Saturday, June 8, 2024 @

Chapter 87 From Now On

Chapter 87 From Now On

 --The ancient species say that the true identity of the Self-destruction disease people has been chasing all this time is the 'demon king,'" Reinhardt-san said.

 It was an idea I'd never considered, and even after hearing it, I couldn't believe it. But Reinhardt-san and the others seemed convinced.

 "So, the Self-destruction disease was caused by the demon king parasitizing people? The demon king would take the magic from the host and amplify it, causing those symptoms?"

 I couldn't help but lean in towards Reinhardt-san and ask him rapidly. Reinhardt-san didn't change his expression and simply nodded slowly.

 "We've been searching for a cure for the Self-destruction disease, too. That's why I studied synthesis."

 He paused there and glanced at the back door where Iris and the others had left. Was he worried that they might come back?

 "Iris was also supposed to be one of the investigators looking for a cure... But when we noticed your existence, we decided to have her become a Royal Alchemist trainee on short notice."

 I had a hunch about it, but it seems that Iris was a spy sent in by the Rustu people to get close to me. However, I don't know when the Rustu people noticed me, but I only discovered The Drinking Water of the Spirits recently -- in the latter half of my first year as a trainee. So, it would have been very sudden indeed.

 I don't know if Iris being assigned to me was a coincidence or if some force was at work. It's more natural to think the latter, but does that mean there are Rustu people lurking within the castle walls?

 "Right now, the conditions are perfect. You, Laura, have found the "Drinking Water of the Spirits", the Rustu people are in the royal capital as alchemists, and Elvira, the patient, is also staying in the royal capital. We can't miss this golden opportunity."

 I nodded slightly at Reinhardt-san's words. Today, I was brought here by Iris in a hurry, probably so that they wouldn't miss this opportunity.

 Perhaps the Rustu people are trying to seal the demon king once again before he resurrects.

 Reinhardt-san stood up and stood beside me. Then he bowed deeply.

 "I would like to ask for your cooperation, Laura-sensei. For the future of this world."

 "Yes. Of course."

 There is no reason to refuse. Rather, it is reassuring for me to be able to work with the Rustu people.

 I nodded in return, and Reinhardt-san's sharp eyes softened slightly.

 Self-destruction disease -- how do we expel the demon king from Elvira's body and seal him again?

 At first, the ultimate goal was simply to cure the disease so that Elvira could accompany Lukas on his journey. Who would have thought that the goal would change to defeating the demon king himself?

 --Suddenly, the back door was knocked on. Then, Iris suddenly peeked her face through the gap in the door.

 "Are you done talking?"

 Judging from her words, Iris seems to have taken Basilio-san outside suddenly to buy some time.

 I turned to Reinhardt-san. He smiled wryly at her face, then signaled to Sieg-san and Leon-san on either side of him.

 Leon-san approached Iris and seemed to be having a conversation in whispers. But then the back door opened and Basilio-san also entered the room.

 Meanwhile, Sieg-san disappeared into the kitchen, perhaps to prepare more tea. As we passed each other,

 "Let's save the details for tomorrow."

 That seemed to be the end of it for now.

 I understood that and gave up on thinking about the Self-destruction disease for the time being.

 There was still so much I didn't know. There was no need to waste my time and energy trying to figure things out with so little information.

 After that, I started the training that was my original purpose. I used the herbs that Iris and Basilio-san had brought me and did synthesis in a different synthesis room than usual.

 "Hey, how about we have a synthesis competition between Mentor and Laura?"

 "Don't be ridiculous, Iris. Synthesis isn't something to compete about."

 "Oh, come on! My mentor looks frivolous on the outside, but he's actually serious inside!."


 We repeated the synthesis process in a lively atmosphere, and before we knew it, the day was over. We had a delicious dinner and then relaxed in the prepared guest room.

 The afternoon had been so peaceful that I almost thought I was dreaming about the truth about the Self-destruction disease that had been revealed earlier.

 The demon king is now parasitizing Elvira's body and resting. The Drinking Water of the Spirits seems to be effective against the demon king, but if it only weakens him and suppresses the symptoms of the Self-destruction disease, it won't do any good if he doesn't leave Elvira's body.

 I had to think about this from a completely different perspective, and I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed when suddenly--

 "Laura, are you in there?"

 The door to the guest room was suddenly knocked on. Along with that, I heard Iris's voice from the other side of the door, as if she was trying to see what was going on in here.

 "Iris? What's wrong?"

 Iris slipped through the gap and plopped down on the bed with a flourish. Then,

 "...I'm sorry. I've lied to you about a lot of things."

 She said, looking down and speaking in a trembling voice.

 I rushed over to the bed where Iris was sitting. I knelt down and looked up at her face.

 She wasn't crying. But her eyebrows were furrowed, and her face was tense as if she was holding back tears.

 "Why? I don't think I was deceived."

 "But I became a Royal Alchemist trainee in order to contact Laura... Of course, I also thought that my knowledge of alchemy would be helpful..."

 Hearing Iris's words, I remembered Reinhardt-san's words from earlier in the day. She was an investigator-like person sent by the people of Rustu to contact me. She seemed to feel guilty about that.

 I used to feel the same way. No, even now, it sometimes leaves a little thorn in my side. I wondered if it was right for me to aim to become a Royal Alchemist for such a reason -- a selfish reason to leave my home village.

 I slowly opened my mouth to speak to Iris.

 "I think people who aim to become Royal Alchemist trainees have different reasons and circumstances. I was also motivated to leave the village at first."

 I didn't have a great reason either. Of course, the desire to save people all over the world is wonderful, but it's not like just having a desire will change anything.

 The past is not important. What matters is the present and the future that lies ahead.

 "I hope we can continue to be friends. And I need your help, Iris."

 Iris raised her face at my words. Then she squinted happily and nodded.

 "Yeah! I want to help Elvira too."

 Hearing Iris's words, I remembered that she was close to Elvira. She must have had some thoughts as she interacted with Elvira, who was suffering from self-destruction disease.

 Maybe her initial purpose was to get close to me, but now Iris really wants to save Elvira. That's all that matters.

 "Let's work together."

 Iris's smile widened and she hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her small, warm body, holding her close.

 Relieved to have finally confessed her secret, Iris's body slowly relaxed. I tried to wake her up a few times, but it was no use--

 "Iris? Are you asleep?"

 Iris was softly snoring.

 I looked up at the ceiling, wondering what to do. Should I carry her sleeping form back to her room, or should we just sleep here together?

 As I was held in Iris's warm embrace, I too began to feel drowsy. And so, my determination to carry her back to her room gradually faded--

 "Alright," I decided, and dove into bed with Iris still in my arms. I adjusted my grip on her and,


 I whispered in a small voice.

 Iris's face relaxed into a gentle smile, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for her.

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