Monday, June 24, 2024 @

Volume 13 Chapter 1 Invited to Parasite Palace

Volume 13 Chapter 1 Invited To Parasite Palace

 "――Wow, it's so spacious♪ Lovely♪"

 As soon as we entered Parasite Palace, Ravuri started running around excitedly.

 "This is an amazing mansion! Can Rav really live here from today on!?"

 "Well... it's more convenient for me to guard you here, anyway. It's safer this way."

 After I received Ravuri's request for protection, I invited her to Parasite Palace.

 Ravuri is a key figure in the holy city's curse disaster. She's one of the reasons monsters are being summoned to the holy city, and she's also an important clue to finding the "Cursed Users".

 As an Inquisitor, I didn't want to let her out of my sight, and since it's more dangerous for her outside the holy city, the Holy Kingdom officially decided to protect her, and I became her bodyguard.

 However, it's impossible to always be on guard. Even doing night watches is tough.

 So, I borrowed an empty plot of land in the holy city and set up Parasite Palace.

 This portable "My Home" is actually a dungeon, boasting absolute security against humans and monsters alike.

 "...As expected, you're still pulling out amazing cursed equipment left and right."

 Miss Miimo looked stunned.

 "Just how many cursed equipment do you have?"

 "I have over 10 equipped."

 "...They say the maximum equipment slots are 7, but you just broke through that limit like it was nothing. You're really living life on the edge, aren't you? That's just... wow."

 "Lately, I've been trying to choose equipment with lower costs. Honestly, I welcome any cost, but since I only have one life, I can't be too reckless... so I want to at least equip the ones with lower costs."

 "I see... You're a bit of a weirdo, aren't you?"


 "Never mind."

 Somehow, I feel like I've been insulted, but I'm probably just being paranoid.

 "Anyway, I have work, so I'll head back... I can count on you to take care of Princess Ravuri, right?"

 "Yes, leave it to me."

 Miss Miimo quickly exits.

 As the Inquisitor, she's always busy, after all.

 Yeah... she didn't just dump her troubles on me and run away, did she?

 Just as Miimo-san was leaving, somone said.

 "...And again, you're bringing home a new girl?"

 The landlord, Kuku, emerges from the bed.

 The ghost girl who appears and disappears at will. Is she still half asleep today, covering her eyes with her pajama sleeves?


 I'm suddenly grabbed by Ravuri's shoulder.

 "Noo... You mean me?"

 "Noo is Noo! But what's with this lovely girl?!"


 Ravuri quickly starts teasing Kuku.

 Kuku, who's suddenly being pestered, looks surprised for once.

 "You came out of the bed, and your body is transparent, so you're a ghost, right? Rav's eyes can't be deceived! Although, this is the first time Rav has seen a ghost... But anyway, Ghosty, let's get lovely! Ah, no, not that lovely, but this lovely! Yeah, yeah, you've become a lovely with great potential! Now, Rav and you are friends! We'll be friends until death do us part... Although, one of us is already dead, but that's okay Hehe♪"


 "...Kuku, I understand how you feel, but don't suddenly fade away like that."

 "...What's with this person... She's scary."

 Kuku looks terrified.

 'You're really something, scaring a ghost on your first meeting...'

 "Usually, she the one who was intimidating, though."

 Juju and Cirrul exchange a weird glance.

 "So, Noo, who is this kid?"

 "This is Kuku. She's like the owner of this mansion, I guess."

 "Ah, nice to meet you, Kukku!"


 "Ah, from today on, Rav will be living here too, so it's like we're friends or family now, right? So, do ghosts eat cookies? I just bought some at the food stall, but... yeah, Jujju ate them all, haha! What were we talking about again? Ah, self-introductions! Rav's name is... and I just remembered, they say that the first 2 seconds of an interview decide a person's evaluation, so the key to self-introductions is..."

 "...and, Kuku. This girl is Ravuri."

 "...is this something we're supposed to do? A duty?"

 "Well, I guess we'll be living together for a while, so..."

 "...it's tough being a grown-up."

 Kuku made a sour face.

 "Ah, yeah, Kukku! From now on, can I be a bit noisy?"

 "Ma... maybe, if you get any noisier than this..."

 "Ah, when I say noisy, I don't mean annoying noise, okay? Rav is actually really good at drumming, and stuff like that! Not that kind of noise, but, you know, creative noise, like an art of noise, and some people might not like that, so I want to make sure it's okay with everyone before I play, but what do you think? Can I be noisy?"

 "Mm, my house is soundproof... and maybe, playing instruments will actually make it quieter..."

 "Kukku, I love youuu! Love-ly♪"


 Ravuri tries to hug Kuku, but Kuku dodges.

 "I've decided! Rav will live here forever♪"


 Kuku looks at me with pleading eyes, but sorry, I can't stop her.

 "Rav, living forever is impossible. You're a princess, and Sir Noroa is on a journey, so..."

 "Then, Rav will marry Noo~♪"


 Cirrul's voice becomes colder than ever.

 For some reason, her smile is scary. And the atmosphere is heavy.

 I try to change the mood by clearing my throat.

 "Anyway, let's have dinner a bit early, I guess..."

* * *

 Noroa and the others had just entered the holy city, and the first day was already over in the blink of an eye. Outside the window, it had already become as dark as if a black curtain had been drawn.


 Cirrul was sitting on her bed in her room, brushing her hair while humming a tune, when suddenly the door burst open.

 "Cil, let's sleep together!"


 It was Ravuri.

 Without waiting for Cirrul's response, she jumped into the room and dove straight onto the bed.

 "So fluffy♪"

 She snuggled up to Cirrul's pillow, looking pleased with herself.

 "Uh, Rav, that's my bed..."

 "Look, there's a lizard!"


 "Just kidding! I'm still not good with lizards, though."

 "But, but, it's so dragon-like..."

 "Kyahaha♪ Cil, you're so lovable♪"

 "Ah, please don't hug me so suddenly."

 "It's okay, it's okay♪"


 The skinship was intense, and Cirrul felt a bit bewildered.

 But then Ravuri suddenly became serious.

 "Hmm... it's been a while since we've talked like this."

 She started talking in a gentle tone.

 "Yeah, it's been a while. About 5 years, I think."

 "5 years, huh. It feels like it's been that long."

 It was 5 years ago that Cirrul was chosen as the Saint of Sunpool by the Holy King.

 Since then, she had been busy and couldn't leave Sunpool.

 But now that they were meeting again... because Ravuri's behavior seemed so childish, it didn't feel like they hadn't seen each other in years.

 "I never thought Cil would be in the holy city. I heard you went to Sunpool and got kidnapped by a dragon..."


 "By the way, Rav... I also participated in the dragon extermination squad. I actually fought the dragon. It got away though."

 "...Yeah, that's right."

 She said it casually, but it wasn't something a princess of a country would do. She was a bit too reckless.

 "Really, I'm glad you're safe. But what happened to you, Cil?"


 She hesitated for a moment.

 "To be honest... the story about being kidnapped by a dragon was a lie."

 "A lie? "


 Should she say that she has become a "Cursed User"?

 But if she say it, their current relationship will definitely fall apart.


 "...Actually, I eloped with Sir Noroa."

 "Eloped!? So you're married to Noo?"

 "Yes, I am."

 She declared firmly.

 "We're currently in the midst of a honeymoon."

 "Th-then... Cil has taken a big step into adulthood..."

 Ravuri's face turned bright red with a "hahahaha".

 "I thought Cil would get married before me..."

 "What do you mean 'before me'?"

 "Well, Cil didn't seem like the type to fall in love, and her expectations were too high... She's the type to wait forever for her prince charming."


 "And when she finds her ideal partner, she'll cling to them and make them run away."


 "But Noo cleared Cil's high expectations, didn't he? Good for him, the prince charming. I'm jealous."

 "Well, it's fine, isn't it? Let's not talk about that."

 It's somehow uncomfortable.

 "By the way, Cil... you've changed, haven't you? Maybe it's because you met Noo?"

 "I-I guess so?"

 "You used to be so mischievous, but now you're so... rounded."

 "M-my past is none of your business. And besides, Rav can't talk about other people."

 In the past, she was a more mature kid. She always worried about what others thought and was timid.

 Her love for music hasn't changed, though...

 "...Rav hasn't changed at all. It's everyone else who's changed."



 Ravuri starts to doze off.

 Today was eventful, so it's no wonder she's tired.

 "Hey, Cil."

 She mumbles in a sleepy voice.

 "Are you happy now?"



 She smiles, looking relieved.

 "...I wonder if I'll be happy like that someday too?"

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