Saturday, June 29, 2024 @

Volume 7 Chapter 17 High Spirits

Volume 7 Chapter 17 High Spirits

 As I walked back home, I told everyone with a big smile on my face,

 "I got my arm cut off! The 'Oath' is strong!"

 "Wait, didn't you just get your arm cut offff?!?"

 Sylvia's scream was hilarious, and I couldn't help but laugh. Moruru stared at the spot where my arm used to be, and Gold looked at my missing arm for a while before speaking.

 "Wade, we're quite the pair."

 "Stupid! You're such a stupid, big brother!"

 Gold was teasing Sylvia. I looked away from the 2 of them and gazed at everyone else.

 We were in a large room in the dorm, a cozy space that felt like a conference room or a lounge.

 However, everyone except Moruru looked hopeless, and only Moruru was touching my wound, saying, "Papa got hurt for the first time... I thought papa was amazing..." Don't touch it.

 I opened my mouth.

 "Well, I got a bit hurt, but the information I got is more important, so let's summarize it."

 "Wait, Wade. You got a bit hurt? And the information you got is more important? Please, listen calmly. You, you lost your arm, didn't you?"

 "I know."

 I replied to Sylvia's tsukkomi with a bitter face. My body had been through so much that it was like I'd experienced it hundreds of times. Mudi had done it more than half the time, anyway.

 I let out a sigh and called out to everyone.

 "Don't make a fuss just because my arm got cut off. I can heal it anyway. It's just that I can't right now."

 "But, but... It's because of me...!"


 Ridge was overcome with guilt and had been crying for a while. Windy was trying to comfort her.

 Then Windy asked me, "May I ask you something?"

 "Go ahead."

 "I thought the Wade-sama inside me was the type to worry a lot, but it feels like you're taking this situation too lightly."

 "That's because back then, I wasn't myself, but a party member."

 "...Don't you worry about your own injuries?"

 "I don't want my friends to die, but if I can die fighting with a smile, I won't mind that much."

 As soon as I say that, everyone's faces fall. Only Gold nods deeply, probably thinking that if we die in battle, it's a worthy end.

 I'm thinking that when Moruru says to me with a stern face,

 "Papa, you have to take care of your life."

 "No, I will. But this time, the situation was just that."

 "If I don't do it, I have to tell Mama."

 "I will."

 I'm sick when I'm scolded by Ice... Guess I have no choice but to take care of my life.

 "This influence Ice has even when she's not here... It's amazing."

 "Ice-sama is Wade-sama's first wife, after all."

 "I see... She's great, isn't she..."

 Windy answers Sylvia's question.

 "Alright, let's summarize the information we have so far."

 This time, no one objects when I say that. The atmosphere has eased up, and it's good that I'm not worried about it myself.

 "First, I'll announce the information about our enemy, 'Oath'. Next, Roman will give us an evaluation of the political situation and reflect on our mistakes, and guide us on the options we have for our next move."

 "I'll take care of it. If Wade-kun can still move energetically even in this situation, I won't slack off either."

 "Thanks, Roman."

 Roman looks like he's gotten more spirited. He's a warrior, I think.

 I start explaining to everyone.

 "What we learned from our light skirmish with 'Oath' is that, first of all, he's master of Geas."

 I raise my left hand, starting with my index finger.

 "First, I was greeted by him, and immediately after, my movements were restricted. Without realizing it, a Geas was placed on me, saying 'You must greet', and a divine punishment was inflicted on me until I greeted him."

 Next, I raise my middle finger.

 "What I learned from our light jab exchange is that he received my attack with a sword that's not normal. My fist couldn't break that sword, which means it's not weak."

 In other words,

 "That sword probably has a Geas that's not normal, making it able to receive attacks. We should think that normal attacks won't work."

 Next, my ring finger.

 "And with further declaration of a new Geas. I felt like 'Oath' was the rule-maker. This time, he created his own adversity, and ironically, his movements became better."

 Furthermore, by targeting Ridge, he was able to expose my weakness, and my arm was lost. I don't think I lost in terms of combat skills, but I lost in terms of strategy.

 "Well, I had my arm cut off, but I realized 2 things here."

 "Two things?"

 "Yeah, that's right, Moruru. Two things. Firstly, the sword of 'Oath' is probably a sword that can cut through anything."

 A human arm is quite sturdy and can't be easily cut off. But 'Oath' cut it off easily with a rusty sword. If that's the case, it's better to think that it has that kind of effect.

 That's why Alex wouldn't order Sieg to clash with 'Oath', who has high defense, without a reason. Ignoring defense is a great advantage, especially against Sieg.

 If Sieg were to lose an arm due to a weakness, it would be quite troublesome. My arm can regrow, but Sieg's can't.

 "Next, it seems that he made a Geas to seal not only his own healing but also the healing of his opponents, who were cut by his sword."


 "If I were to injure him, my arm would regrow too. I can't just leave my injuries untreated, so the Geas would be lifted, that's what it means."


 Everyone was amazed by my deduction. If you think about it, it's not that bad of a situation.

 So, it's both good and bad. I may have had my abnormal attack power sealed, but as long as I have Durandal, I won't lose to most opponents. It's not something to worry about.

 "In summary, 'Oath' is a strategist who adds rules to a normal battle by using defense-ignoring attacks and attack-ignoring defenses, making it a different game."

 I said that and laughed.

 "He's strong. You guys would have a hard time against him. But more than that, he's my prey. Don't try to take him on, and if you encounter him, run away and call me."

 "Papa always gets excited when a strong enemy appears."

 "It's fun, so it can't be helped."

 "Give up..."

 My beloved daughter gave up on me. Well, that's fine.

 "Well, next is Roman's lecture on politics, Roman."

 "Yes, so let's direct our attention to Wade-kun and discuss the reflection points and next steps. It might get a bit specialized, so if anyone's not interested, feel free to leave now."

 With that, everyone starts to disperse, murmuring to themselves. I guess they were only listening to me because they were worried about my injury. Yeah, that's probably it.

 "...Are you the only one interested in politics, aside from Wade-kun, Ridge-chan?"

 The only one left, Ridge, still had tears in her eyes as she gazed at Roman. Then, she spoke up.

 "I didn't come to be Wade-sama's weakness. I think it's a noble's duty to contribute, even if it's just a little, and that includes politics. Please, let me participate."

 Ridge wiped away her tears and spoke in a strong tone. Roman and I exchanged a glance, saying, "Isn't that promising for the future?" "Exactly, yeah," we chimed in, brightening up.

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