Sunday, June 30, 2024 @

Volume 16 Chapter 8 Holy City Collapse

Volume 16 Chapter 8 Holy City Collapse

 "...Alright, if Noo says so, then..."

 A single tear drops from Ravuri's downcast eyes.

 "...Let's start, Hell Hell's Flute."

 Ravuri brought the transverse flute to her mouth. It was the same one she had played on the ship earlier.

 Ravuri's cursed equipment, which held the power of "monster control."

 The moment the flute's sound resonated――the entire holy city began to shake violently. The ground trembled intensely, and the earth quaked in all directions, making it impossible to stand upright.


 A bad premonition struck, and I tried to stop her in a panic.

 But it was already too late.


 Suddenly, I was hit by a powerful shockwave.

 It was an unexpected attack from an unknown direction. The Slime Shield's automatic defense kicked in, but it couldn't fully neutralize the attack's power, and I was blown away.

 After somehow managing to regain my footing and looking up, I immediately realized who had attacked me.

 "...Cirrul? ."

 '...You're lying, right?'

 All emotions had vanished from the white dragon's eyes.

 When Ravuri changed the flute's sound, the white dragon swung its tail again, and I barely dodged in time. The ground where I had stood just a moment ago exploded into smithereens.

 "Monster control... ."

 So that's it... Cirrul's dragon transformation wasn't just a simple change in form. It was a complete transformation into a dragon, with the ability to fly, increased strength, and difficulties with temperature regulation.

 In other words, its body had become a dragon, which meant it was a monster.

 "...I'll borrow Sil."

 Ravuri mounted the white dragon without looking at me.

 "Wait, let's talk――."

 "...Don't come closer."

 Ravuri blew the flute again, producing a sharp, rejecting sound. At the same time, a pale blue flame was released from the white dragon's mouth.


 I barely avoided the flame. However, just being exposed to its heat was enough to scorch my hair and clothes.

 The firepower was incredible. A direct hit would turn me to ashes in an instant.

 '...I mean, can that guy even breathe fire?'

 "...Maybe, by being controlled, Cirrul's clumsiness disappeared, and it's now using its original dragon powers."

 'So, you're saying it's ridiculously strong?'

 "...I think it's always had the potential to be the strongest."

 The dragon is a legendary monster. Even among S-Rank monsters, it's in a league of its own in terms of strength. With just one attack, it can change the landscape.

 'There's no choice but to defeat it.'

 "...No way, that's Cirrul. We can't attack it."

 Maybe I could defeat it, but if I do, Cirrul will probably die for sure.

 It's an existence that absolutely cannot be made an enemy.

 "Noo, Rav is a bad kid, so... I don't need to be protected anymore."

 With those words of separation, the white dragon began to flap its wings powerfully.

 A strong gust of wind blew, and my body felt like it was going to be blown away.

 'Noroa, let's escape into the air!'

 "Damn it..."

 If they fly, there's no way to resist.

 "This is bad... Juju, the needle! Let's take the cursed equipment from Ravuri while we still can!"

 'Yeah, let's do it!'

 A shining needle appeared in my hand.

 It was a cursed needle used to steal others' curses.

 I approached Ravuri, trying to stab the needle into Juju's heart...

 "...Don't get in the way."

 This time, suddenly, the ground slid backward, and I lost my balance.

 The needle ended up stabbing Juju's forehead.


 "...Damn, now! it's map manipulation!"

 I tried to stab the needle into Juju's heart again, but the path kept shifting left and right, and buildings started closing in from the front and back. I didn't have the luxury to stab the needle.

 "Hmph...I don't know what equipment it is, but it seems you can't use it unless you get close."

 'Just a minute, don't get in the way! I'll break your glasses!'

 "...That's my line."

 'Aww, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to break your glasses!'

 "...No, it's the other way around. 'Don't get in the way' is what I said."

 Mars gave me a cold stare through his glasses.

 "You guys have messed up my plans pretty badly...but oh well. The puzzle is already complete. Let's start the plan."

 "What puzzle?"

 'What are you talking about?'

 "...I don't have to answer that. Just be careful not to bite your tongue."

 And then, Mars placed his hand on the panoramic model on top of the book.

 "――Now, let's rewrite (relight)."

 With just those words, the holy city collapsed.

 The buildings and roads within the holy city began to break apart and float away like puzzle pieces, swirling around and reassembling themselves.

 "Whoa..." 'What the heck is this?!'

 I tried to rush towards Mars, but the distance between us kept growing, and before I knew it, we were being swept away by the waves of buildings, helpless to resist....

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