Friday, June 7, 2024 @

Volume 3 Chapter 3 Condition for Returning to Human Form

Volume 3 Chapter 3 Condition For Returning To Human Form

 The dragon began to explain her situation in bits and pieces.

 She revealed her identity as the Saint Cirrula Tu Lake.

 She mentioned finding a cursed hair ornament in her room, waking up as a dragon, and fleeing to this mountain after being unable to convince anyone of her true form.

 ――The story was hard to believe, but it made sense. I had secretly checked with the Compass Eye (Ra Shingan), and it confirmed that the Saint Cirrula Tu Lake was within a 3-meter radius.

 "I never imagined you were the Saint..."

 'D-Do you believe me? This is such an absurd story...'


 Speaking of the Saint of Sunpool, I've heard her name before.

 She's a well-known figure in this region, one of the most famous, if not the most.

 Saints themselves are rare, with only a handful in the entire world. But her fame isn't just because of her status. Well, maybe partly. At most, a tenth of it. The other 9-tenths are due to her ―― pure beauty.

 Some people travel from distant lands just to catch a glimpse of her. It's said that she possesses great power, enough to sway people to her will, and that if she had evil intentions, she could easily overthrow a country.

 "I apologize for my rudeness earlier, not knowing you were the Saint..."

 I hastily bowed my head.

 Checking her gender and holding Juju close to her face were definitely out of line.

 'Oh, no need to worry about that. And you can keep using that casual tone.'

 "Really? That's a relief. I don't know how to talk to someone of high status."

 'Please call me 'Cirrul'. It's a bit more friendly.'

 "Alright, Cirrul."

 'Hehe... It's been a while since someone called me that.'

 Cirrula wagged her tail like a puppy being pet, kicking up dirt and shaking the surrounding trees. To an outsider, it would look like the dragon was furious. Scary.

 'And you can call me "Jujurun" or "Jujuchin".'

 "Haha, sounds like you're sniffing."


 Juju scratched her face without saying a word. What's wrong with her?

 "Still, I can't believe the truth behind the Saint Kidnapping Incident was something like this."

 'Eh, am I supposed to be kidnapped?'

 "Yeah. I think the story was that a dragon suddenly appeared and took Cirrula away."

 '...Why? Many people must have seen me flying.'

 'Well, rumors always get exaggerated.'

 Juju is being surprisingly sensible. Maybe a storm is coming tomorrow.

 Anyway, the truth is that the Saint Kidnapping Incident is just a ridiculous rumor. If you think about it calmly, it's full of tsukkomi moments. A dragon that doesn't exist in this land suddenly attacks a city and kidnaps the Saint as if it was targeting her specifically.

 However, there are still some mysteries.

 ――Why was there cursed equipment in Sillu's room?

 Well, I guess there's no point in thinking about it.

 Anyway, first let's deal with the cursed equipment. Sillu seems to be really having trouble with it. So, it shouldn't be a problem if I take it from her. Sillu can go back to being human, and I get the cursed equipment. Everyone's happy.

 "Cirrul, can I ask you about your cursed equipment?"

 'This hair ornament?'

 "Yeah, that's it."

 If it's the wielder, they should have the information about the equipment in their head.

 "I'm just a little curious. Maybe I can help you with something."

 'Well, I don't mind...'

 Cirrul closed her eyes and spoke slowly, as if pulling out the information in her head. She didn't hold back any information, so I was able to quickly grasp the details of the cursed equipment.

 - Beast & Rose

 ...A beautiful white rose hair ornament. When worn, it grants immense power, but transforms the wielder into their most feared form. To return to human form, true love is required.

 Rank: SSS

 Type: Accessory

 Effect: Beast Transformation (The wearer transforms into their most feared form. Upon transformation, they gain abilities corresponding to that form.)

 Cost: The wearer cannot return to their human form unless they kiss someone they truly love.

 So, this is basically the effect of Cirrul's cursed equipment.

 ――In exchange for gaining immense power, one must become the form they fear the most.

 And... to return to being human, they must kiss the person they love.

 "I see."

 I tried to maintain a calm expression, but I secretly clenched my teeth.

 ...I can't take this.

 'That's a pretty troublesome cost.'

 Juju said, grimacing. Even from the perspective of cursed equipment, it might be a pretty unique cost.

 'So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it? Are you going to steal it?'

 "No, I'll pass. I can't pay that cost."

 Of course, I want it. I'm willing to take some risks to get this cursed equipment. Especially if someone is suffering because of it.

 Equipment is made to make people happy. But if no one is happy, neither the cursed equipment nor the wearer is rewarded. If I could wear it...if I could bear the curse, I'm sure that would be the ending where everyone would be happy.

 But...this cost is just impossible.

 The crux of the Beast and Rose's cost is to love someone.

 But I can only love equipment. This is something that I can't change with effort.

 In the first place, I grew up without knowing love or being loved, so I don't really know what love is, and I don't think the day will come when I can love someone with all my heart.

 The Beast and Rose is a terrible match for me.

 'Um, is this hair accessory that dangerous?'

 Cirrul sensed something from my expressions and squirmed uneasily.

 "No...it's not dangerous. It's just a wild horse or a tomboy..."

 'Well, it's a troublesome piece of equipment.'

 Juju said casually.

 Troublesome. That might be the right word for it.

 The wearer won't be in danger of going berserk or dying or anything, but it's definitely a pain to have around. That being said, I guess having trouble with equipment is part of the man greatest experience.

 'Troublesome, is it? Does that mean it's hard to deal with?'

 "Yeah, maybe. I don't know for sure, though."

 I give her a vague answer, trying to avoid the topic.

 If you say it's hard to deal with, then yeah, it is. But there's a way to get around the cost of cursed equipment.

 But should I tell Cirrul about it? It's not going to do me any good if she finds out that I know a lot about cursed equipment when she turns back into a human. I have no obligation to help her, and it's not convenient for me to be seen with a dragon.

 If I want to benefit myself, I should just leave.

 There's no point in getting involved in her situation any more.

 My answer was decided from the start.

 "Sorry, I don't know how to deal with that cursed equipment."

 'Oh, I see... yeah, that's right.'


 I hesitate for a moment, then continue.

 "Maybe I can help you."


 In the end, I decided to lend her a hand.

 To the girl who was suffering alone because of cursed equipment.

 Yeah, the answer was decided from the start.

 If I leave things as they are, Cirrul will be killed, and the beautiful cursed equipment will be destroyed. I had too much sympathy for her and her equipment to just stand by and watch that happen. And I know too much about the pain of having your life ruined by cursed equipment... I couldn't just ignore her suffering.

 Making choices ―― choosing something and discarding something else.

 I wish I could be wise and efficient enough to live like that. I wish I could see someone suffering and then forget about it and laugh.

 ...I can't do that yet.

 'You're such a softie.'

 Juju pulled my ear in annoyance. She seemed to be in a bad mood, maybe because she was hungry. Most of Juju's problems were because she was 'hungry'.

 "Anyway, we'd better get away from here first."

 'Eh, why?'

 "Your extermination team is coming."

 As an adventurer, I've heard about the large-scale extermination.

 It's been 6 days since Cirrul left Sunpool, so the extermination team might be in this forest by now. Even though the extermination team doesn't have Compass Eye (Ra Shingan), I think we don't have much time.

 'Extermination team...'

 'They might attack as early as tomorrow! Serves you right!'

 'So, that...'

 Cirrul shrank as if she was shocked. Even though it was a misunderstanding, there were a lot of humans trying to kill her. It would be nothing but fear. Especially Cirrul, who had no experience with the bloody world of killing and being killed.

 However, I couldn't hide the truth. She might approach the extermination team without any preparation if she didn't know she was the target.

 'What should I do...'

 "――It's okay."

 I gently stroked the hair ornament that was attached to Cirrul's head.

 "I'll protect you. I'll make you happy for sure."

 I tried to show off the cute cursed equipment, and my lines became a bit cheesy.

 But it wasn't a lie. The feelings behind those words were real.

 I hated the common sense that touching a cursed equipment makes you unhappy.

 I wanted people who touched cursed equipment to be happy. I wanted them to think they were lucky to wear such cute equipment. The cursed equipment itself would be happy if it was used properly.

 '...So, is that a proposal...'

 "Hm, did you say something?"

 'I, no... ah, thank you!'

 Cirrul covered her face with her front paws as if she was embarrassed for some reason.

 Well, maybe I reassured her a little bit.

 However... just as I let my guard down for a moment――



 Suddenly, a terrifying roar echoed through the air.

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