Monday, June 17, 2024 @

Volume 10 Chapter 2 Probably... Suspected

Volume 10 Chapter 2 Probably... Suspected

 Suddenly, my eyes stop on one piece of equipment.

 A bright red, flaming-like cross standing upright on the ground.

 A cross that's far removed from the image of a curse, yet exudes an aura of divinity.

 Just by looking at it, I feel like my rationality is melting away from the heat of its captivating charm.

 Before I know it, my eyes are drawn to it.

 ...Can such a beautiful piece of equipment really be discarded?

 Such thoughts start to swirl up in my mind――.

 "――Are you interested in that cursed equipment?"


 I snap back to reality. When I come to, I realize Miss Roreis is peering into my face.

 Apparently, I had been gazing at the cross for too long.

 I couldn't feign disinterest.

 "No, I just think it's a bit... beautiful."

 "Is that so?"

 Miss Roreis nodded and took a half-step back.

 Was it safe to judge the situation like this?

 I tried to read Miss Roreis's face, but I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Her expressionless eyes seemed to see right through me.

 "...Do you need something?"

 Senior Rikka, standing beside me, asked with a hint of suspicion.

 Miss Roreis continued to stare at us.


 She suddenly blurted it out.

 My heart skipped a beat. But somehow, I managed to keep my composure from showing on my face.

 Miss Roreis paused for a breath before continuing.

 "What do you think about Phantom?"

 For an instant, I thought it was strange... but when I looked at Miss Roreis's face, I realized it was intentional.

 She was trying to provoke a reaction, observing my responses.

 "Why bring it up all of a sudden?"

 "Just making small talk."

 The response came quickly, like a prepared line.

 "So, what do you think?"

 Miss Roreis's sharp gaze pierced through us, like a blade pressed against our throats.

 Probably... suspected.

 She suspected one of us was a Phantom.

 Why was I suspected? Should I have been more cautious in my actions?

 No, I had to answer her question first.

 But, what's the right answer? What's the correct response?

 Ugh, I'm so stressed out about this conversation...

 "I'm a huge fan, you know. Phantom is the strongest hero who protects everyone."

 Senior Rikka answers nonchalantly.

 Probably, she doesn't realize the situation.

 Anyway, her expectations for Phantom are high, I think.

 Thanks to her carefree tone, I managed to calm down a bit.

 "What about you, Investigator Noa?"


 I don't think Phantom is a hero. Somehow, it feels like I'm lying if I say that.

 "I don't really get it."

 In the end, that's the answer I gave.

 "You don't know?"

 "Hmm, why, Investigator Noa?"

 I still can't get a clear answer.

 "Well, from our perspective as 'ordinary people', it's clear that we're being helped... I think. But"


 "I'm not sure if it's really a good thing or not."


 Miss Roreis crosses her arms.

 "I think it's a good thing."


 It's an unexpected evaluation. As an Inquisitor, I thought she'd be bothered by the interference with her work.

 "If Phantom's goal is to reduce the harm caused by cursed equipment, then that's not a bad thing at all. Especially if justice is malfunctioning, then Phantom could be considered a necessary evil... or even justice itself."



 Her tone is passionate, unlike her usual icy demeanor.

 Her unexpected reaction makes me a bit uneasy.


 Then, Miss Roreis creates an awkward silence.

 "I'm not doubting you, but just in case, would you mind if we inspect your luggage?"

 "Inspect my luggage?"

 "Aww, that's embarrassing..."

 "Just give me your luggage, please."

 Oh no... I let my guard down.

 There are too many things in my luggage that I don't want to be seen.

 "Well, then, here..."


 Miss Roreis started by examining Senior Rikka's waist pouch.

 "Is there something weird inside?"


 "What the...?!"

 "What's this?"

 Miss Roreis pulled out a magazine from the waist pouch.

 It seemed to be a women's magazine, and it was all worn out, probably something she picked up.

 "Don't carry unnecessary items during work"

 "Ahh, no! Don't take it out! Stop!"

 Senior Rikka's face turned bright red as she tried to snatch the magazine back, but the height difference was too much.

 "That's necessary for work, so I'll keep it!"

 "Hmm... 'Boost your charm value with cute and popular outfits♪' 'Get Ready for Summer Agility-focused Diet☆' 'The Secret to My New Official Style...'"

 "Don't read it out loud!"

 "I'd love to learn about the connection between 'Boost your charm value with cute and popular outfits' and work"

 "U, ah... that..."

 "Seriously. You say you want to be an Inquisitor, but you don't even have the awareness of working under an Inquisitor..."

 Miss Roreis's lecture continued, and after a while, Senior Rikka was left looking completely drained. It was pretty pathetic...

 Miss Roreis nodded in satisfaction and then turned her attention to me.

 "May I see your bag as well?"


 I handed over my bag without changing my expression.

 Miss Roreis rummaged through it like she was searching for something.

 "What's this?"

 Her expression froze.

 She reached into my bag and pulled out... Juju.

 Yeah, I guess it's pretty suspicious.

 Juju had just woken up from a nap, but she was unusually quiet, reading the atmosphere.

 However, Juju wasn't good at staying still for long periods.

 She started to sweat profusely.

 "A doll?"

 "Yes, just a doll"

 I answered firmly, trying not to show any weakness.

 "...Why do you have it during work?"

 "It's a hobby"

 "Ugh... you're carrying around such a creepy doll as a hobby?"

 Juju twitched slightly.

 Ugh, Juju reacted to the bad mouthing.

 "It's too real, it's creepy..."

 Twitch, twitch!

 "I mean, isn't it dirty with food scraps on it...?"

 Twitch, twitch, twitch!

 "Uh... surprisingly, this doll is really sturdy."

 Twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch!

 Juju is going wild!

 "Hey, isn't it twitching or something?"

 "That's just what kind of doll it is! It's like a lively fish, so cute!"

 "Is that so...?"

 The word "cute" seemed to have an effect, and Juju's twitching stopped.

 But somehow, it's still giving off a weird vibe... and I have no idea what's going on in its head....

 Miss Roreis still seems to be interested in Juju.

 "Hey, there's some sauce around its mouth. That's new, isn't it?"

 "Th, that's... I just fed it lunch!"

 "You fed lunch to a doll...?"

 Miss Roreis has a face like she has seen something unbelievable.

 She's really flustered, Miss Roreis.

 "...It doesn't seem like you're lying."


 In my own words, I wish it were a lie.

 "Noa, why did you give lunch to a doll...?"

 "It's normal in my hometown, Senior."

 "I've been wondering, but what kind of hometown is that...?"

 Sorry, hometown....

 "Then, can I see what's in your bag next?"

 Miss Roreis pointed to the Gluttony Mimic Bag (Little Mimi).

 This is a definite no-go.

 If she sees the fangs and stuff, she'll immediately figure out it's cursed equipment.

 I can't let that happen. So....

 I steeled myself and put my hand in the bag.

 And then, I took out... that.

 "Ah, another doll?"

 A big, blue, water-type doll - it's a transformed Slime Shield's Sui.

 Next, I took out another blue doll. This one's Ram.

 "Two of the same thing...?"

 "They're not the same. These kids are twins."

 "...Is that so?"

 Miss Roreis took a step back, looking shocked.

 "Do you want to see more?"

 "N, no, that's enough. If the bag is that big, there probably aren't any other impressive things inside."

 Her expression clearly showed that she had gotten involved with a dangerous guy.

 "Well, anyway... don't bring anything unrelated to work."


 "Why do you look so happy about it..."

 "Ah, it's just that I'm thrilled to get scolded by Miss Roreis!"


 Anyway, I somehow managed to gloss over it.

 ...I won.

 But in exchange, I feel like I've lost something precious too.

 "So, is that all there is to it, Miss Roreis?"

 "No, there's one more thing. You guys didn't have any plans for tomorrow, did you?"

 "Huh? Are you giving us an investigation job or something?"


 Miss Roreis informed us.

 "――You guys are going to investigate the Undead King."

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