Saturday, June 8, 2024 @

Volume 3 Chapter 9 I Found It

Volume 3 Chapter 9 I Found It

 After flying for a while, Cirrul descended onto the grassland as if exhausted. Perhaps still not used to landing, she kicked up a lot of grass while almost crashing. Juju and I, who were riding on her back, were thrown onto the grass with a thud.

 'Bleh, bleh, blargh...'

 Juju vomits again. She can't seem to keep anything down. This is a complete failure as a beautiful girl.

 Well, maybe it's better if she vomits and calms down.

 More importantly, I'm more worried about Cirrul right now.

 Cirrul was crouching on the grass. It was clear that she was physically and mentally exhausted.

 "Are you okay?"

 When I called out to her, Cirrul raised her face slightly and nodded. Then, she probably tried to smile... She raised the corners of her mouth slightly... and then, her expression broke down.

 '...I may not be okay...'

 Cirrul's voice was trembling. Like a child about to cry, the dragon's face crumpled up.

 '...I was scared...'


 '...I couldn't turn back into a human either...'

 "Well, there's still a chance. If we go back to Sunpool..."

 '...No, that's not it. It's not enough. The people at Sunpool... they're not enough...'

 Not enough. Does she mean not enough love?

 '...I thought I loved them. But maybe I was just pretending to love them. If I think about it, I was only thinking about being loved by everyone. I didn't want to be hated, I didn't want to be disappointed...'

 In the end, she probably didn't deeply love anyone.

 Even if she loves someone, it's hard to keep loving them while being treated with hostility.

 Maybe beyond that difficulty lies the "true love" that Beast & Rose talk about.

 But maybe she'll never find someone she can love like that, even if she spends her whole life searching.

 Ideally, I'd like someone who would accept Cirrul's current form without being disgusted...

 '...I've really lost everything...'

 Cirrul lowered her face and muttered.

 '...I have nothing left... I can't do anything...'

 She lost everything with just one cursed equipment. Her beautiful appearance, her loved ones, her beloved hometown, her status, her honor, her wealth... everything.


 Just like me before, zero.

 She was the same as I was back then, with nothing and nothing to do, only shedding tears.

 I want her to be happy. Is it wrong to think that way?

 Either way, I can't just leave her alone.

 I'm already in this boat. Let's see it through to the end.

 "If you've lost everything, why don't you come with me?"


 Cirrul raises her face.

 "We're on a journey to collect cursed equipment."

 'A journey to collect cursed equipment...?'

 It's no wonder she doesn't understand. There are hardly any people who collect cursed equipment. I might be the only person in this world who travels with such a motive.

 However, that's not the important thing.

 "If we travel, we'll meet all sorts of people. Then, maybe someday, someone will find you and not hate you for your appearance. Someone who will face your heart head-on..."

 It doesn't have to be many. Just one person is enough. If just one person like that finds her, Cirrul... she will surely be able to love from the bottom of her heart.

 If she can just become human again, she should be able to live a good life. Even with the handicap of being a cursed equipment holder, Cirrul is sure to be loved by everyone.


 "Until then, I'll be with you."


 Cirrul twisted her body as if she was upset.

 'Why... would you do so much for me?'

 Cirrul asks, her expression mixed with anticipation and anxiety, once again.

 'Why, for such an ugly me...'

 Why, huh.

 I can't put it into words, but I think there are many reasons. There are proper reasons, reasons that Cirrul might understand, and there are also vague reasons that I can't put into words... many reasons.

 But, after all, the most important reason is...

 "I thought you were beautiful... your heart"

 Cirrul's monstrous form allowed me to see her heart clearly.

 A heart as warm as a gentle sunbeam.

 So, even if she was a dragon.

 "I thought it would be okay to travel with you."

 '...Even someone like me?'

 "That's why it's okay."

 '...It's the first time someone has said that to me.'

 A sudden gust of wind blew, and tears welled up in Cirrul's eyes. They were clear tears. The tears that should have flowed from a fearsome dragon sparkled beautifully like jewels under the setting sun.


 Cirrul chuckled in the backlight of the setting sun.

 '--I've finally found it.'

 Before I could understand what she meant.

 The wind blew again. The grassland rippled softly in the light.

 I reflexively closed my eyes as petals from somewhere danced over my field of vision.

 How long was it?

 Eventually, the wind died down, and I opened my eyelids again.

 --There was a girl standing in front of me.

 She was a breathtakingly beautiful girl. With her pale amber hair dancing in the wind, she stood amidst a flurry of petals. Her appearance was like a masterpiece, so unreal that it was almost unbelievable. If she were to declare herself a flower fairy now, I might believe her.

 Of course, I had never seen this girl before.

 But I knew it was Cirrul right away. I couldn't explain why, but her innocent expression, her delicate gestures, her trembling breath, all seemed to tell me that she was Cirrul.


 Embarrassed by my gaze, Cirrul blushed to her ears and giggled as if tickled.

 "D-did I come back...?"

 Cirrul fidgeted nervously. She avoided eye contact with me, twiddling her fingers and fiddling with her bangs.

 "I see."

 I nodded in understanding.

 How Cirrul had transformed back into a human.

 I'm not particularly loved, so I thought I could clear the Cost of "Affection" for Beast & Rose. I guess there was a loophole in the Cost after all.

 Just as I concluded that,


 Cirrul pressed her stomach and smiled faintly.

 "Hehe... I'm pregnant with Sir Noroa's baby."


 I didn't quite understand, but after a while, I realized.

 --'Kissing' can make babies!

 Come to think of it, I hadn't cleared up that misunderstanding.

 "No, I mean... babies aren't made by kissing..."

 "--Oh, they're about to be born."

 "That's not possible."

 "...Are you not going to acknowledge me?"

 "You're surprisingly knowledgeable about some things, aren't you?"

 Come to think of it, she was also quite knowledgeable about monsters. Perhaps she just has a filter on some of her knowledge, rather than being completely ignorant. This is going to be a pain.

 "Well, I'll take responsibility later..."

 Cirrul brought her face closer to mine and smiled innocently.

 "Please take care of me from now on, Sir Noroa."

 "...Uh, okay."

 Overwhelmed by her strange aura, I nodded mechanically.

 Does this mean she's going to travel with me?

 I feel like I've just added another troublesome companion to my journey.

 But well, it's not all bad. Cirrul seems to have regained a little bit of her smile, and even if it's not completely okay, I think we've reached a somewhat okay outcome. It may not be much of a plus, but at least it's not a minus or zero.


 I casually looked up at the sky.

 The sunset sky, like the last embers of a fire before night falls.

 The sun was almost hidden beyond the horizon, and the sky was almost dyed in the colors of night.

 I wonder if it was under this kind of sunset sky that I met Juju.

 It is said that dusk symbolizes the end, but to me, the underdogs, it seemed like a sky that symbolizes a new beginning.

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