Thursday, June 13, 2024 @

Volume 7 Chapter 5 Protruding Navel! Your Mom have Protruding Navel, You Know!

Volume 7 Chapter 5 Protruding Navel! Your Mom Have Protruding Navel, You Know!

 "――Sir Noroa Welcome back!"

 As I returned to the inn, I was greeted by a girl in an apron.

 Her hair, like a spring sunbeam, was a beautiful amber color, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with a fresh, lively spirit. Her pure white skin was flawless, like a work of art.

 Out of a hundred people, a hundred would think she's a beautiful saint.

 And that girl, Cirrul, had somehow become my travel companion friend.

 'I'm back I'm hungry!'

 Just as Juju was about to jump out of my waist pouch.

 "Sir Noroa, let me carry your pouch for you."

 "Huh? Ah, okay."


 Cirrul naturally approached me and took my pouch. It's fine, but it looks like she's holding the pouch's opening tightly, or maybe that's just my imagination.


 Cirrul, who was looking at me, suddenly blushed.

 "What's up?"

 "I-I don't know, but it feels like we're newlyweds or something..."

 'Hey, let me out I can't hear you! Hey!'

 "Sorry, what was that?"

 "I-I don't know, but it feels like we're newlyweds or something..."

 'Let me out! Hey! If you make me angry, it'll be bad later!'

 "Can you say it one more time?"

 "We're like new...!"

 'Protruding Navel! Your mom have protruding novel, you know!'

 "Uh, Juju looks like she's about to cry, so let her out."


 Cirrul reluctantly released Juju.

 'Hah! What are you doing, You h*rny female lizard!'

 "It's because Miss Juju always gets in the way!"

 'What's with you, saying that?! I'll tell you, my straight punch can knock out sound waves!'

 "Wait, my straight punch can knock out light waves!"

 'What's with the light?! My straight punch smells like strawberries, you know?'

 "My punch smells like dandelions, so it's fine!"

 'Yes, that's too bad! My straight punch has a better scent!'

 "Come on, stop fighting. You're just causing a disturbance in the neighborhood."

 These two... it's clear they don't get along, but can't they just get along a little better?

 Every time these two have a stupid fight, the old man's complaints increase. We've got a long-term stay at the inn, and it'd be a hassle if we got kicked out halfway through. Even if we can earn a lot of money by hunting monsters, I don't want to waste it unnecessarily....

 "Ah, that's right I'll make dinner today!"

 Cirrul clapped her hands together, as if to refresh herself.

 The equipment responded immediately.


 "Cil's homemade cooking" "...That's, amazing"

 Sui and Ram also turned into excited kids, heading towards the dinner table.

 On the other hand, I felt a little guilty.

 "Ready-made food is fine."

 Considering I brought her all the way here, and she's even doing part-time jobs like spinning yarn and copying manuscripts during the day. It feels like I'm a useless guy living off a woman's earnings.

 "You can't do that, you need to eat properly to get nutrients"

 "Nutrients, huh?"

 Come to think of it, I never thought about that before. I just thought eating was about filling my stomach.

 "Little Mimi, it's time for food!"


 Cirrul brought out the food container, and the "bag" on her shoulder jumped towards the food.

 The toothy mouth opened wide, and the tongue slipped out, slurping and chomping away like a gluttonous kid.

 This "bag" was also a cursed equipment, the Gluttony Mimic Bag.

 It was an amazing bag that could store what it ate in a different dimension.

 It was convenient and cute, making it the strongest.

 "Animal eating scenes are always so cute, aren't they?"


 I also got hungry watching Little Mimi eat, and headed towards the dinner table. Juju and the others had already started eating.

 I was about to dig in, but stopped.

 "What's wrong, Sir Noroa?"

 "Uh, I was wondering about the dish's name before eating"

 "The dish's name? It's meat sauce...I heard it's your favorite, Sir Noroa."

 "Huh, meat sauce."

 I looked at the plate again.

 "...Isn't it weird, meat sauce is supposed to be blue-purple?"

 "Ah, you noticed!"

 "Well, if I didn't notice, it'd be a disease of the eyes, wouldn't it?"

 "I tweaked it a bit! I used jam and honey instead of tomatoes!"

 Cirrul puffed out her chest with a proud smile.

 "After all, sweet food is the most delicious, right?"

 "That's right, yeah"

 "Okay, try taking a bite first!"

 Cirrul's eyes sparkled with expectation as she gazed at me. This wasn't an atmosphere that could be refused. Cirrul, who usually just went with the flow, had taken the initiative this time. If I didn't eat it here, I wouldn't be a man.

 I tried taking a bite with a spoon.

 "Un, I see what you mean"

 For some reason, I saw a flower field.

 Beyond the colorful carpet of flowers, someone was waving at me.

 ――Hey, Noroa! Come over here!

 ――Ahaha, hurry up! Everyone's waiting!

 Ah, this is what I see when I die.

 I panicked and brushed away the flower field, bringing my consciousness back to the plate in front of me.

 ...It was a deadly dish.

 A collaboration of sweetness and sweetness, a dream come true.

 A miraculous marriage of "creation" and "destruction".

 For me, who had hardly ever tasted sweetness, this crossover work was a bit too stimulating. Or rather, it wasn't just a fusion of jam and honey, but something more...absolutely...

 "A-are you okay? You were rolling your eyes back..."

 "Ah, ah... it was so delicious, the whites of my eyes said 'hello!'"

 "Really? I did it!"

 A big flower bloomed on Cirrul's face.

 ...It seemed like a bit of a burden for me to ruin this smile.

 Come to think of it, I had forgotten...Cirrul's basic quality was to do clumsy things. While giving off an aura of "I can do anything!", she usually failed at most things, which was Cirrul's style.

 However, it was surprising that no one had complained about this dish.

 Thinking that, I looked at everyone else.

 'It's great to eat without working! Ah, refills, and extra sauce too!'

 "My cheeks melt... " "...I guess it's 3 stars, right?"

 No way, there's no one with a decent sense of taste.

 "Then, I'll make dinner from tomorrow on."

 "Don't be hasty...!"

 I used all my strength to stop Cirrul.

 It took about an hour for Cirrul to come to her senses.

 Honestly, she was a tougher opponent than equipment hunting.

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