Monday, June 24, 2024 @

Volume 13 Chapter 2 Ravuri's Escape

Volume 13 Chapter 2 Ravuri's Escape

 It's been 2 days since I entered the Holy City.

 Today, I'll officially start guarding Ravuri.

 Ravuri is the most important person in this cursed disaster. Guarding her is a crucial task to resolve the disaster. And if I resolve it, I'll get my hands on that lovely cursed equipment....


 I put on my Inquisitor's white uniform, feeling motivated.

 I headed to the entrance hall with confidence――.

 "...Sir Noroa, Rav is gone."


 The possibility of failing to guard her has already emerged.

 "What's going on...? Was she kidnapped or something? But we're inside Parasite Palace, so it should be safe, right..."

 She shouldn't be attacked by monsters or kidnapped.

 That's why we're keeping her here in Parasite Palace.

 "It's unbelievable that she'd go out alone when her life is in danger..."

 'Is this some kind of hide-and-seek game?'

 "Of course not, are you that foolish?"

 'Hey, am I being made fun of?'

 "More importantly... Kuku, are you here?"

 "...I'm here."

 The ghost girl jumped out from the bed. She didn't seem to be sleeping, and her eyes looked sharp.

 "Is Ravuri still in this mansion?"

 "No, she escaped on her own a while ago."

 "...You're lying."

 I couldn't believe the answer.

 I felt like holding my head in my hands. I knew she had a free-spirited personality, but I didn't expect this.

 'This is a tough start to our guard duty, isn't it?'

 "Yeah, it feels like there are two Jujus now."

 'It's not like you're holding me in both hands or something, it's like a dream scenario.'

 "...This is a real nightmare."

 Anyway, Ravuri could be attacked by monsters at any moment.

 We need to find her as soon as possible....

* * *

 "Show me 'Ravuri Forte'."

 I gave instructions to Compass Eye (Ra Shingan) while running through the Holy City.

 The needle in my left eye spun around and pointed to a single spot. The fact that Compass Eye reacted means Ravuri is still alive ―― in other words, she's safe.


 "I'm still weak in the city, Compass Eye (Ra Shingan)..."

 The sun had already risen high, and the streets were getting crowded. Not to mention the many obstacles like buildings, and with this many people around, searching was getting difficult.


 And then, I saw a familiar face.

 "Mr. Sein!"

 "...Huh? Oh, it's you."

 It was Mr. Sein, the blonde Inquisitor vice-commander.

 As our eyes met, he gave me a refreshing, yet annoyed look.

 "I'm busy. I don't have time to deal with you."

 He must have been patrolling the city.

 Still, it's weird that he's not with any subordinates...

 But that's not the issue right now.

 "Mr. Sein, Ravuri has gone missing!"


 Mr. Sein's eyes widened.

 "...Was she kidnapped?"

 "No, she escaped. It looks like she went somewhere alone."

 "...You're lying, in this situation?"

 'Sorry about that! That's the truth! Peace peace!'

 "Why are you so smug, Juju?"

 "What were you doing? You're her bodyguard, aren't you... damn it."

 He scratched his head, looking irritated.

 "Well, whatever. You, Noroma Peter or something?"

 "I didn't say that."

 "Her clearance level is E. She can't enter areas above level D due to the barrier. I'll have my subordinates search areas up to level F, so Norori-hyon..."


 "...You search the level E areas."

 "Ah, yes."

 "Listen... no matter what, find her, even if it costs your life!"

 Mr. Sein finished speaking and took off running.

 'That guy, he's still a tsundere. Blonde characters are always 2-faced or tsundere, it's a given.'

 "I think that's a pretty extreme statement, though."

 Anyway, having more people to search was a big help. The longer we took, the higher the risk of being attacked by monsters.

 "Alright, let's hurry up and search too!"

 'I want to eat sea urchin instead.'

 "You're not reading the atmosphere."

 And then...

 "Master, over here!" "...Target found!"

 The twins, who had been searching separately, returned.

 "Good job, both of you."

 "That was tough."

 "Ram found it, yeah." "...I won't give up the title of first discoverer."

 "Can we get a guide or something?"

 "Roger that!" "...Understood"

 With the twins as our guides, we rushed to Ravuri's location.

 "What's going on?" "...It's really something"

 "Oh, it's true."

 We managed to solve the mystery of the crowd.

 At the center of it... Ravuri was there.

 Somehow, she was just casually singing on the street like a traveling minstrel, full of energy.

 "Next song, coming up 'Cat's Vomit, Stepped On It'!"

 "Ravuriiii!" "...I've been waiting!" "...Vomit Vomit!"

 ...What's with this excitement.

 It's like a sudden street live performance, and the way the fans gathered is amazing. Rather, why didn't I find this earlier?

 Anyway, it's good that we found it before things got out of hand.



 When I called out to her, she made a face like a mischievous kid who got caught.

 "You found me already!? You're too fast, too fast! I've only sung 2 songs!"

 "More importantly, isn't it dangerous to be alone like that..."


 As I tried to approach Ravuri, the fans blocked my way.

 "What business does the Inquisitor have with our beloved Ravuri?"

 "Uh, no, I'm her bodyguard..."

 "What are you talking about? It's our duty to protect Ravuri!"

 "Even if you say that."

 I realized that the fans surrounding me were staring at me with a mixture of fear and anger.

 Inquisitors are really hated, huh...

 Even if it's just temporary, it's tough when I'm in this situation.

 "Well, I guess it's time to wrap up the singing for today! Everyone, let's keep it lovely♪"

 "Oh, wait!"

 Damn, Ravuri escaped.

 I thought maybe, but... it seems like she's avoiding going with me.

 I try to chase after her in a panic.

 "You're running away, you bastard!"

 No way, the Ravuri fans are a huge nuisance.

 "Ram!" "Aye aye, sir!"

 I transform Ram into a whip and hook it onto the building's protrusion. Then, I pull it in with all my might and jump up to the rooftop. Even the Ravuri fans can't follow me up here.

 "Show me 'Ravuri Forte'!"

 I use Compass Eye to track down Ravuri's location again and run across the rooftop.

 Before long, I spot a barrel in the direction the needle is pointing. It's a barrel placed in a really unnatural location. When I take a closer look, it's moving slightly.

 "Ravuri, come out! I know you're in the barrel!"

 "Eh, you've found me already!? I mean, eh...? Why are you on the rooftop? How did you climb up? What's the view like from up there? Rav is getting curious!"

 No, it's troublesome if she get caught up in that.

 "You're being targeted by a monster! It's dangerous to go out alone!"

 "But, I want some time to myself. Rav wants to live freely."

 ...She's a spoiled princess.

 'This is what they mean by a maiden's heart, right? I get it.'

 "...? Why do you get it?"

 "Eh... because I'm a maiden, too."


 'It's not like I was joking or anything...'

 Anyway, I don't have time to indulge in Juju's playful banter.

 In any case, it's about Ravuri now. She's been lucky so far, so she doesn't realize the gravity of the situation.

 "Let's talk this out. I don't intend to take away your freedom, Ravuri."

 I jump down from the rooftop and approach Ravuri.

 "W-why are you coming closer?"

 "I'm here to protect you."

 "But... isn't it dangerous to be with me? You might get attacked by monsters..."

 "That's not a problem."

 I transform the Slime Sword in my hand into a longsword.

 Then, I swing it at Ravuri――.


 Ravuri is splattered with blood and collapses.

 Behind that girl――plop, plop, and...

 The monsters that were cut down at once sank into the waterway.

 Those were the monsters that were about to attack Ravuri just now.

 "It looks like I'm pretty good at taking down monsters."


 Has Ravuri finally realized that she was being attacked?

 Now, the blood drained from Ravuri's face. I guess I was being a bit too optimistic somewhere.

 "Do you understand how dangerous your situation is now?"

 "...u, yeah."

 "You're being targeted for your life. You've been lucky so far, with the Inquisitor's people helping you at the right time, but that might not always be the case. So, you need a bodyguard."


 "Don't worry about me. I'll also try not to interfere with your private life as much as possible. So..."

 ――I want to protect you.

 I was about to continue when...

 "...wow, impressive. Noroa Rator."


 The sudden applause cut off my words.

 I turned around, and in the depths of the deserted alley, a shady guy was standing.

 His face was hidden in the shadow of his hood, and only the light from his monocle lens was visible.

 He was holding a book with one hand, and on the page... a panorama model of the city, like a pop-up book, was floating...

 'What, what, what a suspicious MAX guy!!'

 "Yeah... sorry, but I thought the same thing."

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