Friday, June 7, 2024 @

Volume 5 Chapter 8 At Lord's Mansion - Prelude

Volume 5 Chapter 8 At Lord's Mansion - Prelude

 As I showed my stealth weapon silver adventurer's badge at the gate of Lord's mansion, we were smoothly ushered into the guest room, just like Clay said.

 "Wow... I thought our house was pretty grand, but Lord's mansion is on a whole other level."

 "Well, it wouldn't look good if Lord's mansion were to be outdone by other buildings."

 I, who was gradually understanding more about nobles and their social standing, and Toxy followed the guide's instructions and walked together.

 It was a different path from the one I took to Ridge's guest room before. We walked straight ahead from the front door and entered the main building.

 The grand hall inside the main building. There, the maids bowed deeply to us.

 'Welcome, Wade party.'

 "Thank you."

 "We are grateful for the invitation this time."

 I, who was somewhat accustomed to this, answered quickly, while Toxy, being a priest's daughter, acted with poise and formality. Then, a black-clad maid appeared before us and smiled softly.

 "From here on, I, Shadowmira, will be your guide."

 Seeing her figure that reminded me of the depths of darkness, I remembered that she was the maid who accompanied Lord when Lord and Ridge's fate was decided.

 I smiled back and asked.

 "Are you the golden...?"

 "―――... Yes. I am the maid assigned to Lord and the head maid of this Lord's mansion."

 Golden Stealth Weapon Adventurer. I nodded in understanding and followed Shadowmira as she led the way.

 "Still, the Lord is reckless, isn't he? It was because Windy left Ridge's side that things turned out the way they did last time."

 Toxy, who still had some feelings about the Lord, spoke sarcastically about Shadowmira's behavior. To which Shadowmira replied calmly.

 "So, does it seem like we're apart?"

 "Eh...? "

 Toxy was taken aback. I regretted not having completed my eye chakra, and said, making a guess.

 "I see, so it's okay as long as you're inside the mansion?"

 "To the best of my ability, I will do everything I can to protect the Lord. Even if he's asleep or away."

 "In addition, I would like to add this," she added.

 "The lord had his hands full with the young lady's selfishness. The Wade Party members are kind people. For the lord and the young lady, I believe it was a very good lesson."


 So, what is it? Did Shadowmira know I kidnapped Ridge after rejecting her request? And did Shadowmira decide to let me go on her own?

 "...There are always people above me."

 "I am honored to be told that by Wade-sama. ...Even I think you are a fearsome adventurer."

 Here you go. And Shadowmira opened the door wide. Beyond it, the lord was seated in the upper seat, and the Frain Party was seated on a long sofa.

 "Hey, you came. But what's this, just the 2 of you?"

 Frain said, and I shrugged my shoulders in response. Then I sat down on the sofa opposite Frain and Toxy.

 "I've been waiting for you, Wade-dono. Toxy-dono. I've also heard about the movements of the other party members. I appreciate your efforts."

 "From what I heard, Frain and the others have made a lot of progress. We thought it would be okay with just the two of us from here."

 "I agree. If you two are gold rank, this number should be enough."

 The lord nodded in agreement, and Frain reluctantly retracted his words. Then the lord cleared his throat and adjusted his position.

 "Well, I've gathered here the adventurers who are scheduled to participate in this request. I, the client, the lord of Karditsa, will briefly explain the outline."

 The lord said and opened his mouth.

 "Again, I am Maze Labyrinth Noble Karditsa, the lord of Karditsa territory. This request was issued under the purpose of nipping in the bud the dangerous buds in the territory before the war with the arrogant king that is foreseen."

 The lord pointed to the Frain Party.

 "The content is the destruction of Nightfather, the largest antisocial organization in Karditsa territory. The party 'Rebellion Flame' has already crushed the arms and legs of Nightfather."

 Frain's party has a cool name. Why is ours just my name? We should have named it too.

 "I want Wade Party's two members to act as our backup. Rebellion Flame is a rising silver party, but we don't have any gold-ranked members."

 "It's not common to have gold-ranked members."

 Kadras, who was sitting next to Frain, said with a wry smile. The other members also showed a hint of reluctance or hostility.

 I thought this wasn't good, so I decided to introduce myself to ease the tension.

 "Then I'll introduce myself again. I'm Wade. I think you already know that because of Frain's outburst, but I'll introduce myself anyway. I'm a gold-ranked torch adventurer."

 "Nice to meet you too. I'm Toxy. I may be overshadowed by Wade, but I'm also a gold-ranked bow adventurer. Please take care of me."

 However, there was one person who was biting.

 "I know you. You're Toxy, the tainted magician, right? You were laughed at for joining Slow Magic's Wade Party and called 'that party is as good as a trash can,' but now you're a gold-ranked adventurer. Do you know that you're feared by adventurers all over Karditsa?"

 "Oh, lady! Haha, sorry about that, our party is full of wild horses."

 A girl dressed in a very unique outfit that was a mix of battle suit and dress said. Me and Toxy were surprised by her direct sarcasm.

 Then, Frain said.

 "Sorry. Our party is full of idiots. If I let each of them introduce themselves, we'll never get anything done. So I'll introduce them all at once. I'm Frain. The leader of Rebellion Flame. Silver Sword. Well, we don't have anyone else but Silver Swords."

 Then, Frain looked sideways.

 "Kadras. The vice leader and a complete idiot. Next, the idiot girl who just insulted you is Sylvia. Remember that she's an idiot who makes a fool of herself in front of nobles. The remaining 3..."

 Frain thought for a moment and said.

 "You guys don't need to team up with Wade, so I'll skip your introductions."


 "Forget it. It's too much trouble. Just think of everyone as idiots. I'm the only smart one here."


 "The biggest idiot is you, idiot Frain..."

 "Did you two say something, you idiots?"

 'We didn't say anything.'

 Kadras, Sylvia, and even the other members were muttering under their breath, but Frain's one word shut them up. What can I say, there are parties like this, I guess.

 "Now that the introductions are over, let's get down to business."

 The lord tightened the atmosphere that had begun to relax.

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