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Volume 17 Chapter 6 Bloodsucker Blade

Volume 17 Chapter 6 Bloodsucker Blade

 --Imagine you're skydiving from 200 meters (�656 feet) high and landing on a flying dragon.

 That's how crazy this situation is. I had to succeed in just one try, or else I'd be in big trouble. Time was running out, and if I failed, I'd be in even more trouble.

 So, I carefully planned everything. I used a special bag called Gluttony Mimic Bag to store a Blood Parasite, which is like a magic creature that can help me. I used it to distract the dragon and then wrapped a special sword called Slime Sword around it. My experience of flying in the air at Ravenyard really helped me in this situation.

 Ravuri, a friend of mine, looked at me with a scared expression.

 "Why did you come here?"

 "Are you going to kill Rav?" she asked again.

 "No, I'm not going to kill anyone, and I won't let anyone else kill either."

 "What do you mean?"

 "I don't need you to believe me or trust me right now. I just want to protect you."

 I didn't come here to convince Ravuri of anything.

 We didn't have much time left. If we didn't do something, Miss Fuuko and her friends would be in danger in just a few minutes.

 "So, I need to do something about the monsters that are coming.


 I gently twisted Ravuri's wrist and took a beautiful silver flute from her.

 This flute is special -- it can control monsters with its sound. But it's also cursed, which means it can be used for bad things.

 If she can control monsters with sound, then I have a good tool to fight back."

 "Juju, Silent Shell."


 Juju nodded and took out a shell from her bag. I then pulled out the plug. Then, I made the mouth of the angry shell bite the tip of the flute.

 I used it to block the sound of the flute, which meant the monsters couldn't be controlled by it anymore.

 "N-Noo... Give me back the flute! The monsters will go crazy!"

 "I know."

 But just blocking the flute's power isn't enough.

 Miss Fuuko and her friends will still be in danger, and the city will be affected too.

 But I'm not going to let that happen.

 "Ravuri, can I borrow your curse?"

 "Wait, what's going on?"

 Ravuri was shocked.

 Suddenly, the White Dragon's back started shaking violently.

 'Wh-What's happening? I'm so confused...!"

 It seemed like the effect of the magic flute had worn off.

 The White Dragon looked puzzled and started to wobble.

 'This is... crazy! The holy city is in chaos! There are so many monsters! Ahh!'

 Yeah, this reaction is definitely not normal. Cirrul has fully recovered.

 "Cirrul, can you hear my voice?"

 'Wait, Sir Noroa? Are you riding on me? What's going on right now?'

 "I'm sorry to ask you to do this, but please listen to what I say."

 'Yes, Sir Noroa! I'll listen! Please tell me what to do!'

 "It's not like we have a choice, but for now, can you fly low over the ground and lure the monsters towards Ravuri?"

 'Wait, you want me to get close to the monsters?'

 Cirrul saw the huge group of monsters and got scared.

 'Is it okay to get close to them? Are you sure it's safe?'

 "Don't worry, it's fine."

 'But it doesn't look safe at all... Ah, my stomach hurts so much!'

 "We don't have time! Please hurry! We're counting on you!"

 'Okay, I understand! Just wait for my signal, and I'll do it!'

 Cirrul started to panic and flew down quickly.

 The monsters, who were no longer affected by the magic flute, all turned to look at us. It seemed like we successfully got their attention on Ravuri.

 The monsters started moving towards Cirrul.

 'Ahh, they're coming towards us!'

 "That's the plan."

 'Now, we've got their attention! They'll never forget our faces!'

 "Yeah, that's the spirit. Let's lure more monsters!"

 'Ugh, this is so crazy...!'

 Cirrul flew around the holy city, gathering all the monsters within Ravuri's range.

 "Great, we've got their attention !Now, let's head towards the lake!"

 'Got it!'

 Cirrul flew low over the huge waterway.

 Just behind us, a bunch of monsters are chasing us, packed tightly together like a dark wave. They're getting close to us. Cirrul is flying towards the water, and a water blast is coming our way.

 "Sui, become a dragon armor!"

 "...You mean the dragon scales, right?"

 'Hyaa!? Something cold and slimy is on my body?!'

 I put a slime on Cirrul's body to protect us from the water blast.

 "Don't worry, Cirrul. You're safe now. Just fly away!"

 'Whimper... the monsters are so scary... I don't want to do this anymore... sniff...'

 Cirrul is so scared that she's acting like a baby. She's crying really hard.

 Because she's not looking ahead, its flying becomes super wobbly. I use a slime sword as a makeshift rein to hold onto Cirrul and try to calm her down.

 "Whoa, be more careful when you fly!"

 'I-I can't do it...!'

 ...When I'm controlling her, she seems so capable. But as soon as Cirrul takes over, it becomes super clumsy.

 "Just a little more patience, Cirrul."

 We've already flown past the big canal and are now over the lake.

 All we need to do is get the monsters to follow us away from the holy city.

 'Is it safe around here?'

 "Yeah...Cirrul, let's go up!"


 Cirrul responds with a lot of energy and flaps her wings strongly.

 We quickly gain altitude to escape from the monsters. They're all gathered together, trying to catch up to us.

 So far, my plan is working.

 The rest... All I have to do is deal with these monsters.

 '...Now's the time!'


 I time it just right and jump off Cirrul's back.

 'Sir Noroa!? No way!?'

 Cirrul and the others are shocked and cry out in surprise.

 I dive headfirst into the group of monsters, which are packed tightly together like a huge crowd.

 There are too many of them to handle with just a slime sword. Even if I use the Bloodsucker Blade to create a shockwave, it won't be enough to defeat them all.

 So, there's only one way to do it.

 Just before I make contact with the monsters...


 I 'opened my eyes wide' and pulled out the Bloodsucker Blade.

 The attack flew out like a shockwave, and for a moment, the lake seemed to split apart.

 Water shot up, and pieces of the monsters' bodies flew everywhere like splashes.

 But there were still 50,000 monsters left. This attack wasn't enough.

 However, my body couldn't move anymore. My vision started to turn red and blurry, and I felt like my mind was being taken over by the sword.

 It was like I was losing control again. I couldn't hold on to my consciousness anymore.

 So... I had to pass the baton to someone else.

 --I leave it to you, Bloodsucker Blade.

 I thought to myself.

 And the sword started beating like a drum, responding to my thoughts...

 Suddenly, a voice came out of my mouth. '...Good grief...'

 By the way, the model for the Bloodsucker Blade is the magical sword D�insleif.

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