in the worst way possible? Didn't I want to become a hero?

 ――And when we meet again someday... please, help me?

 Is it okay to end without meeting the owner of that voice?

 "...Yeah, you're right."

 If I can live... I want to live.

 So, I reach out towards the doll.

 As if seeking the hope that lies beyond that doll.


 'Um, maybe... can I take a shower after?'

 ――I touched the doll.

 At that moment, the world twisted violently.


 Electricity surged through my veins, raging within me.

 The pain was so intense that it felt like my body was about to burst from the inside.

 And finally, in my mind, information exploded.

 - Cursed Doll - Juju Wala Doll [Curse]

 ...A doll that curses its owner. No matter how many times you throw it away, it always ends up by your side. One of the "Seven Dolls."

 Rank: ? ? ?

 Type: Accessory

 Effect: Love Plunder (stealing cursed equipment from others)

 Cost: Luck = 0

 "W-What is this...?"

 With so many unknowns, my head couldn't keep up.

 For now, is this the feeling of equipping armor? When one equip armor, their soul and body are reconstructed to match that armor. The intense pain just now must be the reason for that.

 "I see, this is equipping..."

 Finally, I obtained my equipment.

 'Alright, I can move now! Yay! Joyful straight punch! Pow! Pow!'

 ...Hmm, I can't really immerse myself in the moment.

 I don't know if it's because of the equipment, but the doll that was motionless until a moment ago was now bouncing around energetically. It's quite annoying. I already feel like taking off the equipment, but cursed equipment can't be removed.

 "Um, Juju?"

 According to the information that just flowed into my head, that seems to be the name of this doll.

 When I called out the name, Juju stopped moving abruptly and furrowed her brow.

 'Calling me by my name already? Just because you equipped me, you're acting like my boyfriend?'

 "I didn't mean it like that... Should I call you Miss Juju?"

 'Why are you being so informal!'


 This doll is such a hassle.

 'Anyway, have you understood my power?'

 "Um, is it this 'Love Plunder' thing?"

 'Yes. You should be able to understand by reading the manual... My ability warps the laws of this world ―― the equipment system.'

 Certainly, the concept of 'stealing equipment' and 'removing cursed equipment' are both things that are impossible within the equipment system.

 'If you are prepared to use cursed equipment, I can become stronger than any other equipment.'

 Before I knew it, there was a needle in my hand.

 It was a needle made by gathering light in one place.

 It had a clean yet rough appearance――

 divine yet ominous――

 It had a mysterious look as if contradictory elements were coexisting within the needle.

 'Now, if you want to live, stab my heart with that needle!'

 Juju floated in the air, arms wide open. It was as if she was waiting for an embrace from a loved one, her chest exposed vulnerably. Stabbing a needle there felt uncomfortable even if the opponent was a doll...


 But with the man moving again, there was no time to hesitate.

 The man raised his sword. It seemed unavoidable now.

 "Oh, whatever! Bring it on!"

 'Alright, here I go!'

 Desperately, I stabbed Juju with the needle.

 The needle entered Juju's body almost effortlessly.

 'Here it comes! This is it! I've been waiting for this!'

 With a crazy laughter, Juju's body began to distort.

 The surroundings mixed up, and my whole body felt like spinning.

 My brain shook violently, not knowing which way was up or down.

 Amidst this chaos, I felt something in my right hand――


 When I came to, my vision had returned to normal.

 The sun had set deeper than before.

 Golden armor fragments were scattered at my feet.

 In my hand, there was a dark red sword...

 'Oh, are you back to your senses at last?'

 Turning towards the voice, I saw Juju sitting on the rubble nearby. She seemed bored, swinging her legs.

 "What in the world..."

 As I muttered, my head throbbed as if splitting open.

 Along with the pain, information appeared in my mind.

 - Bloodsucker Blade [Curse]

 ...A dark red pulsating demonic sword. The more enemies you defeat, the more it absorbs their blood, increasing its attack power. When drawn from its sheath, it takes over the wielder's mind, making them kill both enemies and allies. Hence, it's also known as the "Sword of Slaughter."

 Rank: SSS

 Type: Weapon (Sword)

 Effect: Attack Power +16,300

 Bloodsucking (Increases weapon attack power by the attack power of creatures defeated with this sword)

 Cost: Drawing the sword from its sheath triggers a "Berserk" state. Until all living beings in sight are killed in this state, the wielder cannot regain sanity. If not fed blood daily, the sword goes berserk, killing the wielder and draining their blood.

 ...Is this information about the sword?

 "SSS rank...? Attack power, 16,300...?"

 It was a description that was unthinkable according to common sense up until now. The world's highest rank was supposed to be A, and even the attack power of a holy sword was around 500. The difference was staggering.

 'Hmm? This cursed equipment is a pretty strong sword. And... it's still growing, you know.'

 "...I see."

 Even now, it had enough attack power to destroy a town with a single swing.

 If it were to grow further, what would happen?

 I couldn't even imagine.

 Casually, I raised the sword in front of me.

 The dark red blade pulsated.

 Now, it shone brilliantly, reflecting the light of the setting sun.

 "...It's beautiful."

 Unconsciously, those words escaped my lips.

 I had found the sword eerie before, but now, it seemed more beautiful than any equipment I had ever seen. Even more so than the Adamant Armor I had longed for... overwhelmingly so.

 "This is my equipment..."

 I couldn't believe it, but it was the truth.

 With that realization, waves of joy washed over me.


 Tears fell.

 Finally, I could equip armor too...

 'Huh? Your reaction seems different from before. Are you hurt?'


 'Well, it's all good.'

 Juju smiled softly.

 'You are no longer "Noroa the Zero."'


 I wondered how she knew, but she probably learned my information when I equipped the sword, just like I did with her information.

 'You will become stronger than anyone else in the future. You can become the strongest in the world.'

 "The strongest in the world?"

 'Yes! Demon Lord? Hero? Those guys will all be defeated in just one round.'

 "I see, maybe..."

 I looked at the sword in my hand, but I didn't really feel it.

 The mentality of being a loser may have deeply ingrained in my heart.

 Still, a feeling of 'maybe...' welled up within me.

 ――Little ××× can become stronger than anyone in this world. Surely, even more than me.

 Someone said deep in my memory.

 If I can believe those words.

 Maybe, I can become a hero I've always admired.

 No, not just a hero――

 '---You can become anything now!'


 In front of Juju's words and her smile, I couldn't say anything.

 My words got stuck, my eyes welled up, and my mind became chaotic.

 Ah... Today, too many things happened in just one day.

 I lost to a skeleton, cried, gave up on becoming an adventurer... then suddenly the town was blown away, Mr. Yabuki was killed, I almost died, ended up equipping Juju, got a sword called Bloodsucker Blade...

 I might have experienced a lifetime of emotional ups and downs in just one day.

 Through such a tumultuous day, there was one thing I understood.

 ――Equipment determines your life.

 That statement is absolutely true.

 Noroa Rator, Adventurer Level 10

 HP: 74

 MP: 15

 Attack: 12 (Drawn, 16312)

 Defense: 14

 Agility: 17

 Magic: 17

 Luck: 0

 Equipment Slots = 9999

 - Weapon

 Right Hand: Bloodsucker Blade [Curse] (Attack + 16300)

 - Armor


 - Accessories

 1: ■■■■ [Curse] (Equipment Slots = 9999)

 2: Cursed Doll [Curse] (Luck = 0)

 ~Bonus: Gold Man's Status~

 Juma Bolt, Adventurer Level 34

 HP: 194

 MP: 27

 Attack: 30 (Drawn, 240)

 Defense: 243

 Agility: 40

 Magic: 24

 Luck: 31

 Equipment Slots = 3

 - Weapon

 Right Hand: Gold Sword (Attack + 210)

 - Armor

 Shield: Gold Shield (Defense + 120)

 Armor: Gold Armor (HP + 100, Defense + 100)

 - Accessories


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