Saturday, June 8, 2024 @

Chapter 88 Heroine

Chapter 88 Heroine

 "See you later!"

 "Iris, Basilio-san, be careful"

 The next day, Iris went out early in the morning to pick herbs with Basilio-san. In the meantime, I talked to Reinhardt-san and the others about the Self-destruction disease just like yesterday.

 "The only thing I'm really concerned about is how to get the demon king out of Elvira's body."

 I cut in.

 I've already found a way to suppress the demon king in Elvira's body to some extent. So, the next step is to figure out how to get the demon king out of Elvira's body.

 "Right now, the demon king has lost its power because of The Drinking Water of the Spirits, and as a result, the symptoms of the Self-destruction disease are less likely to appear, right? But if we leave things as they are, the demon king will stay in Elvira's body forever."

 It would be impossible to defeat the demon king that is still parasitic in Elvira without removing it from Elvira's body. Even if it were possible, it would surely put a great strain on Elvira's body.

 We need to find a way to get the demon king out of Elvira's body while suppressing the symptoms of the Self-destruction disease.

 "If weakening it will only keep it trapped in Elvira's body, maybe we should stop giving her The Drinking Water of the Spirits?"

 "We've been thinking about that too... Sorry, can we stop using honorifics?"

 Reinhardt-san, who had been speaking in honorifics despite the awkwardness, finally gave up.

 There's no doubt that I'm younger than him, and I'm not the kind of person who cares about formalities, so I nodded without hesitation. As soon as I did, Reinhardt-san showed a clear expression of relief and opened his mouth again.

 "We, the people of Rustu, possess the power of light that opposes the demon king. It's very similar to the Hero's power of Lukas, Laura-sensei's childhood friend."

 Reinhardt-san's words reminded me of the heroine in "Last Brave". She said something similar in the story and actually used a power like light magic against a man possessed by the demon king.

 I realized that he was trying to use that power. However, it would be strange for me to speak up since I don't know much about the people of Rustu, so I waited patiently for Reinhardt-san's words.

 "I want to try to use that power to pull the weakened demon king out of Elvira."

 It was a method worth trying. It's the most promising method so far.

 However, there is one problem in trying it. It's Elvira's overprotective brother.

 "I think we'll need Arnold-san's permission."

 "That's why I approached Laura-sensei first."

 "...I see."

 It seems that Arnold is recognized as one of the obstacles to Elvira's treatment, and I seem to be expected to act as a bridge as well. I sighed in disappointment at Reinhardt-san's smooth answer, but a wry smile involuntarily appeared on my lips.

 However, persuading that overprotective brother might be a difficult task.

 "Okay, then could you please come with me to the royal capital? I think Arnold-san would understand better if the explanation came directly from the mouths of Reinhardt-san and the others."


 I started simulating in my head.

 First, I have to convey the premise that the demon king's resurrection is near. Next, that the demon king is parasitizing Elvira's body. And that we need to borrow the power of the ancient race, the people of Rustu, to pull out the parasitizing demon king. ――Even if I try to explain it in order, it's too unrealistic. I'm sure to be suspicious.

 But Arnold will do anything for his beloved sister. He's a practical guy, but he's not stubborn. If I explain it clearly, he'll understand.

 With that in mind, I asked Reinhardt-san again.

 "So, do you all use that light power?"

 "We can use it, but it's better for someone with stronger power to use it."

 With that, Reinhardt-san mentioned "that name."



 It's a woman's name.

 As if responding to Reinhardt-san's call, a woman emerged from the shadows of the pillar. With her flowing beautiful silver hair tied in a single knot, she looked down at me sitting in the chair with her amber eyes.

 She is Diona.

 Her physical features indicate that she is an ancient species. She is a member of the Rustu people and looks quite mature, but I intuitively understood that she was the same age as me.

 Her face, which at first glance seems cold and composed, breaks into a young smile. I know her smile.

 Because she is――

 "Nice to meet you, my name is Diona. Please take care of me, Laura-sama."

 Her polite way of speaking and her guarded, firm voice. "I" remember both of them.

 The right hand extended towards me. I forgot to breathe or take my hand, and I stared at the face of the girl in front of me in astonishment.

 'Nice to meet you, my name is Diona. Please take care of me, "Hero-sama".'

 The silver-haired girl, Diona. She was the heroine of "Last Brave".

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