Sunday, June 30, 2024 @

Volume 17 Chapter 1 Monster Invasion

Volume 17 Chapter 1 Monster Invasion

 "Ugh... I thought I was gonna die."

 After being swallowed up by the whirlpool in the city due to Mars' map manipulation, I finally managed to crawl out of the waterway.

 I couldn't hold on to the city and fell into the waterway midway.

 Luckily, I didn't get attacked by a monster... but for someone like me who can't swim, it was hell.

 "...That was terrible."

 I was completely soaked. For a while, I didn't want to get back in the water.

 'My clothes are all wet again! This is unbelievable! I'll definitely break that guy's glasses!'

 Juju was furious, her body shaking with anger. She looked like a cat or dog or something.

 "More importantly... we need to stop Ravuri and the others right now."

 I said, looking around.

 Lately, Cirrul and Ravuri were always by my side, but now there was no one there. Ravuri had distanced herself from me, and Cirrul had been taken away by her.

 'That princess... didn't she say something about assassinating the Holy King?'

 "That's right..."

 It seemed that Ravuri and the others had a plan to kill Miss Fuuko.

 I didn't know how they were going to attack Miss Fuuko, who was hiding in the Great Holy Castle, but it was unlikely that the "Cursed Users" would be able to infiltrate the holy city without a plan.

 If they combined their powerful map manipulation and monster control, they might be able to pull off something like assassinating the Holy King.

 "We need to hurry and find Ravuri and the others. We can't let them assassinate the Holy King..."

 "――Can I hear more about that story?"

 Suddenly, a spear was pointed at me.

 I quickly looked up to see....

 "...Ah" '...Ge'

 It was Mr. Sein. Behind him, the Inquisitors had gathered, and everyone was giving me a cold, hard stare.

 That was to be expected. I had betrayed them, after all.

 "What happened? Tell me."

 With Mr. Sein's spear pressed against my throat....

 "Wait, Inquisitor Sein. Don't fight him."

 It was Miss Miimo who intervened.

 Although she had just fought me as an enemy, it seemed she had already regained her consciousness.

 "There's no time for that, and besides, all the Inquisitors are bundled together, so we can't beat Noroa anyway."

 'That's right, get a grip!'

 "...Why are you so arrogant, Juju?"

 "What's with you, Chief Milnas?!"

 Mr. Sein raised his voice in discontent.

 "Now that Chief Milnas is here, it doesn't matter how strong this guy is! There's no way the 'Cursed Users' can win against the authorities!"

 "No, I just lost to him a moment ago."


 "I was instantly killed while handicapped, too."

 "...What a ridiculous, impossible thing..."

 "It's the truth."

 Mr. Sein looked at me with an incredulous gaze, and the other Inquisitors were also in an uproar. It seemed that the defeat of the strongest Inquisitor in the Holy Kingdom was quite a shock.

 "...So, does that mean we should surrender to the 'Cursed Users'?"

 "No, that's not it. We need to cooperate now. We can't handle this situation on our own... and it seems our goals align with Noroa's, anyway."

 Miss Miimo turned to face us again.

 "Follow me."

 She said, and started walking briskly.

 I exchanged a glance with Juju.

 'What do we do?'

 "...It doesn't seem like a trap, anyway."

 We couldn't just stand there, so we decided to follow Miss Miimo.


 We climbed up the stairs, using the piled-up rubble as a foothold, and reached the rooftop of the building.

 I stood beside Miss Miimo, following her gaze――.


 '...This is!'

 ――I couldn't help but exclaim.

 The cityscape of the Holy Capital had completely collapsed.

 The scenery that spread out before my eyes was a chaotic mess, like a jumbled puzzle.

 The Holy Capital was no longer a city.

 The buildings and roads were cut off from each other, floating in the lake like trash.

 And, the Grand Holy Castle at the center of the Holy City was now isolated in the lake, as if it was abandoned.

 "Mars built a massive waterway, bypassing the city and reaching the center of the Holy City."

 "A massive waterway..."

 "Yeah, it's for the monsters to attack the Grand Holy Castle."


 With Miss Miimo's words, I quickly understood.

 A massive, cross-shaped waterway was built in the center of the Holy City.

 Inside the waterway, an enormous number of monsters were packed in.

 Where those monsters were headed was――.

 "...the Grand Holy Castle."

 When I looked, the Grand Holy Castle itself had been remodeled, like a wooden castle rebuilt upside down.

 It was distorted, as if the castle was flipped upside down.

 And at the very bottom of the Grand Holy Castle was a small layer.

 It seemed to be floating directly above the waterway, and that layer was――.

 "That's where the highest floor used to be."

 "...So, that means Holy King is there, right?"

 'In the middle of the monster swarm.'

 "That's right. Even aquatic monsters can attack Her Majesty Holy King from that distance."

 "...I see."

 It was very simple.

 Holy King's room was inaccessible to humans without permission. However, non-humans could enter.

 So, if they created an environment where monsters could enter Holy King's room...they could kill Holy King.

 "It's fortunate that it didn't sink directly into the lake, thanks to the power of cursed equipment. But...with this number of monsters, even Her Majesty Holy King can't defend herself for long."

 "I suppose so..."

 Even I, who have many combat equipment, couldn't handle this number.

 I wouldn't be able to cope unless I let the Bloodsucker Blade go berserk.

 "What's worse, the barrier used as the foundation of this Holy City...is one that Her Majesty Holy King maintains alone. If anything happens to Her Majesty Holy King, this entire city will sink."


 ...It was just too hopeless.

 No one can be happy with this ending.

 "If we can just stop the monster's movements... Miss Fuuko won't get attacked anymore, right?"

 "That's right, the enemy's only means of attack is the monster. But even if we stop Princess Ravuri, who's controlling the monster..."

 Miss Miimo looks up slightly.

 Above the holy city's sky ―― there's a white dragon flying leisurely. Ravuri is probably on top of it. The sound of a flute is faintly coming down from the sky.

 "We can't do anything as long as they're flying in the air. And if we stop Princess Ravuri, she'll lose control of the monster, making the damage even worse."

 'It's already hopeless, isn't it?'

 "Is the only thing we can do rescuing Holy King?"

 "No... even that's going to be tough. The Inquisitors are trapped in a Level B or higher restricted area, and only Sein-kun, and I can move freely."

 "Is that all there is to it?"

 ...It's an overly thorough plan.

 Mars has broken the 700-year-old barrier protecting the holy city and is even using it against us, creating this desperate situation in such a short time.

 The terrifying "Cursed Users".

 "The only one who can turn this situation around is probably Noroa."

 Miss Miimo turns back to me.

 "So... whose side are you on?"


 "Are you on the side of the Inquisitors or the 'Cursed Users'? Or maybe... you're our enemy?"

 "No... I'm not the enemy of either side."

 I look back and forth between the great holy castle and the white dragon.

 I can't choose between Miss Fuuko and Ravuri. I want to help both of them.

 I don't think Mars should be killed either.

 So, I won't hesitate.

 The answer has been clear from the start.

 "I'm on both sides."

 "Hmm, you don't seem to be indecisive."

 Miss Miimo gazes at my face as if to see through me.

 "I understand that you're on both sides. So, what are you going to do?"

 It's already decided.

 The Inquisitors and the Ravuri aren't trying to kill each other, after all.

 I'm the only one who understands both sides, so I know.

 The people here are all good people.

 This incident can't end in tragedy.

 So, let's make a resolution.

 "――I'll put an end to this fight... without anyone getting hurt."

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