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Volume 4 Chapter 26 Exam Explanation

Volume 4 Chapter 26 Exam Explanation

 As we waited in the spacious backyard, Mudi suddenly appeared in front of us.

 "Whoa, how long have you been here?"

 "I just got back this instant. Isn't it rude to say 'whoa' when you see someone's face?"

 "You appeared in an instant, so that reaction is normal. I was surprised too."

 "Oh, I see. I just did some time-space traveling. You guys will be able to do it eventually too."

 Mudi casually used the term "time-space," making me think that there's more to Mudi than meets the eye. Leaving my confusion behind, Mudi continued.

 "Now, the reason I called you guys here is no small matter. I'm thinking it's about time for the graduation exam."

 "Huh? Graduation exam?"

 "That's right. You guys have reached a stage where you can train and refine your chakra without me having to teach you. And since I've rested for almost a month, it's time to return to the dungeon."

 "The truth is slipping out."

 "And so, we will proceed with the graduation exam."

 Mudi forcefully continued the conversation.

 "The task is simple. Conquer the 100th floor of the Karditsa Grand Dungeon, the current Crystal Castle."


 Hearing it so casually, Sandra and I were stunned.

 "Wait, that’s the place where... we were saved by you, right?"

 "Exactly. The Crystal City's master, Eiosnight, easily captured you guys, and I failed to kill that Demon. So, you need to defeat Eiosnight, kill the Demon, and then I'll recognize you as fully licensed Yogi."


 I exchanged glances with Sandra. Sandra, though expressionless, had a tense look on her face.

 "W-we've definitely gotten stronger, but can we really stand up to him... especially just the two of us?"

 "What? Don't take me for a fool, you bastard."

 With a thug-like tone, I reluctantly accepted Mudi's words. Mudi continued forcefully.

 "It’s not about whether you can or can’t do it, Wade. I said to go and kill him. That’s the test. So, you two just need to shut up and take on the challenge."

 "Isn't that dangerous? I mean, I wanted to ask..."

 "Shut up. Stop being scared now."

 There was no room for argument. Well, I don't think Mudi would needlessly corner us at this point... or at least I hope not.

 "As for the deadline, let's say roughly three days."

 "Huh? Deadline?"

 "Yes, a deadline."

 Sandra and I looked at each other. Sandra's expression changed, her eyes widening.

 "I don't understand. What's the point of putting a strict time limit on an exam where we don't even know if it's achievable?"

 "Sandra, the same goes for you as it does for Wade. Shut up! If you want to voice your opinion, show it with your strength. Didn't you all agree to that on the first day?"

 I felt exhausted by this Spartan-like approach. Sandra muttered "cruel master" under her breath. Mudi seemed unfazed. He was invincible even in his mental state.

 "Let's start tomorrow at sunrise. On the final day, I'll rush to the 100th floor with all my might. If you haven't defeated Eiosnight by the time you encounter me, the exam will be considered a failure."

 "...And if we fail?"

 I asked, and Mudi grinned.

 "I'll seriously beat you up. You won't die anyway."


 "Mudi, only Wade won't die. I will."

 "Then I'll chase Sandra for a day and night. If you die, you die."

 "That's too harsh."

 It's too violent. It was already quite Spartan from the beginning, but it feels like the bar keeps getting raised every time we overcome a challenge.

 "Nevertheless, just showing the punishment won't motivate you. If you pass, I'll give you something. Maybe some hand-me-down weapons."


 "Looking forward to it."

 "You guys are so easy."

 Mudi chuckled. Annoying.

 "So, just take it easy for now. Today, I'll let you rest. Gather information, crawl into bed, do whatever you like. Meet at the dungeon entrance before dawn tomorrow."

 With those words, Mudi left. He's as arbitrary as ever. I think I've gotten used to it by now.

 "...What should we do now?"

 "I'll practice a few times on my own before sleeping. Will you join me?"

 "Huh, are we going to do that thing again?"


 I close my eyes and think. Practice. If it were just me, it would be a normal activation training, but with two people, it becomes the usual 'Samyama.'

 In other words, it's doing the same thing Sandra built chakra for that time.

 It's something I've repeated several times... I address Sandra, "Hey, can I ask you something?"


 "Well, you see. When I say things like this, Sandra might be put off."

 "It's okay. Wade has more common sense than me. You should be confident."

 "Yeah. Well, I didn't have any doubts about that, but let's put that aside."

 I clear my throat and explain.

 "Well, it's about the 'Samyama' training Sandra wants."


 "We kiss, right?"


 "I also touch your stomach."

 "It feels good, so I like it."

 "Yeah. That's right. It feels good for Sandra. ...By the way, what do you think I feel while we're doing it?"

 "...Is kissing enjoyable?"

 "Well, that's not entirely wrong, but..."

 I muster up the courage and say,

 "I'm... enduring it."


 "To be honest, I can't sleep peacefully after each time due to the excitement."


 With a surprised expression as if it was unexpected, Sandra looks at me.

 "Well, I mean, it's kind of like... I'm on the verge of exploding, like I might push you down in the heat of the moment. It's not right to take out the frustration I have with Sandra on Ice."

 "...Was I causing you distress?"

 "Well, I mean, it was tough."

 I had been invited many times, and each time I went along, but honestly, the urge was getting stronger each time, and I was starting to find it hard to resist.

 "Sandra. you're cute, and if I'm already getting used to it, my rationality is honestly weakening. So, if you invite me next time, it's better for both of us to be prepared."

 It's extremely embarrassing to say such shy things upfront, but if I don't say it, it seems like there could be various problems, so I push myself to say it. Besides, there was trust that our relationship wouldn't crumble over something like this.

 Now, unexpectedly, after confessing such worries, Sandra's reaction is...

 "S-So, um, y-yeah..."

 She turned bright red. This unexpectedly innocent feeling is not good. It stirs up unpleasant emotions like sadism.

 Then, Sandra said,

 "W-Well... Next time, after passing the exam, I'll invite you."


 I look at Sandra. I sensed that Sandra, trembling with nerves, gathered her courage and spoke those words.

 I take Sandra's hand.

 "It's not great to say it like this, but..."

 I say bashfully.

 "Let's pass the exam."

 "...Yeah. If it's you and me, we can do it."


 We gaze at each other. Then, we share a tender kiss. And then, I think to myself.

 It's tomorrow. From early tomorrow morning, we will head to the once unreachable place of death.

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