Wednesday, June 26, 2024 @

Volume 14 Chapter 1 My Job as a Princess

Volume 14 Chapter 1 My Job As A Princess

 The day after we made contact with Mars.

 We were ordered to stay on standby at Parasite Palace for Ravuri's safety.

 From morning, important people kept coming to visit us.

 "Your Highness the Princess is lovely today..."

 "Hehehe, you're very skilled."

 "I'd like to introduce my son to Your Highness the Princess..."

 "Yes, I'll convey your words to my father."

 Ravuri, with a bright smile, greeted the visitors with ease.

 It was confusing to see her like this, so different from her usual self... but it reminded me that she's truly a princess of a country.

 Yeah... I remember, I was talking to Ravuri in a casual tone. I didn't think she was royalty, so I let my guard down... but I hope I won't get in trouble for being disrespectful later?

 "Ugh, finally it's over!"

 After sending off the last visitor, Ravuri's face relaxed, and her usual self returned.

 It seems she's more comfortable being herself around us.

 She was still being playful, puffing out her cheeks and looking cute.

 "Ugh, nobles are so annoying! They talk about the weather and stuff, but it's not like I don't know it's nice out! If they have something to say, can't they just summarize it in 3 lines or so? In the end, I don't know what they want to say, and they always go off topic, and then they try to appeal to me with their knowledge... it's just not cute at all! By the way, to make them think I'm cute, I need to be a good listener, right?"

 "That's true. By the way, do you know the phrase 'see how others do it, and then do it yourself'?"

 "...? I've never heard of it."

 "I thought so."

 "More importantly, I'm tired. Noo, can someone give me a foot massage?"

 "Was there something that made your feet tired?"

 'Noroa, can you buy me an omelette bread?'

 "Ah, and can Rav have some juice too, please♪"

 "Do you guys think being a bodyguard is just a side job?"

 I couldn't help but sigh.

 She's in a situation where her life is being targeted, but she's so carefree.

 Or rather...

 "Noo! Noo!"


 "I just called out to you~♪"


 I don't know, but I feel like Ravuri has been getting closer to me since yesterday.

 The distance between our hearts has also been getting shorter. I wonder if this is because I've been trusted as her bodyguard.

 "By the way, doesn't Ravuri have any other attendants?"

 "Huh? Ah, yes, Rav does..."

 "But I've never seen them around."


 "Maybe they're on a runaway or something?"

 "No way, that's not it..."


 "Are you trying to pry into a maiden's private life or something? That's not cool."

 "Yeah, right?"



 I feel like I'm shouldering a lot of troublesome things.

 'More importantly, Noroa...is there anyone suspicious around?'

 "Huh? No..."

 I checked the Compass Eye again, but there was no reaction.

 "There was no one among the visitors who could invite 'Cursed Users'."

 'Hmm, it seems I was wrong.'

 "Yeah...I thought that if someone was trying to cause a disaster in the holy city, the authorities would be suspicious."

 In other words, since I don't know the enemy's motive, I thought that the authorities might be pulling the strings from behind the scenes. If the authorities are involved, it's possible that there are multiple 'Cursed Users' and that they've infiltrated the holy city.

 And if there's a mastermind behind the scenes, it doesn't matter how many low-ranking 'Cursed Users' we catch. They'll just keep coming.

 So, I tried using the Compass Eye (Ra Shingan) to investigate each of the visitors, but the results were all negative.

 'Let's search the entire holy city then.'

 "...No, it's more efficient this way."

 The Compass Eye is pretty inconvenient to use in the city.

 I realized that yesterday when I was chasing after Ravuri.

 In a crowded city with people and objects everywhere, it's hard to use the Compass Eye to search for people. If someone blends into the crowd, I won't know who I'm pointing at, and I can't tell if they're in a building or on the street.

 And, with Compass Eye, there's a cost where if I can't find what I'm looking for within 7 days, I'll die.

 I want to choose where to use it.

 "What's going on with Mars, I wonder..."

 By now, the Inquisitor should be chasing Mars.

 I'm using Compass Eye (Ra Shingan) to get Mars' location information, but... the needle that's supposed to point to Mars' direction is still moving, so it seems like he is not killed yet.

 That's a bit of a relief.


 And then, Kuku burst in through the ceiling.

 "What's going on?"

 "Another guest came. A thousand guests, a thousand boons."

 "What? I thought the last guest was the one from earlier..."

 "It's a guest for Noroa. A blond-haired, tsundere-like guy..."

 "Tsundere Gold, huh?"

 "Mr. Sein, can I get through to you?"

 "I've already let him through."

 "......Hey, what's with Tsundere Gold?"

 When I realized it, a blond-haired young Inquisitor was standing at the entrance of the room.

 It seems like he was listening in on our conversation.

 Or rather...

 "Mr. Sein?"

 "Why are you so suspicious? I'm Sein Aster, the 360-degree, unmistakable Sein."

 "Uh, is that so...?"

 For some reason, he's got a determined look on his face, and a saintly, smiling expression.

 The atmosphere is completely different from when we met yesterday, and it's honestly scary.

 Or rather, he's staring intensely at Ravuri.

 "Ah...so, I'm Sein Aster, who graduated at the top of my class from the prestigious Inquisitor school, and became the vice-commander of the Inquisitors at a young age, right?"

 "Who are you talking to?"

 'This guy is scary...'

 "Anyway, do you have business with me?"

 "Yeah, that's right."

 Mr. Sein clears his throat, as if to recompose himself.

 "Oh, No... No... Noro... Noro-ma..."

 "Are you picking a fight?"

 "Her Majesty the Holy King is summoning you. Please head to the Great Holy Castle as soon as possible."

* * *

 The highest floor of the Great Holy Castle, the audience chamber.

 So, I was having tea with Miss Holy King Fuuko for some reason.

 In the white room, there was an indescribable, heavy silence that hung in the air.

 "Ah, um..."

 "Would you like a refill on your tea?"

 'Yes, and macarons too!'

 "Got it?"

 Miss Fuuko snapped her fingers, and the maid dolls came to refill our tea and snacks.

 She must have some kind of equipment to control them.

 "Ah, it's just that... wait, no..."

 'The tea is too hot! I might burn my tongue! Compensation, apology, and damages! Compensation, apology, and damages!'

 "You should be quiet for a bit, Juju."

 I gave Juju a snack and calmed her down before facing Miss Fuuko again.

 The mysterious girl in a wheelchair, with a gigantic goddess-like doll looming behind her, was staring at me with an intense gaze that made me feel pressured.

 "Why did you call me here today?"

 That's right, I came because Miss Fuuko called me. Honestly, I was on guard before coming here, wondering what she would say... but somehow, I ended up having a fancy tea time with her.

 "...? Do I need a reason to call you?"

 "I think so."

 "Are you being selfish?"

 Miss Fuuko placed her teacup on the saucer.

 "If I had to give a reason, it's just that... I think you'll want to ask me questions soon."

 So, she gave me a vague answer, as usual. She's still a person who speaks in riddles.

 But, about the question...

 "So, is there a question?"


 I want to know everything.

 I swallowed my saliva and stared into Miss Fuuko's eyes.

 "――Is the mastermind behind this curse you?"

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