Thursday, June 13, 2024 @

Volume 7 Chapter 4 Cursed Inquisitor

Volume 7 Chapter 4 Cursed Inquisitor

 'Alright, bring it on!'

 Juju floats up lightly, spreading her arms wide like she's waiting for someone to hug her.

 A shining needle appears in the palm of my hand, sparkling like a small flame.

 It's delicate yet rough, divine yet ominous...

 A beautiful, cursed needle that's both demonic and sacred, with a sick, destructive beauty.

 I grasp the needle, feeling drawn to it.

 ――Then, I stab the doll's heart.

 'Here it comes, here it comes!'

 Juju laughed eerily, as if breaking down.

 The world—distorted. My senses immediately malfunctioned. Up, down, right, left, nothing made sense. I almost forgot what form I was in.

 It felt like my body and soul were being reconstructed.

 Eventually, as my senses returned... information about the equipment flowed into my brain.

 - Soul Breaker [Curse]

 ...a scythe that reaps the lives of equipment. Specialized in destroying equipment, so it allows non-equipment items to pass through.

 Rank: S

 Type: Weapon (scythe)

 Effect: Attack +0

 Equipment Hunt (cuts off A-rank or lower equipment without fail)

 Cost: If you take your eyes off Soul Breaker, it will attempt to destroy equipment on its own.

 ――Equipment acquisition, complete.

 I wiped the sweat from my forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

 "Hmm. I managed to collect it safely, but... is there no use for it?"

 After checking the effect, it still felt mediocre. Destroying equipment is just not feasible.

 The cost is a bit tricky too. It would be unbearable if the equipment were destroyed on its own while I'm not looking.

 However... if I store it in the magic bag――Gluttony Mimic Bag――there shouldn't be a problem. In the Gluttony Mimic Bag where time stops, there should be no movement.

 Even if it's the cost of cursed equipment, there are "loopholes" to be found if you look for them.

 "Hey, what kind of weapon is it?" "...I'm interested."

 "I'll tell you later."

 The twins were pulling my arms, but I wanted to get out of this place no matter what.

 For now, I gently placed my hand on Sui's head.


 "Ahh, that's unfair! Ram wants a pat too!"


 I activated Soul Breaker and placed my other hand on Ram's head.

 As I was doing that, I heard multiple footsteps approaching from this direction.

 It was probably the cursed equipment inquisitors who were patrolling around.

 They must have gotten suspicious because of the commotion.

 This was going to be a hassle, and I didn't want to be seen here.

 I tried to escape from the footsteps, but...

 No, it was no use. There were footsteps coming from the opposite direction too...

 Before I knew it, I was surrounded.

 "Now, Juju is going to burst out laughing"

 'Well, I can't help it! The tension was too high, after all!'

 "That's right, the tension was too high"

 I wonder why the person who created Juju didn't add a silencer or something. If there was a customer service, I'd be sending a complaint letter right about now.

 But this wasn't the time for that. I quickly grabbed Sui and Ram's hands and transformed back into my masked and sword-wielding form. I put on my mask and hood.

 The cursed equipment inquisitors appeared just as I finished transforming.

 They were a group dressed in black military-like uniforms.

 Despite their name, they were an armed group that embodied the spirit of "no questions asked".

 They hunted down cursed equipment ―― like hunting dogs. They had their own judicial authority and held overwhelming power in this sacred country. Citizens, guards, clergy, and even lords couldn't defy them.

 But right now, they looked like they had lost their minds when they saw me.

 Maybe they were chasing after the equipment hunter.

 And the prey was lying at my feet... That would be a shock.


 A man who seemed like the leader stepped forward, proudly displaying a golden medal on his chest. He pushed aside his comrades who were in the way and approached me with a steady pace.

 That face came under the lantern's light, and I caught my breath. It was a familiar face. Not an acquaintance, but a famous person, so I knew of him one-sidedly.

 The top inquisitor of this town, Chester Ville.

 "You're the 'Phantom', aren't you?"

 Chester asked sharply.

 "...What's that supposed to mean?"

 "Hmph, don't play dumb. You're dressed like that, after all."

 The man pulled out a piece of paper from his chest pocket and unfolded it. It was a wanted poster.

 The criminal's name was Phantom Thief.

 The crime was being cursed. Death or dead.

 And on the part where the suspect's appearance was described, a person wearing a crow-like mask was drawn.

 Yeah... the Phantom Thief was indeed me. I had been collecting equipment in this town, and before I knew it, people started calling me that.

 To the inquisitors, I was the worst "cursed" person.

 To the townspeople, I was a mysterious hero who protected the town from cursed equipment.

 ...Luckily, I had been hiding my face with a mask.

 "Hmph, you filthy cursed person. I, Chester Ville, will punish you!"

 Chester drew his longsword, adorned with gold and silver decorations. It was a high-ranking sword, and it looked really expensive. I'd gladly pay for the water used to clean it. Where can I buy that water?

 ...But now's not the time to be nosing around for equipment.

 "Let's go!"

 Chester readied his sword and charged at me.

 He seemed determined to fight. I had no choice.

 I also readied my sword and ran towards Chester――.


 I swiftly passed by Chester's side.

 Sorry, but I won't read the air. It's time to escape. I left him behind and kept running.

 I could hear Chester's stunned voice from behind, but I ignored it.

 "...So, all units, attack!"

 As I emerged in front of the inquisitors, they hastily readied their weapons.

 Magic and arrows started flying at me one after another.

 "Sui...""...Got it."

 A thin, branch-like thing extended from the mask covering my face.

 In front of me――paff, a transparent barrier unfolded.

 The magic and arrows were blocked by the barrier that appeared in front of me, and couldn't reach.

 "What the..." "What is that?! "Is that magic?!"

 While the inquisitors were in disarray, I quickly approached and swung my Slime Sword, which had transformed into a whip. The whip, which was a deep blue color like flowing water, made the inquisitors stiffen their bodies in surprise.

 However, my target wasn't them. It was the signboard of the store behind them.

 I tied the whip to the signboard that was protruding from the wall.

 And then, I quickly retracted the whip――


 ――and jumped.

 I leaped over the heads of the inquisitors, who were stunned, and landed on the wall with a thud. Then, I extended my Slime Sword again and reached the roof of a civilian's house.

 At this height, even the inquisitors couldn't reach me.

 "You're running away, Phantom!"

 Chester's angry voice echoed from the ground, but that was exactly what I was doing.

 I didn't have time to deal with the inquisitors. I had my own plans, like dinner and a bath.

 And if I didn't return soon, my friends waiting at the inn would worry about me.

 So, I'll just say goodbye for now.

 Leaving the angry voices and footsteps behind, I ran across the rooftops, using my Slime Sword to jump over the complex, winding streets below. The inquisitors wouldn't be able to keep up with my speed. Their presence soon faded away.

 "Phew...I managed to escape, somehow"

 'Hey, why did you run away?'

 Juju poked her face out of my waist pouch.

 'You should've fought them. You could've taken them down instantly'

 "No, justice is on their side, after all"

 It's true that I could crush them anytime I wanted.

 But the Cursed Inquisitor is an organization that maintains the peace in the city. If they weren't around, the city would be in trouble. That's not what I want. I'm staying in this city, after all.

 "And if things got out of hand, it would be a pain if they put a stricter mark on me"

 '...You're still a coward, I see'

 "I'd rather be called cautious"

 Safety, caution, and not failing ―― that's my creed.

 I let out a sigh, readjusted my hood, which was blown by the wind, and continued running through the night.

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