Tuesday, June 25, 2024 @

Chapter 155 The Helper

Chapter 155 The Helper

 While Lukas and the others were discussing their upcoming journey, I was gazing at Arnold's sleeping face.

 The birds' chirping. The gentle sunlight filtering through the trees. In this peaceful atmosphere, I felt as if everything that had happened until now was just a dream.

 Suddenly, the door behind me burst open with a loud noise. I reflexively turned around, and my eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected person standing there.


 It was the black-haired girl, Elvira, who had opened the door.

 Why was she here?

 My confused mind tried to piece together my memories. Vake had asked Wentle-sama to call for Marcedes-san as a helper earlier. Elvira must have received the news and come here, worried about her brother...

 The hypothesis I constructed in my head was immediately denied by Elvira's calm words.

 "I was called as brother's bodyguard."

 Elvira as a bodyguard?

 Not Marcedes-san?

 "Wait, a bodyguard? What about Marcedes-san? ."

 "Our village was attacked by monsters. That's why Mel had to rush back, but then Wentle came to the royal capital to call for a helper."

 I somehow managed to understand Elvira's concise explanation.

 Their village was attacked by monsters. Considering the time lag between Arnold sealing part of the demon king's power a few hours ago and the news reaching Marcedes-san in the royal capital, it was unlikely that this was a revenge attack against Arnold, who had troubled the demon king. It was more likely that this was a preemptive strike launched when Arnold's body was taken over by the demon king.

 "So, I came here."

 Regardless of the circumstances, the result was that only Elvira had joined the Hero's party. I couldn't help but think that it was fate that had brought her to join the Hero's party.

 Elvira slowly approached the bed and peeked at Arnold's face. Then, she looked at the meal placed on the bedside table ―― the one she had prepared for Arnold just in case ―― and turned back to me.

 "Don't worry, big brother. You don't have to eat. It's not sleep magic, but seal magic. Your body's time is frozen."

 Her expression was like that of a lost child, abandoned somewhere. I couldn't help but call out her name, "Elvira...", but she didn't respond, just kept staring at Arnold's sleeping face.

 I gazed at Elvira, who was gazing at Arnold. How much time had passed? The heavy silence was broken by a gentle knock.

 "Excuse me."

 It was Diona who entered the room.

 She winced for a moment when she saw Arnold lying on the bed, but quickly composed herself and made a proposal in a bright tone.

 "About Arnold-san's situation, how about we take him to the city of our people, Rustu, including the elf village that was attacked this time? We can at least put up some resistance, even if it's just a little."

 This proposal must have been decided upon during Diona's discussion with Reinhardt-san and the others.

 Diona gazed at Elvira's demeanor. Without nodding or shaking her head, Elvira just stared, and Diona continued in a gentle voice.

 "We've received news that the elf village was attacked, and our people, Rustu, are on their way. They might have already joined forces with Marcedes-sama..."

 From her tone, it seemed that the Rustu people's preparations were already in place. They would propose this to Marcedes-san and the others, and if they agreed, they would accept it right away.

 The only thing left was to decide where to protect the sleeping Arnold. That choice was entrusted to Elvira, his sister.

 I gazed at Elvira's downturned face. She let out a deep breath, then slowly looked up.

 "Please take care of big brother."

 Elvira bowed her head with a firm tone, and I remembered the first time I met her.

 She who had hidden behind her brother's back, peeking out at people, was no longer there. Of course, she was still young in terms of age, but in my eyes, she had become a magnificent magician.

 Diona smiled and nodded. Arnold and the villagers from their hometown were heading to the city of Rustu's people. It was definitely the safest and best option.

 Just as the conversation was wrapping up, Elvira called out to Diona, who was about to leave to report back to Reinhardt-san. Then,

 "Hey, Diona. Take me instead of my brother."

 With strong determination in her eyes, Elvira looked up at Diona.

 Diona seemed greatly surprised, but I thought, "As expected."

 "If my brother leaves, we'll lose a magic-using ally, right? So, take me instead of my brother."

 "...You're still young, though."

 "But my magic power is stronger than my brother's. And with the demon king, we can't just sit back and do nothing, or we'll get crushed We have to take action and strike back with magic!"

 She was a victim of the Self-destruction disease, a direct casualty of the demon king's actions. With this incident added to her past, it was more than enough reason for Elvira to want to join the Hero's party.

 Her abilities were also unmatched. As a genius magician, she was said to be even more exceptional than her outstanding brother, who was only a year older. If Arnold left, she would be the perfect replacement.

 However, she was still only 11 or 12 years old. Although she had reached the age of setting out on a journey as the "Last Brave," she was still a girl who needed protection from the world's perspective. Diona seemed worried about that.

 Elvira pouted, looking up at Diona. With her black eyes, she was probably calculating the pros and cons of taking her along.

 ――It was Diona who gave in first.

 "...Let's discuss it with Vake-san and the others. Over here."

 Elvira brightened up her face and followed Diona out of the room. As she left, she gave me a subtle smile, as if to say "Take care, big brother."

 ――Slam. The door closed quietly, and I was alone again.

 I couldn't help but think of Elvira's small back as I left the room.

 (Maybe Elvira will join the journey)

 It was almost certain.

 (Now that we've obtained the Holy Sword, I don't need to bring the Water Spirit with me, and if that's the case, I have no reason to continue traveling with them)

 The Water Spirit, now invisible, was probably recovering from its wounds. It wouldn't be targeted by the Demon King anymore. As the one who granted the Spirit Stone, the Hero had obtained the Holy Sword. That meant I had no reason to continue traveling with Lukas and the others.

 Then, wouldn't it be best for me to return to the royal capital and fulfill my duties as an alchemist? It was a bit concerning that the Demon King had seen my face multiple times, but he probably didn't have the luxury to send an assassin after a mere child like me. He would focus his military power on defeating the Hero.

 That's what I thought. I had caused a lot of trouble for Kasper-san, Basilio-san, Iris, Lina-senpai, and Chelsea, and I needed to make it up to them.

 As I decided on that course of action, another option suddenly popped into my head.

 I slowly shifted my gaze towards the door. And then, I looked at Arnold sleeping on the bed.

 If Marcedes-san and the others were with him, Arnold would surely be at ease. There was no need to worry about him. I knew that. But...

 (Rustu's city, where I could be by Arnold's side...?)

 That option might not be the best. But still――

 No, I should stop thinking about it. It's not something I can decide on my own, and it's a waste of time to think about it alone.

 I let out a soft sigh and sat down lightly on the chair. Arnold was still sleeping peacefully, his gentle breathing unchanged from before.

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