Monday, June 24, 2024 @

Volume 12 Chapter 11 The Princess's Bodyguard Request

Volume 12 Chapter 11 The Princess's Bodyguard Request

 "――Well, Princess Ravuri. Let's talk about what happened earlier."

 After the monster attack incident in the plaza, we took Ravuri to a nearby café.

 "Earlier incident" refers to the monsters clearly targeting Ravuri. Since we don't know when the monsters will attack again, the Inquisitors are on high alert around the café.

 "Do you know that monsters are appearing in large numbers in this holy city? And they're specifically targeting you. Don't you have any idea why――"

 "Hee~, Jujju can talk Lovely♪"

 'Hmph. What are you looking at, you silly girl? I'll tell you, but trying to win me over with that fake cuteness won't work. Well, I can be cute too, but...'

 "Really? You can be cute too? Amazing, Jujju! I thought you were different from the start! Ah, teach me how to do it! I'll share my love pancake with you!"

 '...Fine. I'll make you my first disciple.'

 "Yes, Master! I'll follow you for life!"

 "...Are you guys listening to my conversation?"

 "Ah, this pancake is really delicious. I might get addicted..."

 "You think so? I thought Cil would like it too! Cil always eats weird stuff... Ah, want to try some of mine too?"

 "Thank you!"

 "Ram wants a bite too!" "...And please give some to Sui too."

 "Of course, the twin girls are welcome too! Come on, come on~♪ Oh, both of you are so cute! So lovely~♪"

 'Let's eat together then! I want to try all sorts of flavors!'

 "That's a great idea! An idea to make the world lovely♪"


 The girls chattering away.

 Miss Miimo, left behind.

 "...Ah, um... Listen to my story, Princess..."

 "I'm listening, I'm listening! Miss Miimo's story is really fun!"

 "...Ah, thank you."

 Miss Miimo slumped her shoulders.

 However, Ravuri was just attacked by a monster, yet she's still so carefree. Even now, she might be attacked at any moment, but she's got guts or something... or maybe she just doesn't have a sense of crisis.

 "Hey, Mii, what's wrong? You're feeling down? Cheer up, and I'll listen to whatever you want to talk about. Go ahead, tell this Big Sister Rav anything!"

 "...Thanks for your concern. Can we get back to the story, Princess?"

 "What story? The one about giving rice to chickens and their egg yolks turning white? That's a lovely story, and I think it's something Ravuri would like to see too... Ah, speaking of eggs, Cil, remember when you wanted to raise chicks during summer break and cried about it..."

 "Wait, stop! That's not the story we're talking about!"

 "Did Big Sister Sil cry?" "...Did she really cry?"

 'That's hilarious! Let's spread it all over town!'

 ...The conversation isn't going anywhere.

 "Um, princess... I want to talk about the time you were attacked by a monster."

 "That story?"

 "Yeah. Do you remember anything about it?"

 "Hmm... I didn't really think much of it, just that I got attacked a lot. And every time, the Inquisitor people helped me out."

 "Rav, you were doing live shows in that state?"

 Cirrul is stunned.

 That's really amazing.

 "Yeah, Cil, by the way... I think I have a stalker lately."

 "Huh? A stalker?"

 "They've been following me around everywhere lately, Cil. I thought maybe it was a fan looking out for me, so I didn't think much of it..."

 "I think you should take that seriously..."

 A stalker, huh? Maybe that's important information. But in Ravuri's case, it's probably just a normal stalker.

 "For now... I don't think we can get any more information out of her."

 Miss Miimo slumped her shoulders again.

 "...I thought I finally got close to the core of the curse, but I didn't get any significant information."

 "Well, Miss Miimo, at least we made one step forward, that's for sure."

 "That's true. Until now, we didn't even know what the enemy's target was."

 The enemy that's massively spawning monsters.

 Their target is――Ravuri.

 "We thought they were always after Holy King, but...if I think about it, Holy King never leaves the top floor of the Great Holy Castle. Even if monsters can ignore the barrier, it's impossible for aquatic monsters to reach Holy King's location..."

 "But what's their motive for targeting Ravuri?"

 "There are 3 possible reasons, I think. Personal grudge, power struggle, or...creating an excuse to attack Holy Kingdom."

 "Eh, it can't be the first one! Ravuri is a lovely idol loved by everyone! It's probably the third one!"

 'Is that so? Detective Juju thinks it's because of a woman's jealousy.'

 "Then I'll take the middle road and say it's the second one."

 "It's nicely divided, Rav... let's decide with a fair lottery then!"

 "Agreed♪ As expected of Cil, you're so clever!"

 "No... this isn't a quiz."

 Yeah...it's no good, I don't know.

 I thought I could narrow down the culprit by thinking about their motive. But when cursed equipment is involved, the means can be anything, and...

 In that case, it's better to directly investigate the culprit.

 I'll secretly use my left eye's Compass Eye.

 "Show me the person inside the holy city who's trying to kill Ravuri."

 I'll try using Compass Eye (Ra Shingan) secretly.

 But... there's no response.

 This is a bit unexpected.

 Does it mean the culprit is not inside the holy city? But, there should be an effective range for the equipment's effect, right?...

 "...Noroa, are you listening?"


 And, because I was too caught up in my thoughts, my response was delayed.

 "What were we talking about again, Miss Miimo?"

 "...If even you stop listening, it's really frustrating."


 "Well, anyway, let's talk about what's to come. Princess Ravuri is definitely involved in the massive monster outbreak happening right now. In other words, she's a crucial person. So――"

 Miss Miimo points at me, declaring.

 "――I want to assign you to be her bodyguard."

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