Thursday, June 27, 2024 @

Volume 14 Chapter 5 Stalker Elimination

Volume 14 Chapter 5 Stalker Elimination

 "――Go crazy, Lancebolt!"

 A shock like a lightning bolt struck the surroundings.

 The blue-white flash scattered everywhere, and by the time it subsided, the monsters were floating on the water's surface, looking like they'd passed out.

 Did Ravuri get protected...? Was it the stalker...?

 No, what's more surprising is...

 "Hey, help me finish them off, Norolish."

 "It's Noroa, I mean... are you really Mr. Sein?"

 "Ah, it's the usual person."

 Ravuri, who had returned to normal, pointed at Mr. Sein.

 "The usual person?"

 "You always show up at the right time to save me from monsters."


 Come to think of it, Ravuri had said something like that before. That someone from the Inquisition always happened to save her from monsters.

 So, that Inquisitor was Mr. Sein, huh?

 "I was going to thank you, but you always run away quickly, and I wondered why you always happened to be there... but, Rav gets it now♪."

 Ravuri smiled brightly, making a gun shape with her fingers.

 "You're the stalker, aren't you?♪."

 "Wait, listen to me."

 Mr. Sein frantically explained.

 "I'm not a stalker! I just wanted to protect you."

 "Protect...? Are you saying you have a bodyguard mission too, Mr. Sein?"

 "No, as a Lovelist, it's only natural to protect Lovely Rav."

 Mr. Sein quickly took off his Inquisitor uniform.

 Underneath, he was wearing a shirt with "Lovely Rav Life" printed on it.

 ――He was Lovelist.

 Ah, yeah... this is the stalker.

 "So, Mr. Sein has been following Ravuri around on his own initiative every day?"

 "Of course."

 'Yeah, let's report this!'

 "No, no! I'm not a stalker! I'm Lovely Rav's knight! I have a mission to protect Lovely Rav!"

 His voice conveyed a strong sense of duty.

 I nodded vigorously when I heard that voice.

 "Yeah, let's report it."


 "Because you're a stalker."

 "What's with me being Lovely Rav's bodyguard while you're good?! That's unfair!"

 "What can I say?"

 "I mean, why aren't I the bodyguard?! I know Lovely Rav way better than you! I can sing all her songs from memory! I've got her height, weight, and 3 sizes memorized I even know what she eats after entering the holy city And yet... why not me?!"

 "Is it because you're a stalker?"

 'Gross, you're like a fan who's pretending to be an idol's boyfriend... that's creepy...'

 "Grr... I'll take you down and become the bodyguard myself!"

 Mr. Sein charged at me.

 But his calm and collected Lancebolt didn't hit me.

 "Take this!"


 Mr. Sein fell to the ground.

 "So, does that mean we can consider the stalker taken care of?"

 'Then let's have a celebration party! And of course, the stalker will foot the bill.'

 "Sounds good, lovely♪."

 Ravuri and Juju were chatting excitedly.

 However... Mr. Sein was supposed to be protecting Ravuri's position.

 So, it didn't seem like he was related to the "Cursed Users". No, there was also the possibility that he was trying to raise Ravuri's favorability ratings...

 "Mr. Sein."

 "...what's up."

 I placed my hand on Mr. Sein's shoulder, who was holding his knees.

 "Just to confirm, you're not involved with the "Cursed Users", right?"

 "You think I'm involved with the 'Cursed Users'? Are you kidding me?"

 "No, I'm not kidding. You might have a motive..."

 "What motive would I have? You think I'd try to impress Ravuri and cooperate with her or something?"

 "You see, you cooperated with Ravuri to show her how good you're."

 "That's not it... ah, your hand..."

 "Don't get any ideas there."

 "Don't worry, I'd never put Lovely Rav in harm's way."


 According to Miss Miimo, Mr. Sein's motivation was "hero worship." So, it's likely that he's calling himself Ravuri's knight because he wants to act like a hero.

 I've heard that he has a strong sense of justice, and he's been trying to protect Ravuri, so it's possible to believe that.

 In fact, thanks to him, Ravuri was able to get help.

 "But, why would the culprit target Ravuri? If I had to think about it... it's like the 'Lovelist' that's lost its reason is trying to make Ravuri the 'eternal beauty' by killing her..."


 "...No, why are you looking at me like that? It's not me. I'm not thinking that."

 "No, it's scary that you can come up with such an idea so quickly."

 Anyway, I should report this to Miss Miimo as a person of interest.

 "Well, I understand that Mr. Sein isn't one of the enemy's accomplices. For now, I'll properly guard Ravuri, so Mr. Sein can relax and stop stalking her."

 "So, I'm telling you! I'm not a stalker Besides..."

 Mr. Sein glared at me, his face red with anger.

 "You're the one who can't even protect Ravuri!"

 "Huh? I'm always with Ravuri when she goes out."

 "That's not true! Ravuri still goes out alone all the time!"


 "If you're going to be her guard, then protect her properly! You're not doing your job, so I had to take your place and guard her instead... don't you understand that!?"


 Ravuri is going out alone, huh.

 She must be aware of the danger too.

 So, is she hiding something from me and doing something on her own...?

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