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Volume 14 Chapter 2 The All-Knowing Incompetent Girl

Volume 14 Chapter 2 The All-Knowing Incompetent Girl

 "――Is the mastermind behind this curse you?"


 Miss Fuuko remained silent, her eyes narrowing slightly as she brought the teacup to her lips――and froze.

 Her expressionless face turned slightly teary-eyed. Maybe the tea was too hot.

 "Wh... whhy hoo hhou hiink..."

 "Calm down first, okay?"

 "Wh... why do you think I'm the culprit?"

 "I didn't think you were the culprit, but rather the mastermind behind the scenes. You're a 'Cursed User', after all. And you possess a 'cursed equipment' that can control monsters."

 I confirmed it earlier with Compass Eye (Ra Shingan).

 When I searched for someone who could control monsters with cursed equipment, the needle pointed to the top floor of the Holy Castle. And when I saw Miss Fuuko, the needle disappeared.

 "...What's going on?"

 I asked again.

 Miss Fuuko's reaction was...

 "Am I wrong? It's not limited to monsters, is it?"


 I was taken aback by her sudden admission, and my pace faltered.

 The top of the Holy Kingdom, which condemned 'Cursed Users', was... a 'Cursed User' themselves.

 Originally, it was a national secret that should have been kept hidden.

 Why would a 'Cursed User' condemn cursed equipment?... I wanted to ask, but that wasn't what I needed to confirm here.

 "Do you have another question?"


 I checked the needle of my Compass Eye.

 "Why did you... invite 'Cursed Users' to the Holy City?"

 On my way here, I asked Compass Eye to point out the person who was inviting 'Cursed Users'.

 I suspected the powerful individuals in the Holy Castle, but I never thought the needle would point to the Holy King.

 "Isn't it already decided?"

 Miss Fuuko laughed innocently, her eyes sparkling.

 "That's because it's more fun that way, right?"

 "More fun... Is that really the reason?"

 "Of course it is!"

 'You're so cruel.'

 Come to think of it, Miss Miimo had warned me about this from the start.

 The Holy King enjoys games, after all.

 Is this situation just a game to Miss Fuuko as well?

 More than that, in the first place....

 "What do you know about this curse?"

 "...About that..."

 Miss Fuuko hesitated for a moment, then let out a deep sigh.

 "Maybe I can't say?"

 "What? Why..."

 "It's because of the Cost."

 Miss Fuuko said with an unusual tone of conviction.

 Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, shining with a rainbow light.

 Her 2 eyes, which seemed to know everything, gazed at me.

 "This is the Selector's Eye. The all-knowing, incompetent eye. As long as I have this eye, I know everything, and... can do nothing."

 "Can do nothing...?"

 "Well, if I cross the gray zone, maybe I can do something?"

 'Which one is it?'

 "But I can't answer your current question. I can't say words that directly interfere with the future, no matter what."

 She fell back into her questioning tone.

 "Well, it can't be helped if it's the Cost of the cursed equipment."

 'There are "Cursed Users" out there, after all.'

 "But... can I answer your first question?"

 "! Really?"

 "About whether I'm the mastermind behind the curse... No?"

 "......Show me the 'liar in this room'."

 I checked using the Compass Eye just in case.

 The result was――no reaction.

 In other words, Miss Fuuko was telling the truth.

 "...I understand."

 "You're the first one to suspect me directly, aren't you? Originally, that would be a capital offense, wouldn't it?"

 "U, I'm sorry..."

 "It was fun, so it's okay?"

 "Was there a fun element in this conversation?"

 "Yes, very much?"

 Her expression was almost blank, and she didn't seem to be having much fun at all.

 "Are you satisfied with that as well?"


 I don't know how much she knows, but she might have seen through my thoughts.

 "I had fun, so I'll teach you something interesting, okay?"

 "Something interesting, you say?"

 'Is it packed with laughter?'

 "It's a guaranteed laugh!"

 Miss Fuuko said, leading up to something.

 "You heard from Miimo that I'm getting you a guide to take you to the holy city, right?"

 "Uh, yeah..."

 'Was it the story about the bear in the forest?'


 I'm sure it was after I left Town of Mahariji that I was supposed to get a guide.

 But I heard it didn't work out somehow.

 "That guide... it's Ravuri Forte?"


 I was taken aback by the sudden topic.

 "Even if I say the guide, I did not ask? But if she was with you, you could've reached the holy city more easily, right? That's how the story was supposed to go."


 But, yeah... if we were with Ravuri, it would've been more easy. We could've even gotten the city permit easily since Ravuri is a member of the royal family.

 "But... I only met Ravuri recently, right?"

 "Haven't you been meeting with her before that?"


 Come to think of it, Ravuri muttered the words "Town of Mahariji" yesterday.

 And then, we encountered the Evil Bear after leaving Town of Mahariji.

 That A-rank monster that shouldn't be in that area...

 "So, at that time, the Evil Bear was trying to attack Ravuri?"

 'Was that princess there at that time?'


 Miss Fuuko didn't answer, just smiled faintly, "hehehe".

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