Wednesday, June 26, 2024 @

Volume 14 Chapter 3 Love Live!

Volume 14 Chapter 3 Love Live!

 "――Everyone! Are we lovely today too?"


 It's been a few days since I started working as Ravuri's bodyguard.

 Today, I'm not just a bodyguard, but I'm also helping out with the live concert from backstage.

 I'm basically treated like a security guard, but sometimes I help out with the stage equipment too.

 "Ah, the lighting equipment is really something else, isn't it? Even the C-rank ones are impressive. Can I give it a hug?"

 "Huh, you want to hug it...?"

 "Wow, the sound equipment over here is so cute too! Can I give it a hug?"

 "You really love hugging things, don't you..."

 'Hey, Noroa! If you have time to fawn over the equipment, then help me out over here!'

 "Uh, I'll help..."


 There are so many industry-level equipment that I don't usually get to see, and I got a bit too excited.

 I hurriedly returned to Juju and the others.

 But, even so...

 "...What's the point of being a bodyguard, anyway?"

 I realized that for the past 2 days, I've been doing all sorts of miscellaneous tasks like setting up the stage and directing traffic... and it feels like I'm just doing ordinary chores.

 "It's been a while since I've been a lackey."

 "Are you a lackey?" "...Are you being treated like one?"

 "I don't think so..."

 My confidence is starting to waver.

 "Hey, cheer up, Sir Noroa. Even a lackey like you can be interesting, right?"

 "Thanks, Cirrul. I appreciate your enthusiasm."

 I slumped my shoulders and looked towards the audience seats.

 There aren't many entertainment options in this holy city, or maybe people just want to blow away the dark mood caused by the curse... but Ravuri's live concert (also known as Love Live) has attracted a huge crowd of fans.

 Every time Ravuri says something, the crowd cheers in response.

 I'm reminded once again of Ravuri's immense popularity.

 "Ah, Sir Noroa... is everything okay with the safety check?"

 "Don't worry about it."

 I've been checking with Compass Eye from earlier, and for now, there don't seem to be any suspicious people or monsters around. I probably won't be needed as a bodyguard for a while.

 "Peaceful, isn't it?"

 It's been about 2 days since Mars and the others haven't been moving much. I guess it's because the Inquisitor's search has become stricter. The monsters have also become quiet, almost as if they're on a 2-day weekend.

 Even though we're doing this live show, the real reason is to observe the enemy's movements, but it's mostly for Ravuri and the citizens to take a break.

 "...It's like the calm before the storm, but I hope it stays like this..."

 I'm doing some backstage work while watching Ravuri on stage.

 She's a lively girl with pink hair, dancing and singing with all her might.

 Just watching her makes me feel happy too.

 She may look carefree usually, but Ravuri's singing and dancing are actually quite professional. She must really love music and be working hard at it.

 I haven't really experienced this kind of entertainment before...

 "What's wrong, Sir Noroa?"

 "Ah, no...I think this kind of thing is pretty interesting too..."

 "Wh-what?!" 'Ow, that hurts!!'

 Cirrul dropped the tool she was holding, and it hit Juju's head, who was standing below...oh well, it's okay.

 "Sir Noroa's also a Ravuri fan? A member of the Lovelist? This is a serious situation...no, this is the time to turn a pinch into a chance, I...!"

 "What's wrong?"

 "No, Sir Noroa!"

 Cirrul looked up with determination.


 She gave a peace sign sideways.

 "Eh...what's going on all of a sudden?"

 "......Forget what just happened."


 Lately, there have been a lot of things happening, and Cirrul might be tired too.

 While we were chatting, Ravuri seemed to have taken a break.

 "Everyone, you must be tired♪ Lovely♪."

 "Ravuri's tired too."

 When I handed her a drink, she gulped it down in one go. She's really thirsty.

 "Fuuh, Lovely..."

 Ravuri collapsed onto the chair, her face showing clear signs of exhaustion.

 "Rav, are you okay? The live show isn't over yet..."

 'Isn't that overwork? You've hardly taken any breaks...'

 "Un-un, it's tough, but it's lovely, so I feel like I'm living freely♪."

 Ravuri laughed, "Hehehe", and said.

 "Ah, the Love Call is ringing♪ I should get back on stage soon!"

 Ravuri held a case with various instruments in both arms.

 "Ah, it's time for the instrument performance, right?"

 "That's right♪ It's a regular part of Love Live!"

 Ravuri was about to show off her skills with various instruments.

 She probably wanted to take a break from singing and rest her tired throat. But whether she could really rest or not was a mystery....

 "If your voice is tired, just play an instrument, that's fine♪."

 "Did you suddenly enter training mode or something?"

 "I want to do everything lovely♪ It's impossible for me to choose just one, so I won't♪."

 Saying that, she went back on stage with a "thud-thud" sound.

 "I'm busy, you know."

 "It looks like she's having fun, though."

 Ravuri on stage looked like she was really having fun. She seemed to be singing from the bottom of her heart, celebrating her freedom. If possible, I wanted her to keep smiling like that....

 Suddenly, I remembered what Miss Fuuko said a few days ago.

 Ravuri was attacked by Evil Bear in the Town of Mahariji area.

 That happened about 3 months ago. That means Ravuri has been living in fear of monsters for at least 3 months.

 And before Miss Fuuko left me, she said.

 ――At that time, Ravuri Forte was supposed to ask for your help, but she didn't... Maybe she was scared of you?

 ――Because of that, her story took a big turn, didn't it?

 "...Ravuri is in danger of being killed, and it's probably because of me too..."

 'Don't overthink it. You don't have to take responsibility.'

 "Is that so?"

 Anyway... to make sure Ravuri can keep smiling, we need to solve the curse quickly.

 If we wait until the "Cursed Users" make their move, it'll be too late. We've already identified the culprit, the "Cursed Users", so the problem is how to resolve this curse. The answer to that was still unknown.

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