Monday, June 10, 2024 @

Volume 5 Chapter 3 The Imprisoned Young Lady

Volume 5 Chapter 3 The Imprisoned Young Lady

 The girl gazed out the window, as she did every day.

 The view from the window was always the same.

 The grand mansion surrounded by high walls, with a garden full of seasonal flowers.

 This was the scenery of the girl's home, a familiar sight she had grown accustomed to since childhood. However, to the girl, it was like gazing at a painting, a scenery devoid of reality.

 How many years had passed since she was forbidden from leaving her room?

 She couldn't even remember the last time she went outside.

 The world outside the window had become a separate realm for her, like a fairy tale.

 She felt like a princess trapped in a tower, waiting for a prince to rescue her.

 The girl gazed at the book in her hand. The page she had dog-eared showed a scene where the prince enters through the window.

 ――I've come to rescue you.

 With that, The prince reaches out his hand to the princess.

 However, such things only happen in stories.

 She wasn't a child waiting for a prince to appear before her.

 She knew that help wouldn't come, and that realization brought her disappointment.

 She had grown up enough to understand that much.

 "...Young Lady."

 A female knight standing beside the girl spoke up.

 "Do you yearn for the outside world?"


 The girl replied, having been acquainted with this female knight, Sera, for a long time. She couldn't deceive her, so she closed the book instead of answering.

 "...Yes, that's right."

 She said, her words unspoken but understood by Sera.

 Whenever the girl tried to hide her emotions, Sera would always make a face as if she was enduring something. Her feelings would momentarily show on her face, but she would quickly regain her composure, as if nothing had happened.

 "Then, let's begin, young lady..."


 The girl replied, trapped in this room until death, a cursed princess's tale.

 The curse had to remain hidden from prying eyes, lest it kill the girl.

 The cursed princess was gently imprisoned, and the window would never open.

 ...That's what the girl thought until then.

* * *

 It's been 2 days since I found out that Count Emdo's mansion had cursed equipment.

 During these 2 days, I've been investigating the mansion and the cursed equipment.

 As a result, I discovered that the cursed equipment is located in the main building of the mansion. By observing the movements of the Compass Eye's needle, I was able to narrow down the location of the cursed equipment.

 The problem is how to get my hands on it.

 No matter how Count Emdo treats the cursed equipment, it's not something I can obtain through conversation.

 In any case, I need more information. What does the cursed equipment look like? What kind of effects does it have? How is it being handled? I still don't know anything about it. I need to see it once to cancel the cost of the Compass Eye.

 That's why I decided to sneak out of my room at night.

 "Alright, Cirrul. Can I leave the guarding to you?"

 "Yes, I've got it!"

 There's always a maid from Count Emdo's household in front of my room. If someone is not in the room for some reason, it might raise suspicions. That's why I need someone to keep watch.

 Cirrul quickly got under the bedcovers, hiding her head.

 "Hehehe... Sir Noroa's scent... Hehehehe..."

 I can hear a suspicious voice, but it's okay.

 Even if someone comes in, she can deceive them at night.

 "Alright, Ram. Please help me."

 "Got it!"

 I transformed my slime sword into a whip and used it as a rope to climb down from the window to the ground.

 I deliberately went out the window because there's always a maid stationed in front of my room. It's probably for quick response in case something happens, but it's really inconvenient.

 "Thanks, Ram."

 "Ehehe..." "It's always Ram who gets to show off... It's unfair!"

 Ram's face crumbled, and Sui looked resentful, biting her finger.

 It's still more exciting to use the equipment, I guess.

 'But, you know, it feels like we're thieves or something, and it's getting me all pumped up!'

 "You're getting all pumped up?"

 What kind of nerve does this doll have?

 Honestly, I'm just getting a bad feeling.

 "Anyway, we need to hurry."

 The cursed equipment is in the main building.

 We're in a detached house, so we need to head to the main building first.

 The problem is, we can't move quickly because of the IV drip. If we carry the IV equipment with us, it'll hinder our stealth, and if we're not careful, the IV container will make a noise.

 Plus, I have a time limit for the recovery medicine. I brought some extra, but we need to get to the cursed equipment within a short time.

 We don't have time to waste.

 "Show me the location of the guards within a 20-meter radius."

 I use Compass Eye to track the people around us.

 When we turn a corner, I send Juju ahead to check if there's anyone around.

 We have a time limit, but safety first, so we'll proceed cautiously through the estate.

 I was good at stealth to begin with. In the past, I couldn't use equipment, so hiding from monsters was a necessary survival skill.

 I've already memorized the map of the estate's garden. Yesterday, I took a stroll around the garden, pretending to want some fresh air. Compared to a dungeon or a forest, it's easier to create a mental map, so I know where everything is.

 So, even in the dark of night, I can move quickly.

 We soon arrived in front of the main building.

 I have a good idea of where the cursed equipment is located.

 But then, a problem arose.


 There's a light coming from the window of the room where the cursed equipment is supposed to be.

 That means someone is with the cursed equipment. I thought it was just left there, since its location hasn't changed much in two days.

 "I can't just wait for people to disappear..."

 There's a time limit here. Even if there's still some leeway with the recovery medicine, there's a limit to it.

 'For now, let's take a peek inside.'

 "Well, we've come this far, after all."

 We don't know when we'll be able to come this far again. There's no absolute secrecy in covert operations. So, at the very least, I want to confirm the appearance of the cursed equipment.

 I transformed Sui and created a ladder, climbing up to the window.

 From there, I peeked inside, trying not to be seen...

 "..." 'Uh, this is...'

 ――My gaze was fixed.

 Inside the room was a young lady.

 Her pale pink hair cascaded down, and her cheeks were dyed a faint crimson. She embodied a refined beauty, like a princess from a fairy tale.

 But my gaze wasn't fixed because of her beauty.

 It was because that young lady... was being spanked by Miss Sera.

 "This pig! This pig!"

 "Thank you very much!"

 Miss Sera, wearing a butterfly mask and wielding a whip, and the young lady, who was enjoying it with a face that couldn't be shown to others.

 I couldn't keep up with the situation. I didn't want to, either.

 "What's going on...?"

 'Are they doing an SM play or something?'

 "Deliberately doing it in a room with cursed equipment?"

 'For a masochist, isn't it thrilling to have an SM play?'

 "Yeah, it's a world I don't know."

 I feel like I've seen something I shouldn't have.

 Moreover, this is probably a crucial secret of the mansion. If it's known that the young lady of a noble family has such a peculiar fetish, it would tarnish the name of Count Emdo's family. I didn't want to know this, but now that I do, I might be eliminated...

 "What do you see?" "I can't see anything..."

 "It's nothing, Ram, Sui. There's just an interesting rare animal here."

 "Rare animal? I want to see!" "I'm interested."

 "You shouldn't look at them. It'll corrupt your eyes."

 Sui and Ram showed interest, but this wasn't something to be shown to kids. This was on a whole different level of bad for education.

 "Anyway, let's hurry back."

 'What about the cursed equipment?'

 "We'll do it next time, okay?"

 I want to get out of here as soon as possible. If Miss Sera finds out I've been watching this scene, it'll be bad news in many ways. I won't be able to face her anymore.

 But just as I was about to sneak down the ladder quietly...

 The liquid in the IV bag suddenly started splashing around with a "splash" sound.


 The unexpected loud noise made my body stiffen.

 "Who's there?!"

 Miss Sera's ears won't be able to ignore this noise. She quickly turned her face towards me.

 I barely managed to move away from the window, but I got stuck and couldn't leave the scene. The more I panicked, the more I struggled to climb down the ladder. I thought I might as well just jump down... but by the time I thought that, the window was already open, and Miss Sera was looking at me.

 Our eyes met squarely.



 For a while, we just froze and couldn't move.

 "M-Mr. Noroa... when did you get there?"

 "Uh, just now..."

 'It's around the time when you said "This pig! This pig!"'

 Juju honestly answered, even though someone was trying to cover it up.


 "Miss Sera?"

 "Phew... I don't know anyone named Sera."

 "――Sera? Is someone there?"

 "But, you're called Sera by the young lady over here..."

 "...No, I'm Sailor Mask, the beautiful warrior of love, justice, and butt-kicking."

 'What the...?!'

 "No, it's just my style."

 I don't want to make this situation even more chaotic.

 "...Sera, what's going on? And... ah?"

 Then, the young lady from earlier stuck her face out of the window.

 Her pink eyes caught mine.

 ...This is completely over.

 She's probably Count Emdo's daughter, which means she's the master of this mansion. There's no way she'll let a suspicious person like me off the hook.

 "Oh my, oh my, oh my..."

 The young lady stared at me, her hand covering her mouth in shock.

 Is this a sign that she's about to scream?

 But her next action was unexpected.

 "――Good evening. It's a lovely night, isn't it? Hehe."

 The young lady smiled sweetly at me, her eyes sparkling.

 I was left speechless by the unexpected turn of events.

 "Uh, g-g-greetings?"

 "Ah, yes, you're our guest, aren't you? Please, come on in."

 "Come on in... to your room?"

 "Is there anywhere else?"

 "There isn't, but..."

 I couldn't believe I was being invited into her room in this situation.

 I thought it might be a trap, but there wasn't a single cloud in her eyes. If she was setting a trap, she was an amazing actress.

 "Aren't you going to come in?"

 "Y-yes, I'll come in!"

 Either way, I couldn't just stick to the wall forever.

 I decided to do as I was told and enter the room.

 "I'm sorry to intrude..."

 I climbed the ladder and entered through the window.

 Inside her room, there were all sorts of whips scattered around. The walls and shelves were also decorated with many whips. What were they used for? This was crazy... Whip mania or something.

 "Ah... messy room, I'm sorry."

 Maybe I had stared at the room too rudely, because the young lady covered her face in embarrassment.

 "N-no, it wasn't like that..."

 'Why didn't you offer me a single cup of tea when I arrived?'

 "Ah... I wasn't thinking. It's been a while since someone other than Sera came to this room... I'll prepare it right away."

 "Um... my doll is a bit embarrassing, sorry."

 "Hehe, don't worry about it."

 "Y-young lady... I'll prepare the tea..."

 The young lady busied herself preparing tea, and Miss Sera helped her while looking around nervously.

 It was strangely welcoming and scary at the same time.

 What was this, a trap? Was I going to get caught and eaten? Was this like "You're the snack!" or something? I was getting too confused and panicked.

 "Well, I apologize for the late greeting."

 After the red tea was poured into the cup, the young lady elegantly adjusted the hem of her skirt.

 "I am Reisha Itainoski, the eldest daughter of Count Emdo's household."

 So, she was the daughter of Count Emdo after all. That meant she was a noble.

 "I-I'm Noroa."

 'I'm Juju!'

 "Ram is Ram!" "...Sui is Sui."

 "And I am Sailor Mask."

 It seems Miss Sera intends to stick to that.

 It's awkward to pursue, so I'll just ignore it.

 "I've heard about Noroa from Sera. It's impressive to be an S-rank adventurer at your age, not much different from mine. It's like a prince from a story..."

 "...Thank you."

 While giving a casual response, I casually scan the surroundings.

 Unexpected events have occurred, but I can't forget the purpose of coming to this room. According to Compass Eye (Ra Shingan), there seems to be cursed equipment in this room...


 That's when I noticed.

 The black collar that Reisha is wearing... is so beautiful.

 It has a wild look like a dog's collar, yet its elegance is undeniable. Even though it's such a small piece of equipment, what overflowing noble beauty it has.

 My eyes, heart, and even my soul...are captivated.


 Unconsciously, a sigh escapes.


 "To think I would encounter something so beautiful, I'm such a lucky person..."

 "N-Mr. Noroa...?"

 "Ah, so my fated partner was here all along... I've been living all this time just to meet you..."

 "Um, what...?"

 "Show it to me more...come closer..."


 Before I knew it, my hand reached out to Reisha's neck.

 Parting her pink hair, I bring my face closer to the collar.

 Ah, the closer I look, the more excited I become. The texture of the leather that seems to absorb light, and the loyalty that tries to enhance its owner without being conspicuous... truly, cursed equipment is the best!

 "H-hey, Mr. Noroa!? What are you doing to the young lady!?"

 "Huh...? Ah! I'm sorry, Miss Sera...!"

 "I am Sailor Mask!"

 Miss Sera releases an angry aura. It looks like she's about to attack.

 I guess it was a bad idea to hit on a first-time acquaintance.

 It seems like Miss Reisha already has the equipment on.

 Swiping someone's equipment is the lowest of the low. If someone did that to me, I'd probably whip out Bloodsucker Blade. But, I don't know... there's something exciting about someone else's equipment. I might be awakening to a new fetish.

 'Hmm, that collar is cursed equipment, isn't it...? More importantly, more biscuits, please!'

 Juju munches on biscuits with a loud crunching sound. I always wonder, where does all the food she eats go?

 'So, what are we gonna do?'

 "Of course, I'd love to take it if I could... but the problem is..."

 I glance over at Miss Reisha.

 She's elegantly smiling as she takes a sip from her teacup, showing no signs of struggle with the cursed equipment's cost. Maybe she's found a way to use it to her advantage.

 Equipment is a partner for life, a part of the person's very existence. If she's willing to wear it, I can't just take it away...

 'Ngh... don't worry about it, right?'

 Juju seems to have caught on to what I'm thinking.

 "Don't worry about it? Why's that?"

 'There's no way wearing cursed equipment won't cause you pain, right? You're an exception."

 "That means the cost of that collar is...?"

 'Yeah, it's pretty harsh.'

 "I see..."

 I know better than anyone how harsh the cost of cursed equipment can be.

 If she's struggling with it, I'd want to set her free. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of my favorite cursed equipment.

 'Alright, it's settled then.'

 Juju finishes her biscuit and turns to face Miss Reisha.

 "Hey, you perverted pink-haired girl!"


 Miss Reisha elegantly tilts her head to the side.

 Ugh, why did she react to being called "perverted pink-haired girl"?

 'Noroa wants to talk to you. And, more biscuits, please!'

 Juju passes the buck to me.

 "Huh, Mr. Noroa wants to...?"

 Miss Reisha looked up at me and blushed a little.

 When she suddenly started talking to me, I couldn't think of what to say.

 "What do you want to talk about?"

 "Um, well..."

 What should I say? "Please give me your cursed equipment, pervert...?"

 No, that's not right. What I want to say isn't that.

 At times like this, I hate being bad at talking.

 As I looked around for help, my eyes landed on a book on a nearby desk. It was open to a page with a line written on it.

 ――I've come to help you.

 That's right... there's a girl in front of me who needs help. I want to help her. So, my words can be simple.

 I took a deep breath and continued speaking.

 "I've come to help you."

 And then I reached out my hand towards Miss Reisha.

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