Monday, June 17, 2024 @

Volume 10 Chapter 1 Cursed Site

Volume 10 Chapter 1 Cursed Site

 Rows of crosses stood tall, stretching as far as the eye could see.

 A grave hole with its mouth wide open, like the entrance to the underworld.

 Was it drawn in by the scent of death? A red butterfly fluttered about, dancing in the air.

 In the midst of this scenery... Senior Rikka and I were hauling a cart with all our might.

 "Why do I have to... like a horse pulling a cart..."

 Senior Rikka grumbled, looking gloomy.

 "Well, it's not like we can get through this area with a horse-drawn carriage..."

 The area was cluttered with crosses, and it seemed like the person who built this graveyard didn't consider traffic convenience.

 The narrow path between the crosses was winding and complicated, and the bumpy ground made the cart wheels get stuck multiple times.

 And to make matters worse, we had to be extra careful with the cargo.

 The cargo on the cart was covered with thick fabric.

 I had heard before that it was cursed equipment.

 If it touched our skin even for a moment, it was game over.

 We were probably disposable pawns, tasked with transporting such dangerous goods.

 Behind us, the Inquisitor supervisor was keeping a close eye on us.

 If anything went wrong, they'd cut us down without hesitation...

 "But where are we taking this cursed equipment?"

 "To the Cursed Site, which is up ahead."

 "The Cursed Site! Could it be that legendary place?!"


 "No, it's just the Cursed Site. I've always wanted to visit it once!"

 "It's not exactly a tourist attraction, though..."

 The Cursed Site referred to a disposal site for cursed equipment.

 Cursed equipment from all over the world was gathered at the Cursed Site, where it would be destroyed or sealed away.

 Although most of the cursed equipment at the Cursed Site had already been disposed of, it was like a theme park where one could come into contact with numerous cursed equipment.

 "This is going to be fun! Alright, I'm getting pumped up!"

 "Yeah, that's right."

 Senior Rikka smiled slightly, despite being a bit hesitant.

 "Ah, it's like the rumors said..."

 I point forward with my chin.


 What lies before us is a vast graveyard.

 It's not like I haven't seen this kind of scenery before, but...

 The difference is what's stuck in the ground.

 Equipment... no, what used to be equipment.

 In the wasteland, rusty swords and spears stand like grave markers, and between them, broken helmets and armor are scattered, exposing the corpses.

 ――The Cursed Site (Cursed Equipment Graveyard).

 A graveyard for equipment.

 It's only natural to call it that.

 I thought it was like a theme park for cursed equipment, but... what is this?

 The worn-out equipment stands silently, like the dead, giving off a creepy atmosphere. It's not like I'm drawn to it, but rather, a vague sense of unease settles in my chest.

 "Phew, we finally arrived."

 "Good work."

 "Hmm... what the...!?"

 Suddenly, Miss Roreis appears from behind us.

 She's still wearing her Inquisitor uniform, perfectly pressed, and her cool gaze seems to evaluate us. However, she still seems to be injured, and I get the feeling that her bandages are increasing every time I see her.

 "You... you're bad for my heart, stop it..."

 "I just called out to you normally."

 She says it as if it's only natural.

 "More importantly, bring that cart over here."

 "Hmm... okay."

 Miss Roreis leads the way, and we follow her, pulling the cart.

 It's rare to see her walk, but she has a certain stride, a certain pace... even her walking is businesslike.

 We'll finish this job once we unload the cart at the designated location.

 "Let's get this over with quickly."



 "Huh? Ah, yes."

 I was spacing out, so my response was delayed.

 "What's wrong? Is something bothering you?"

 "No... it's just that there are so many, Senior."

 Before us lies a mountain of cursed equipment.

 It's not the worn-out stuff scattered around, but the ones that haven't been disposed of yet.

 Most of them are low-rank, but to me, it's like a treasure trove.

 However, I feel like there are way too many cursed equipment compared to the information I heard.

 "Well, it's not like all the cursed equipment in the country is gathered here or anything."

 "But, I thought this country already got rid of most of the cursed equipment?"

 "Yeah, that's true..."

 Senior Rikka glances at the mountain of cursed equipment.

 "Well, I guess it's a lot. I've seen some before, but not this many."

 "That's right."

 Why are there so many cursed equipment?

 It's not like this country has a lot of dungeons, so it's hard to believe that so many cursed equipment are suddenly appearing. Maybe they're coming from outside the country...?

 "Well, whatever. It's not like it matters."

 Senior Rikka starts unloading the cart, looking uninterested.

 I guess it's weird that I'm the one interested in cursed equipment.

 Anyway, I can't slack off either.

 I move the cursed equipment from the cargo to the disposal site.

 I tilt the cart, and the cursed equipment clatters into the mountain.

 It's a simple task, but it requires careful attention. If I accidentally touch the cursed equipment, I'll immediately get in trouble with the supervisor, Inquisitor Miss Roreis.

 It's a job that drains my mental energy more than my physical strength.

 Still, I manage to finish the task.


 I feel empty, somehow.

 Thinking about how I'm involved in disposing of cursed equipment with my own hands...it's painful.

 I wish I could take them.

 But, this is a place where the Inquisitor's surveillance is especially strict. If I try to take them, I'll have to be careful not to start an all-out war with the Inquisitor.

 Is there no other way...? I think, gazing absent-mindedly at the mountain of cursed equipment.


 Suddenly, my eyes stop on one piece of equipment.

 A bright red, flaming-like cross standing upright on the ground.

 A cross that's far removed from the image of a curse, yet exudes an aura of divinity.

 Just by looking at it, I feel like my rationality is melting away from the heat of its captivating charm.

 Before I know it, my eyes are drawn to it.

 ...Can such a beautiful piece of equipment really be discarded?

 Such thoughts start to swirl up in my mind――.

 "――Are you interested in that cursed equipment?"


 I snap back to reality.

 When I come to, I realize Miss Roreis is peering into my face.

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