Thursday, June 27, 2024 @

Volume 14 Chapter 6 The Black Curtain Begins to Move

Volume 14 Chapter 6 The Black Curtain Begins To Move

 The moonlight was rippling on the lake's surface at night.

 On the white sandy beach, the waves were shimmering with a faint blue light.

 It was probably a place loved by the water spirits.

 When Ravuri touched the water's edge with her bare feet, a blue ripple spread out from there.

 It was a fantastical place that felt too good to be kept to oneself.


 Ravuri took a deep breath of the night air, bringing her lips to the flute.

 A gentle, melancholic sound flowed out, echoing across the calm lake.

 Playing the flute on this beach had become Ravuri's daily routine since she entered the holy city.

 Every time Ravuri played a melody of various colors, the faint blue lights on the lake's surface seemed to dance, creating numerous ripples.

 It was a beautiful performance that seemed to last forever.

 But it was interrupted by a single, unpleasant voice.

 "...You're really careless to be walking alone like that."

 For a moment, she thought it was Noroa who had come to meet her.

 But... the voice was different.


 Ravuri quickly turned around, and there was a hooded man standing there.

 In his hand, a book with intricate illustrations was open.


 The man Noroa and the others were searching for, a "Cursed User".

 "Wh, what..."

 Ravuri couldn't help but take a step back.

 Meanwhile, Mars didn't flinch, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light behind his glasses.

 "You... seem to be quite close to that bodyguard, don't you?"

 "...That's none of your business."

 "No, it's a big deal. It's related to the success or failure of my plan, after all."

 Mars let out a heavy sigh and glared at Ravuri as if scolding her.

 "I wouldn't think so, but... you, who possess the 'Cursed Power', have feelings for the Inquisitor, don't you?"


 Ravuri was at a loss for words.

 "...That's not..."

 "Don't have any strange expectations, 'Cursed Users'. We're the enemies of the world. No matter how much you're loved, if they find out your true identity, what do you think the people around you will do?"

 "No, stop."

 Ravuri shook her head, not wanting to imagine it.

 But deep down, she knew the truth.

 The moment she's known as a "Cursed User", everyone will abandon her, leaving Ravuri behind.

 Even the fans who love her, and Cirrul, her childhood friend, will all look down on Ravuri. And Inquisitor Noroa will... come to hunt down Ravuri's head.

 Mars gives Ravuri a sympathetic glance for just a moment.

 "...If you don't want to get hurt, don't expect anything. Don't get emotional with anyone, and stay strong. At least, until our plan succeeds."

 "...I know."

 "Then, prove it."

 "Prove it?"

 "It's simple."

 Mars says calmly.

 "――Take down Noroa Rator."


 Ravuri's eyes widen in surprise.

 "He's too strong to be our enemy, but fortunately, he's letting his guard down around you. Now's the perfect chance to take him down."

 "But, Noo isn't a bad person, and we're both 'Cursed Users,' you know? I think if we talk, he'll understand...'

 "That's why I told you. Because you said so, I took the risk... and what was the result?"


 "If he become allies, it'll be reassuring, but he's already Holy King's dog. He thinks it's fine as long as he's treated well, that traitor."

 The words "That's not true" almost came out, but Ravuri couldn't say anything.

 She really didn't know if she could trust Noroa.

 "Think of it as the necessary cost to gain freedom. If you can't do it... you'll just get killed."


 "Take down Noroa Rator, okay?"


 Ravuri nods firmly, as if she's made up her mind.

 And then, the quiet night slowly passes by....

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