Saturday, June 8, 2024 @

Volume 3 Chapter 8 ...Goodbye

Volume 3 Chapter 8 ...Goodbye

 'No, Noroa-sama, wait...!'

 I heard Cirrul's voice trying to stop me, but I was already moving.

 I raised Bloodsucker Blade high--

 --and thrust it into the ground with all my might.


 --A loud roar and a tremor occured.

 The impact was incomparable to when I had chased away the goblins.

 The ground collapsed, and I felt like I was floating, as if I was falling.

 I somehow managed to regain my balance and sheathe my Bloodsucker Blade.

 When I opened my eyes again, the square had been transformed. The entire square had sunk in, forming a giant crater. The holy knights were lying on the ground. They weren't dead, but they wouldn't be able to attack for a while. Their formation was completely in disarray, and many of them had lost their weapons.

 'You sure did it up big...'

 "Well, I don't think anything less would have worked."

 I felt bad about destroying the beautiful landscape of the city, but I guess it couldn't be helped. I had no choice but to do this to avoid a mass slaughter.

 At any rate, the shockwave had also broken the ice chains. Cirrul should be able to move now too.

 "Cirrul, let's run while we can!"

 I called out to Cirrul.

 But instead, she was walking towards the female bishop with weak steps.


 "Eek...Ice Bind!"

 The female bishop chanted the spell hastily, but she didn't have her staff with her. It seemed to have been blown away by the shockwave earlier. She couldn't use magic without her magic equipment.

 "Someone, attack the dragon! Kill it quickly! While it's weak! Now!"

 The female bishop screamed. She was only thinking about killing Cirrul now. She showed no mercy, even though they had been together since childhood. Or maybe, it was because they had been together for so long that resentment had built up.

 This can't go on.

 "Cirrul, no! Get away from here quickly! Everyone here is an enemy now!"

 '...Noroa-sama. Please give me a little time to talk to the bishop.'

 "She can't understand you! Go away and come back later!"

 'Please...just a little longer'

 Cirrul said this and stood before the female bishop. The female bishop tried to pick up her staff in a hurry, but Cirrul's huge mouth was faster. A mouth full of fangs, big enough to swallow a human whole...

 "Eek...! "

 She must have thought she was going to be killed.

 The female bishop let out a crushed scream and twisted her face into a grimace.

 "Y-you...if only you...if only you weren't here...! "

 Her eyes were so powerful that they could curse someone to death.

 Under the weight of such hostility, Cirrul began to tremble like a wounded child.

 However, the next words that came out of Cirrul's mouth were not words of resentment.

 'Oh... I'm glad'

 It was a very thin voice.

 'I'm glad I came here. I'm glad I know the bishop's true feelings'

 No one present could grasp the true meaning of Cirrul's words.

 Neither I, nor the female bishop, nor the holy knights, nor the citizens...

 Everyone stared at Cirrul in disbelief.

 'I've been hurting you, haven't I, Bishop? So much, so much...'

 Tears welled up in Cirrul's eyes and flowed silently.

 Tears of compassion, so unlike a dragon.

 Those tears froze the people present in their tracks.

 Even the holy knights had stopped attacking by now.

 Maybe they had realized who this dragon was...

 Even though her appearance had changed, her warm, sunbeam-like heart had not.

 The people began to murmur and raise voices of doubt, eventually turning their suspicious eyes on the female bishop.

 The female bishop flinched and opened her mouth as if to try to argue back.

 But before that.

 '...I'm sorry'

 Cirrul bowed her head.

 '...I'm not coming here anymore. Not if it means hurting someone'

 "Someone" probably refers to the person who framed Cirrul.

 Even after all this, is she still trying to show compassion?


 That's what they call Cirrul. I thought it was just a title, but maybe I was wrong about her.

 The reason why she is called the Saint.

 'Sir Noroa, let's go.'

 Cirrul turned her back on the people of Sunpool and came back to me.

 "...Are you sure?"


 Cirrul's resolve is firm. So, it's not my place to say anything.

 When I mounted her back, Cirrul immediately took flight.

 As she ascended, she looked around the square, her gaze settling on the female bishop. I can't tell what expression Cirrul is wearing from behind, but her back is trembling slightly.


 The last thing that came out of Cirrul's mouth was a farewell.

 I don't know who it was for. Maybe it wasn't for anyone.

 Cirrul seemed to have cut off all ties with that one word as she rose sharply.

 The ground quickly receded into the distance, and the sky spread out before me.

 Before I knew it, the sun was sinking towards the western horizon.

 The sky was clearly divided into 2 colors.

 The red-glowing western sky and the eastern sky, which was gradually turning into night.

 Cirrul turned her back on the sunlight and flew towards the dark night sky.

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