Friday, June 7, 2024 @

Volume 5 Chapter 7 Heading to Lord's - Mansion Preparation

Volume 5 Chapter 7 Heading To Lord's - Mansion Preparation

 It was the morning of the day we were summoned to Lord's mansion.

 The three others who went to capture a dragon yesterday had successfully delivered 2 Hippogriffs and one dragon, so they were taking it easy this morning.

 "Hey, you're early, Wade-kun, Toxy-san."

 Clay got up a little later than usual and greeted me. I, who had already finished getting ready, replied, "Oh, you guys had a leisurely day today."

 "Also, thanks for your hard work yesterday. I really feel like everyone has gotten stronger. I don't think I could even capture a dragon."

 "No, it was actually tough. The 3 of us are exhausted."

 In fact, Ice seemed to be having a hard time waking up this morning, so she asked me to make breakfast for her. She's already finished eating and is now napping on the sofa with Moruru in his arms.

 Sandra probably won't wake up until around noon. I went to check on her, and she was in a strange position on her bed.

 "But still, it's amazing that you found a dragon. It's not an Earth Dragon, right?"

 "No, it's not. I got the information from an informant, but apparently there are territories of Fire Dragons, Wind Dragons, and Thunder Dragons near the valley that leads to the Olympus Mountains. So, we moved to that area and took advantage of the gap in their territorial disputes."

 Fire Dragons, Wind Dragons, and Thunder Dragons are all mid-level dragons. They are the most famous and have the power to conquer small cities even with just one or two of them.

 It's a fierce battle for their territories. And the three of them sneak in. And steal one.

 ―――Dragons, huh? It's something they couldn't have done before. But Clay and the others have done it.

 "Anyway, we're resting today. But we'll going again tomorrow."

 Clay laughs.

 "After all, it's a good time to make money. Let's make as much as we can while we can. If we have the power to protect, we can never have too much money."

 "...You've really become reliable, Clay."

 Clay shrugged and said, "You're making me blush." Then, he changed the topic and asked me,

 "By the way, are you visiting the lord today?"

 "Yeah. It's about the Nightfather matter. I heard from Frain that the lord's involved, so I'll get a full explanation."

 "Got it. But the lord, huh?"

 Clay put his hand on his chin, thinking. Then he said,

 "That lord is quite something. I don't think he'll give you, who are now Gold Rank, any unreasonable tasks. But if he tries to push something unpleasant on you, use Ridge as hostage."

 "What do you mean?"

 Clay sighed, like he was preparing to say something difficult.

 "You see, we are basically hostages. We can't just cut ties completely if we live on the land. The people must follow the lord's orders, but we can refuse. Ridge is our hostage for that."

 Clay glanced towards the room where Ridge was sleeping. Ridge was getting used to our place, but noble politics are different.

 "Ridge is our hostage. Because we've deepened our ties with the lord to the point where he can't control it, we can push back against excessive demands."

 Understand? Clay paused, then continued.

 "If it's just some ordinary villagers, the lord can accuse them of something and have them arrested. As for us, we wouldn't lose, but if countless soldiers keep targeting us, we'd eventually have to leave. Besides, we can't deal with an Adventurer at Gold Stealth Weapon level."

 "...So basically, if the lord tries to give me unpleasant tasks, I should use Ridge as a shield to avoid it?"

 "That's right. The lord will also proceed with that in mind, so he'll keep pushing demands on you. Do this, do that."

 "And you expects me to push back using Ridge as a shield if things get tough, huh?"

 "That's right. The nobles' behavior is unreasonable to the commoners, and it also serves as a way to show their authority by getting away with such arrogance. In other words, it's a way to show that even the strongest Gold-ranked adventurers can be ordered around by the nobles."

 "And we'll make it look like 'however, the Wade party is holding Ridge hostage, so they're an exception'."

 "That's right. As long as we keep that under control, we shouldn't have any problems. On the other hand, if we don't, even Lord will be forced to back down."

 I'm glad I heard that before we left. "And then," Clay continued.

 "It might be smoother if you show your silver stealth weapon adventurer's badge when entering the lord's mansion. You don't have to say your name every time. Especially if you're silver."

 "Huh, that's easy. Well, there's almost no chance of getting robbed with a silver stealth weapon adventure."

 Other than me, I guess only Windy has one. With just a little bit of skill, there's no way they could take it away.

 As we're talking, Toxy comes over with a mischievous tone, "What are you guys talking about so happily?"

 "Oh, are you ready?"

 "Hey, Toxy-san. The sleeping pills you gave me yesterday were a lifesaver."

 "That's great, Clay! Wade, I'm ready! Let's go?"

 Toxy told me to go, and I stood up energetically.

 "Alright! Then let's go."

 "Yeah, have a good time."

 "Wade-kun, Toxy-chan, you're going...? Have a good time..."

 "Ice, I'm off. Moruru seems to have fallen back asleep."

 "Hehe, so cute. Well, we're going then, Clay, Ice-chan."

 Me and Toxy waved goodbye to everyone and headed towards the lord's mansion.

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