Monday, June 17, 2024 @

Volume 9 Chapter 3 The Portable Mansion △

Volume 9 Chapter 3 The Portable Mansion △

 It's been a while since our adventure lecture, and I found myself at a slightly opened riverside.

 The natural embankment formed around here must be due to the frequent flooding of the river.

 There aren't any obstructive trees nearby, and the area is quite spacious.

 "Alright, this spot should be just right."

 I thrust my left arm forward, rolling up my sleeve to expose the green bracelet to the air.

 The bracelet, glistening green like a young leaf wet with morning dew, sparkled.



 I received a somewhat enervated response.

 At the same time, the bracelet suddenly... burst open.

 With a "whoosh" like an explosion, the bracelet swelled up.

 In an instant, a compact mansion took shape, and before I knew it, I was standing at the entrance, pushing the door open.

 I had also tried experimenting with the Parasite Palace's camping feature, and it seemed to work well.

 With this, I can freely deploy and retrieve the mansion anywhere, anytime.

 Well, I do need a fairly large, open area, though.

 "A-a mansion... suddenly...?"

 Cirrul's eyes widened in shock, her body frozen in place.

 It's no wonder she's surprised, seeing it for the first time. The scenery was too surreal.

 "This is the legendary Haunted Mansion, you know."

 "The Haunted Mansion?"

 "Well, it doesn't have that spooky atmosphere now, though."

 "It feels like a cozy, lovely mansion."

 "The location makes all the difference, doesn't it?"

 It's probably because it was in a graveyard that it had such a creepy atmosphere. Even built in a sunny riverside, it doesn't feel like ghosts would come out.

 And... has the exterior changed a bit too?

 "But, you can really carry a mansion around..."

 Cirrul still looked like she couldn't believe her eyes. Even though she's had experience with cursed equipment, she's not used to its absurdity yet.

 On the other hand, Juju and the twins, who had entered before, were...

 'I came to play!'

 "Kuku~, let's play" "...It's a rematch from last time!"

 They quickly entered the mansion.

 Cirrul and I followed, entering along with the others.

 "Awawawa... what an amazing mansion..."

 Cirrul's mouth was agape, and I was just as shocked.

 Inside Parasite Palace, it was even more beautiful than before.

 The flashy, over-the-top decorations had been toned down, and now it was a neat and tidy space.

 The previously dimly lit interior was now bright and airy, with the curtains open and sunlight pouring in.

 If this space reflected Kuku's state of mind... then it was definitely a good change.

 "...You're with another girl again, huh?"

 As soon as I said that, she emerged from the bed.

 Kuku's unpredictable nature was still going strong.

 It was still daytime, so she was probably still sleepy, and her pajama-like room wear was a bit disheveled, with some bedhead in her green hair.

 "Sorry, did I wake you up?"

 "No... I won't forgive you. You should reflect on your actions."

 "That's so harsh..."

 "What's with that?"

 Kuku tilted her head, still as carefree as ever.

 As a ghost(?), she was impossible to grasp.

 Kuku gazed at me with her pale purple eyes, her pupils constricted.


 This time, she suddenly stared at Cirrul with an intense gaze...

 "Ah, um, what's going on?"

 Cirrul asked, her voice trembling.

 It seemed like she was nervous around this ghost(?).


 "Eh, um... Yahho."

 "I'm Kuku."

 "Ah, I'm Cirrula."

 "Friendship handshake."


 "――It's my afterimage."


 They started playing around right away.

 "So, what's the plan for today?"

 Kuku ignored Cirrul's spaced-out expression and quickly changed the subject.

 "Let's play!" "...We're here, after all!"

 Ram and Sui chimed in, full of energy.

 'Let's have a reptile-themed girls' party I brought trump cards and betting coins.'

 Juju also responded, but it was clear that her stuff was meant for a boys' party.

 "Did you just come to play...?"

 Kuku looked a bit puzzled.

 "No way!" "...It's a sleepover!"

 'We're having a pajama party too! You can pay the participation fee later!'

 "Sleepover? Pajama party?"

 She's looking for a correct answer, but her gaze is drawn to me. I was taken aback, and it's like I'm at a loss.

 "Yeah. Since we're here, let's spend the night at this mansion, okay?"

 Kuku has become a friend, and I thought we could all take a break together.

 It's like a "family service" or something.

 "Besides, it's not like we can't come without a purpose, right?"


 "Is there something you wanted to do?"

 "...Guests without reservations are a bit..."

 "Since when did it become reservation-only?"

 "Huh? The mystery of the dungeon is like a labyrinth... or something... puuh."

 'Ahhhhh! Uwaaa! I can't breathe! Cough Ueh!"

 "Yeah, it's not interesting at all."

 No way. I always end up getting caught up in her pace.

 Or rather, Juju is too energetic, and I can't talk.


 Kuku continues with a calm face, as if nothing's wrong.

 "Really... are you going to play with me again today?"


 "If you keep playing all the time, you won't become a good adult in the future, will you?"

 "No, it's not like that."


 Kuku nods as if she's convinced.

 "I see, so you're a free spirit..."

 "That's not it."

 "That's a lie. I can feel the waves of a free spirit from your entire body, Noroa. It's overflowing."

 "It's not overflowing."

 "If you remove 'free time' from you, what's left?"

 "Everything, completely."

 "I wonder about that."

 "Have you been trying to make me angry since earlier?"


 She tilts her head, looking puzzled.

 "But if you want to play that much... I guess I have no choice but to play along."


 In the end, I gave in.

 For an instant, Kuku's face relaxed, looking happy... or so it seemed.

 But she quickly hid it behind a poker face, looking embarrassed.

 "So, what do you want to do?"

 'If it's a girls' gathering, it's gotta be drinking and gambling, right!'

 I don't like that kind of girls' gathering. No, I don't have any illusions about girls' gatherings, but...

 "Tag! "...or a book club."

 "I'm up for anything..."

 "I'm good with anything too."

 "That's the most troublesome, Noroa. You should reflect on that."

 "I guess you're right..."

 "There's no choice, so I'll decide..."

 In the end, I spent the whole day playing with Kuku and the others until bedtime.

 I'm not really sure what you'd call this, but it's like family service or something.

 Well, I think it was a pretty decent holiday.

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