Monday, June 10, 2024 @

Volume 5 Chapter 4 The Collar of Cruel Pleasure (M)

Volume 5 Chapter 4 The Collar Of Cruel Pleasure (M)

 "I've come to help you."

 Then, I reached out to Miss Reisha.

 Like a prince in a story, I couldn't help but look cool.

 Miss Reisha's eyes widened for a moment, then she tilted her head in confusion.

 "...Helping me means you're going to spank me, right?"

 "No, that's not it."

 Why did it turn out like that?

 He thought I had looked cool, but everything was ruined.

 'Noroa, aren't you going to spank that lewd pink butt of her? It'll be a good memory!'

 "No, I don't think so."

 'But you'll never get another chance to spank a noble's butt...'

 "I won't let that happen again."

 'But, Noroa, having "spanked a noble's butt" might be a valuable asset someday.'

 "No, it'll just be a huge liability."

 Why is it that talking to this doll makes me so tired?

 "Sister, do you want to be spanked?" "Doesn't it hurt?"

 The innocent twins looked worried.

 "Hehe, it hurts, but that's what I like."

 Miss Reisha smiled gracefully.

 "You both become happy when you do fun things, right? For me, getting spanked makes me smile. I'm happy when I get spanked."

 "Wow! Ram want to be spanked too!" "Me too, it sounds interesting."

 "Hehe, you're both lively kids. Let's start with the beginner's course. Even if it's unfamiliar at first, you'll soon be smiling..."

 "...Um, could you not poison the children too much?"

 I didn't want to pick a fight with the noble, but I had to intervene.

 "Ugh, it's rude to call it poisoning."

 Miss Reisha pouted.

 "This is education. Education starts from a young age, okay?"

 "What kind of education are you planning, Miss Reisha?"

 My head started to hurt.

 If I didn't force the conversation, it wouldn't progress. I'll force the conversation forward even if it's a bit forceful.

 "But let's go back to the story... I came here to destroy the cursed equipment that was attached to Miss Reisha."

 I intentionally said "destroy". I couldn't say "take away".

 "...! Why are you talking about the cursed equipment?!"

 My words got a reaction from Miss Sera. As always, she's honest.

 "That's a trade secret, but... your reaction means I'm not mistaken, right?"


 Miss Sera looked taken aback. But it seemed like she thought she couldn't escape, so she nodded reluctantly.

 "As Mr. Noroa, I'll tell you... it's true. The young lady has been wearing the cursed equipment for 6 years, since it was sent to Count Emdo as a gift... She accidentally touched it and got cursed."

 It was probably meant for Count Emdo. I've heard that nobles have many enemies.

 "What's the effect and cost of that cursed equipment?"

 I'll confirm before taking it away. Miss Sera, who's been dealing with cursed equipment for a long time, must know this.

 "The effect is that 'when you receive damage, you recover.' To be more specific, it's like 'immediately after receiving damage, you recover the amount of that damage.'

 "That's really strong, isn't it?"

 "But in exchange, the damage taken increases tenfold, right?"


 "That's the cost of this collar. That's why even a slight injury could be fatal."

 As long as I don't die in one hit, my HP stays maxed, but it's meaningless if I die instantly.

 It's definitely a troublesome cost.

 "Because of this cursed equipment, the young lady was confined to her room. If she gets hurt, she could die, and on top of that, she can't let anyone see the cursed equipment."

 Cursed equipment is loathed. It's like a time bomb that could explode at any moment, so it's no wonder the Church is particularly wary of it. I've heard that even accidentally touching cursed equipment can lead to excommunication.

 That's why I can't say I'm using cursed equipment. This is the reason.

 "...Ever since she put on the cursed equipment, young lady Sera has changed. She used to be wise and rational, but now... now..."

 Miss Sera clenched her fists, looking frustrated.

 "Now... she's just a masochistic pig!"

 "Thank you!"

 ...What's going on here?

 "This cursed equipment heals itself every time it takes damage...in other words, it turns pain into pleasure instantly. One day, the only way to comfort young lady Sera was by spanking her..."


 "For 6 years, I've been in charge of spanking young lady Sera's bottom... every day, I had to spank her bottom! Can you understand how it feels to spank the bottom of the person you serve?"

 "No, I don't want to understand."

 "I didn't become a knight for this kind of thing...!"

 "I suppose not."

 But somehow, it feels like she's enjoying this. The butterfly mask is clearly unnecessary, though.

 Still, I can understand why Miss Sera acknowledged the existence of cursed equipment so easily. If there's even a slight chance of destroying it, she'd want to cling to it... that's what it is.

 "Then, do you have any objections to destroying the cursed equipment?"

 "Of course not."

 Miss Sera replied immediately.

 "How about you, Miss Reisha?"


 Miss Reisha didn't answer right away, instead, she looked down, grasping the hem of her skirt tightly.

 "Can you really do it? This collar couldn't be destroyed even with A-Rank equipment..."

 Maybe she's feeling anxious.

 Is it okay to expect something from my words?

 Is it okay to hold onto hope?

 "It's okay."

 I forced a smile to reassure her, trying not to let her feel anxious.

 "I told you, didn't I? I came to save you, and..."

 I came here for the cursed equipment, of course.

 But I don't want to see anyone get hurt by it either.

 If possible, I'd like to save them. I want to save them.

 "Trust me. I'll definitely make you happy."

 "...Okay, I understand."

 After a while, Miss Reisha slowly nodded, her cheeks slightly flushed for some reason.

 "...Please take care of me."


 For now, I got permission to destroy the equipment. All that's left is to take it.

 I'll have Miss Reisha and Miss Sera close their eyes for a bit.

 By the way, using Juju to steal equipment is a trade secret.

 "Well, Juju... the needle..."

 'Alright, here it comes!'

 Juju's tension suddenly rose.

 It seems she's really happy to be used as equipment.

 A shining needle appeared in the palm of my hand, and I grasped it.

 "Then, come on! Let's do this!"

 Juju's body floated up lightly, and she spread her arms wide.

 Her defenseless chest was exposed. I stabbed the needle into it.

 Without any resistance, the needle was sucked in smoothly.

 'This is it! This feeling of absorption!'

 Hehehehehe... Juju started laughing like crazy—.

 Around her body, the space twisted with a groaning sound.

 The scenery was all mixed up, and my whole body felt like it was spinning. My brain was severely shaken, and I couldn't tell up from down, left from right, or anything.

 This must be the feeling of the world's logic being defied.


 As the unpleasant feeling subsided, I felt a soft, leathery sensation on my neck. When I touched it, the information about this cursed equipment flowed into my head.

 - The Collar of Cruel Pleasure (Curse)

 ...A leather collar like the kind you'd put on a pet. An ancient sage developed it to indulge in SM play forever. According to the sage, "The feeling of not being treated like a human becomes addictive."

 Rank: SSS

 Type: Accessory

 Effect: Masochistic Pleasure (recovers damage dealt after taking damage)

 Cost: Damage taken increases by 10 times.

 ――Equipment snatch, complete.

 "It's fine now."

 I said, hiding my neck with my clothes. Miss Reisha and Miss Sera opened their eyes as if competing with each other.

 Miss Reisha hesitantly touched her neck and then slowly opened her eyes.

 "...It's not here."

 She touched her neck repeatedly as if to confirm.

 Then, she suddenly turned to Miss Sera.



 Both of them looked confused, not knowing what to say. Perhaps they were feeling confused about what emotions to have in such a sudden situation.

 "It really disappeared, didn't it? What on earth happened? Just when I thought Juju was laughing, the collar disappeared..."

 Well, if they close your eyes, it just seems like Juju was laughing.

 "Sera...! Sera...!"

 "... Young lady Reisha."

 Eventually, the 2 embraced each other as if overwhelmed with emotion.

 It was clear that their embrace grew stronger as they savored their happiness.

 And so, the story of one girl ended with a safe and happy ending.

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