Wednesday, June 26, 2024 @

Volume 14 Chapter 4 Holy City Patrol

Volume 14 Chapter 4 Holy City Patrol

 After the Ravuri Live (also known as Love Live).

 I'm wearing the white uniform of an Inquisitor, walking around the city with Ravuri.

 This is a patrol for investigating curses. Even though the city has been peaceful lately, we never know when a monster might attack.

 I can't let my guard down....

 "――Noo, Noo Where are we going next? As the one-day tourism ambassador, Rav will guide you to various lovely spots♪ For now, should we go to a famous tourist spot or take a gourmet tour? I know a lot of lovely hidden gems, but...ah, if it's gourmet, the holy city's fish dishes are lovely Every shop is lovely, so it's hard to choose, but getting lost like that is also part of the fun of sightseeing, right?"

 "...yeah, that's right."

 This is no good, there's not a single shred of tension. She's supposed to be in a position where her life is being targeted, but this girl....

 'You're not taking this seriously, are you? We can't be sightseeing right now.'

 Juju, who's being carried by Ravuri, suddenly speaks up. For a moment, I thought she said something surprisingly sensible.

 'But looking at famous spots won't fill my belly !Let's go eat some fish first Fish!'

 It's back to normal.

 "No...I'm just saying, but we're on patrol right now."

 'Aw, don't you know? Patrol means "city stroll"!'

 "Noo, you're too old fashioned♪."


 "Do you think you can fool me with just the two of you?"

 'So, what do you want to do now?'

 "Anyway, just patrol the holy city and that's it."

 'It's still not a city stroll.'

 "I've also been asked to try to find Mars's location during our patrol breaks."

 The Inquisitors have been searching for Mars for about 3 days now, but it seems like Mars is one step ahead. Despite not having any authority, he's able to hide skillfully in the city.

 As for me, I also want to find Mars quickly because of the time limit on my Compass Eye.

 I'm also curious about Mars' friends.

 "Anyway, we might find some clues about the enemy today... Let's patrol the streets and see if we can find any suspicious people."

 "When you say suspicious people, is those guys?"

 Ravuri pointed to a figure lurking in the shadows. When I turned to look, the figure quickly hid their face.

 Ah, yeah... that's definitely a suspicious person.

 '...We found one right away, didn't we?'

 "Yay♪ Ravuri's the best♪"

 "No, this isn't something to be happy about."

 I hurriedly chased after the suspicious person, but it was no use. I lost them.

 "They're really fast."

 They're probably using equipment to boost their Agility.

 "By the way, Ravuri, didn't you say something about a stalker before?"

 "Yes, lovely♪"

 "It's not lovely at all, but can you tell me more about that stalker?"

 Ravuri, who's being targeted by the "Cursed Users".

 I don't think they're just following Ravuri around. I might be able to get some clues about the curse.

 "What about the stalker? Well, I don't know much about it either... I try to look back, but they always hide in the shadows, so I've never seen their face..."

 "I see."

 "At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but it kept happening every day! Then, I started to feel like I was being watched everywhere I went!"


 "Sometimes, I think I saw them wearing a 'Lovely Rav Life' T-shirt...♪"

 "What's that?"

 "Don't you know? It's a T-shirt with 'Lovely Rav Life' written on it The design is lovely♪"

 '...I guess it's not just a normal stalker, huh?'

 "I've been thinking the same thing."

 I raised my arm to shield my face from the sun, gazing up at the sky.

 The sky was a deep blue, and the sunlight was pouring down.

 Yeah, it's summer now.

 "Summer is the season when weirdos come out, after all... It's really annoying."

 'Noroa, do you have a mirror? Can you take a look at yourself?'


 Juju suddenly said something weird.

 Maybe it's because of the heat... no, it's just Juju being Juju.

 "Anyway, let's catch the stalker. It's better to lock them up, regardless of whether they're related to the curse or not."

 "Let's keep them in a cage and raise them, okay♪"

 "They won't be raised."

 "That's a lovely joke, okay♪"

 'Hahahahahaha! Uwaaaah! My stomach hurts, I'm gonna die!'

 Juju was impressed.

 "Anyway, how are we going to find that stalker?"

 'Let's search with Compass Eye!'

 "No way... Compass Eye (Ra Shingan) is inconvenient to use in the city."

 And if I can't find the stalker within 7 days, I'll die without a word.

 I hate the idea of dying because of a stalker.

 "For now, let's think about how to find the stalker... Maybe we should follow Ravuri's usual behavior pattern."

 "Aww, that's too bad! Rav doesn't have a usual behavior pattern!"

 "I knew that."

 "Rav lives life according to her lovely sensor! Ah, this lovely sensor is a Rav language, but there are 108 kinds of Rav language like this, and if you can hear all of them, you can get the true lovely♪"

 "Hmm, let's go to the area around the inn where you stayed before."

 "Yeah, let's go!"

 I'm getting used to handling Ravuri.

 Then, I headed to the inn with Ravuri.

 "Kyaa! It's Ravuri!" "She waved at me!" "I'm breathing the same air as Ravuri!" "Are you going to do a live show today?" "Do you want to eat an apple?"

 "Everyone, it's lovely today, isn't it?"

 """YES, IT'S LOVELY!"""

 On the way, we were stopped by Ravuri fans (apparently called Lovelist) who called out to her.

 We couldn't move forward no matter where we went.

 We were completely stuck. It was like I was being trampled by the fans, and I was getting some really scary stares.

 "...You're really popular, aren't you?"

 "Well, I can't beat Jujju... Jujju has 1 million fans nationwide."

 'Well, I'm not a vessel that can be contained in one city.'

 "Where does your confidence come from?"

 Anyway, we really stood out.

 If possible, I wanted to take a bit more covert action, but... well, there's no helping it.

 It took about an hour, but we finally arrived at the inn where Ravuri used to stay.

 It's a white building, just like the ones around it, located in the Level F district.

 "Huh, I didn't expect it to be such an ordinary place. I thought you'd be staying at some VIP-only inn, being royalty and all."

 "Rav is aiming to be a lovely idol, close to the people!"

 'You're going to be a talented individual who'll create a new era. I'll properly produce you, don't worry.'


 Well, since we're inside the holy city, security is tight everywhere, so it shouldn't be a problem even at a cheap inn.

 There are barriers set up all over the city, and Inquisitors, experts in human combat, are patrolling.

 'Why don't you try using Compass Eye around here?'

 "...Well, if it's just a small area."

 I think it's pointless, but I'll give it a shot anyway.

 "'Show me any Ravuri stalkers within a 50-meter radius.'"


 To my surprise, the needle reacted.

 It spun around in my left field of vision, pointing to a spot.

 The spot it was pointing at was... the shade of a nearby building.


 There was someone normally standing there. A stalker.

 Just like before, a person was hiding in the shade of the building.

 "No way... what are you doing?"

 Do they have a learning ability of 0? If you're going to stalk, at least try to hide better. No, it's better not to stalk in the first place.

 The stalker seemed to realize they'd been found out and panicked, hiding again.

 '...What do we do?'

 "Let's chase after them!"

 "Ah, Noo, wait..."

 I started running towards the stalker.

 At that moment, I was so focused on the stalker that I forgot about the threat approaching Ravuri...


 Ravuri let out a scream from behind me.

 I quickly turned around, and from the waterway next to Ravuri, countless monsters appeared.


 They were slimy monsters, like slimes. They were dissolving the stone pavement with their bodily fluids, slowly closing in on Ravuri.

 What the heck, the stalker summoned...?

 No, I don't have time for that now. I'll hurry back to Ravuri's place.

 "Ram!" "Roger!"

 The sword-shaped slime on my arm extends its blade in one swift motion.

 I use it to slash at the sticky monsters, but... it's no good. Even if I cut through their sticky parts, I can't make them flinch.

 Unless I crush their core, I won't be able to defeat them, but it's likely that the sticky monsters will dissolve Ravuri before I can do that.

 First, I need to get Ravuri away from these monsters――.


 And――this time, a figure emerges from behind me.

 It's the stalker from earlier. They're holding a weapon and closing in on Ravuri.

 "This is bad...!"

 Are they going to attack Ravuri directly...? I think, and prepare myself.


 The stalker's large spear pierces one of the monsters.

 They then slam the monster into the water's surface.

 "――Go crazy, Lancebolt!"

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