Tuesday, June 11, 2024 @

Volume 6 Chapter 1 The Request to Defeat the Cursed Equipment

Volume 6 Chapter 1 The Request To Defeat The Cursed Equipment

 Volume 6 is completely different from the book version, but it's getting close to the final development.

 Three days after I obtained The Collar of Cruel Pleasure.

 I was invited to dinner by Count Emdo.

 The table in front of me was filled with extravagant dishes that I had never seen before. They were so different from what I was used to that my brain couldn't recognize them as food. Although I could sense that they were delicious from the aroma, my throat was too tight to swallow due to my nervousness.

 'Kyahhou! Let the feast begin!'

 "Feast, yeah!" "...It's a feast."

 Meanwhile, Juju and the others were energetically running around the table.

 As a foodie, Juju's tension was higher than usual. As always, she was carefree and enviable. I was embarrassed and wanted her to calm down.

 "Hey, Prince..."

 Miss Reisha, who was sitting on my lap for some reason, called out to me. By the way, why she called me "Prince" was a mystery. Anyway, it seemed that Miss Reisha had taken a liking to me.

 "What's up?"

 "The hot soup over there..."

 "Can I take it?"

 "No, I want you to pour it on my face. And if possible, with a cold, scornful gaze."

 "...What do you get out of that?"

 "My lifelong dream will come true."

 "Will it really come true..."


 Miss Reisha's face turned bright red as she looked down in embarrassment.

 "I've always dreamed of it... Having the person I admire pour hot soup on my face... Yeah, it's ridiculous, isn't it, such a dream..."

 "Yeah, it's ridiculous."

 "Ah, the feeling of being treated so roughly, it's really great."

 Miss Reisha's cheeks were flushed as she twisted her body.

 I had responded carelessly, but it seemed to have pleased her instead.

 I couldn't keep up with this person's thoughts.

 I glanced at Cirrul, who was sitting next to me, seeking help, but...


 And, for some reason, her cheeks puff out and she turns away. It seems like she's in a bad mood.

 What's with this feeling of discomfort?


 At that moment, Count Emdo let out a dignified cough.

 The relaxed atmosphere in the dining hall suddenly changed to a serious one.

 "Now then, Mr. Noroa. I apologize for the late greeting. I think you've already heard from others, but I'm Count Emdo, Mortbotte Min Itainoski."

 Despite his troubled expression, his voice was calm. Rather, it lacked any sense of intimidation. He gave off the impression of being exhausted.

 "Mr. Noroa, we owe you a great debt this time. If it weren't for you, Reisha wouldn't have been able to leave her room. No matter how much we thank you, it wouldn't be enough."

 "No, it's not that big of a deal..."

 "What's with the humility? It's something no one else could have done. I myself didn't know how to handle my daughter, and I think I did something cruel..."

 Count Emdo's expression turned gloomy.

 He's definitely not a bad person. But, while he's kind, he's also clumsy, and that's what hurt Reisha.

 "Now then, regarding Reisha's situation, I think we should give you a reward, Mr. Noroa..."

 "――Prince! Prince!"

 Just as Count Emdo was about to continue, Reisha suddenly leaned in close.

 "Uh, what is it?"

 "Hehe, I just called out to you."

 "Oh, I see."

 Why did she choose this timing...?

 "So, Mr. Noroa, about the reward――"

 "Prince! Prince! "

 "What's going on now, Miss Reisha?"

 "Hehe, I just called out to you."



 Count Emdo cleared his throat, changing the atmosphere.

 "Shall we get back to the conversation?"

 "Ah, yes. Sorry about that."

 Count Emdo glared at me, but I don't think I did anything wrong.

 "Now then, about the reward this time――"

 "Prince! Prince! "

 "...What is it?"

 "Hehe, I just called out to you."


 Yeah, it's about time I let Count Emdo continue.

 Count Emdo, who was getting impatient, couldn't help but face Miss Reisha.

 "Reisha, can I have a word with you?"

 "What is it, Father?"

 "Papa wants to have a serious talk with this Dear Mr. Noroa. Just for a little while, behave yourself."

 "Yes. Then, until the conversation is over, I want the prince to hit my butt in a separate room."

 "No, I want to talk to that prince..."

 "Prince! Prince!"


 Count Emdo's expression changed to one of resignation.

 "...I guess there's no choice. Mr. Noroa, from now on, please ignore Reisha's talk."


 "Prince! Prince!"

 "So, what were we talking about again?"

 "Kyaaa, the prince is ignoring me! Reisha is so happy! Kyaaa! Kyaaa!"

 I think she might have gotten a bit too excited, but this is fine, right? When I looked at Count Emdo, his eyes seemed empty.

 "Uh... so, about the reward. If you want something, please tell me, Mr. Noroa."

 "What kind of thing do you mean by reward?"

 "We can prepare money, land, or a title, for example."

 "I see."

 If the equipment was okay, that would be great, but since he didn't say it, that means it's no good, right? Well, high-rank equipment is like an important weapon in war, anyway.

 Honestly, I was saved, so that's good enough, but...

 'Then, I want this mansion!'

 Juju said, but that's out of the question. Or rather, it's impossible.

 "What!? Does the prince want me along with this mansion as a reward!?"

 "Wait. I didn't say anything, but what's with the sudden reaction?"

 "No way! Reisha should be excluded from the reward too!"


 Count Emdo is really breaking character when he's with Miss Reisha, isn't he?

 "Then, let's just go with the money for now."

 If I can get it, I'll take it.

 Due to Juju's Cost, I don't have much money, anyway. Honestly, I'm almost out of funds. And money is the most convenient, after all.

 "Alright, I'll prepare it right away."

 Count Emdo said that, and for some reason, he averted his gaze. He started fiddling with his mustache, trying to cover up his bad habit.

 "So... Mr. Noroa, you're saying you can destroy the cursed equipment, right?"

 "Uh, yeah..."

 Well, that's what I've been saying, anyway. I can't say I stole the cursed equipment.

 "Is that so?"

 Count Emdo nodded briefly and closed his eyes, deep in thought.

 "It's embarrassing to ask a favor of someone I owe a debt to, but... would you listen to just one request?"

 His face was filled with anxiety as he forced out the words, his voice trembling. It wasn't something he wanted to ask, but he had no choice. That's how it felt, anyway.

 The air was thick with an unpleasant atmosphere.

 "Well, if it's something I can do..."

 "It's probably something only Mr. Noroa can do."

 "Only me?"

 "That's right."

 Count Emdo nodded vigorously.

 "What I want to ask Mr. Noroa is to defeat the cursed equipment."

 "Defeat the cursed equipment?"

 It was an unfamiliar phrase. I couldn't help but repeat it back.

 "Yeah. Just the other day, a nearby town was destroyed... and it seems like the cursed equipment's rampage was involved."

 "Did someone touch the cursed equipment?"

 "No, that's unclear. According to eyewitnesses, there was no one wearing the equipment."


 Equipment without an owner, going on a rampage? That's not possible, is it? Equipment is supposed to lend power to humans, and it can't function without human energy. Even Juju, my equipment, couldn't move until I put it on.

 "It's definitely a hard-to-believe story. But I think it's true, considering multiple appraisers have confirmed it."

 My skepticism must have shown on my face, because Count Emdo let out a wry smile.

 "According to the testimony, the cursed equipment is said to move on its own like a monster, destroying everything in its surroundings without discrimination. Currently, it's still roaming around the neighboring town."

 "...It's really like a monster, isn't it?"

 "Yeah. If we leave it alone, this whole city will be in danger. I want to defeat it, but destroying the cursed equipment is difficult..."

 It's definitely more troublesome than a low-ranking S-Rank monster. If it's an SSS-Rank cursed equipment, it's probably impossible to destroy. It's a monster that can't be defeated and will keep rampaging, making it hopeless.

 Count Emdo's tired face is probably due to that reason.

 "Juju, what do you think?"

 I glanced at Juju, who had a rare, thoughtful expression on her face.

 'There's only one piece of equipment that can possibly counter what was just said. However...'


 '...I might be overthinking it.'

 Her words became unclear.

 'Anyway, what do we do?'

 "That's right...I think it's okay to accept the request."

 It's a troublesome request, but I can get the cursed equipment, and it'll also help people. As someone who loves using cursed equipment, it's better if fewer people get hurt by it. There's not much reason to refuse.

 So, my answer was decided from the start.

 "Count Emdo, I'll accept that request."

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