Saturday, June 15, 2024 @

Volume 8 Chapter 8 Tag Turns into an Aerial Battle

Volume 8 Chapter 8 Tag Turns Into An Aerial Battle

 It's been a few hours since the game of tag started, and it's already turned into an aerial battle.


 'Noroa, over there! Over there!'

 "Master, up!" "...It's 45 degrees to the left!"

 The ghost girl Kuku was floating in the hallway with a high ceiling.

 I jumped towards her.

 I wrapped the Slime Sword's tip around the chandelier and pulled myself up with a burst of speed.

 With that momentum, I quickly closed in on Kuku――

 But Kuku tried to slow me down by creating walls and stairs in the hallway. That pattern was all too familiar.

 I cut through the walls or used them as footholds to climb even higher.

 I thought I was just about to reach Kuk, but――

 "Consolation Prize"

 When Kuku raised her arm, the hallway's scenery rotated 180 degrees.

 The place that was above was now below.

 The place that was below was now above.

 Gravity reversed, and I fell towards the ceiling.


 I didn't have time to regain my balance, and I crashed into the ceiling with a thud.

 When I looked up, Kuku was already gone.

 She must have hidden in the wall again.

 But there's a rule that she can't stay in the wall for too long.

 So, the best thing to do is to wait for her to come out and then strike, but――

 "Show me where Kuku is"

 I gave a command to my Compass Eye (Ra Shingan), but it was no use.

 The needle's position wouldn't stabilize. She was moving at high speed inside the wall. She had completely countered my move.

 I knew she could move through the air, break through walls, and operate the dungeon, but――

 "...This is too unfair"

 I leaned against the wall, catching my breath.

 How much time had passed since the game of tag started? I'd been moving nonstop, and my physical strength was nearing its limit. My leg muscles were exhausted, and I couldn't muster any strength.

 "Master, are you okay?" "...Do you need some water?"

 "Ah, thank you"

 Sui, who had turned into a little girl mode, and Ram peeked out at me with worried faces.

 Even though it's unavoidable due to the difference between equipment and humans, it's frustrating that I'm the only one getting tired while the kids are full of energy.

 "It's okay Ram will catch her, so don't worry " "...Despite appearances, Sui has a past where Sui was called the Tag Master."

 "Yeah, that's right"

 ...It's painful to be treated like a child.

 'Well, if we just touch, we win. We'll definitely win someday'

 "I wish that were true, though"

 Tag. If I can touch her, I win.

 It's a very simple rule, advantageous to me.

 But somehow, I just can't see a way to win.

 No matter what I do, the situation doesn't improve.

 It's like I thought ―― this Parasite Palace (dungeon) is a field tailored to Kuku's strengths.

 This is going to be a one-sided game.

 If I don't win this tag game, I can't escape this Parasite Palace...


 Kuku sticks her face out from the wall again.

 "There she is " "...It's an ambush!"

 Sui and Ram jump out ―― but just barely avoid getting caught.

 It was a perfect feint.

 "This is fun. I haven't had this much fun in a long time"

 "I'm not having that much fun, though"

 'I'm having fun! It's been my dream to play tag in a big mansion someday!'

 Juju's tension is high. Or rather, she's been searching for vases and jewels since a while ago, only interested in shiny things.

 "By the way, there's only one hour left until dawn."

 "What, already!? "

 No, that's right... In this region's summer, the nighttime is quite short. Since the summer solstice festival just ended, there are only about 8 hours from sunset to sunrise.

 That means we've already wasted 7 hours. Time has passed faster than I thought.

 It seems I lost track of time because I've been stuck in this mansion for too long.

 "Well, let's do our best, then"

 Kuku was laughing "kusukusu" and melting into the wall. This was an area where we couldn't intervene. The longer she stayed inside the wall, the more disadvantageous it became for us.

 "You're so cowardly Come out already!" "...That's against the rules!"

 Sui and Ram were puffing out their cheeks. It was somehow amusing, like a childish quarrel, but my lives were at stake....

 "I'm at a loss. I don't know how to turn the situation around..."

 'More importantly, I'm hungry...'

 "Ah, Ram too " "...Sui, it's about time for a refill."

 'Then, let's have dinner! Midnight snacks are the best!'

 "You're really laid-back, aren't you?"

 We were running out of time, but...

 'Don't worry about it, it's fine'


 'You'll definitely win, no matter what. You can even eat sandwiches while doing it. So, there's no need to make a face like ham stuck between sandwiches. Let's eat sandwiches!'

 "Yeah, I want to eat sandwiches for now"

 'Yes! Today's all about sandwiches!'

 "Ram wants a ham sandwich " "...Sui wants an anchovy sandwich"

 "Okay, okay"

 Gluttony Mimic Bag (Little Mimi) took out the food.

 We occasionally replenished our emergency rations and Gluttony Mimic Bag's feed at the cafeteria or food stalls. Ravenyard relied on imports for food supplies, so we could encounter a variety of international cuisine.

 As I handed out the ordered sandwiches, I glanced towards the wall.

 "What's with that kid, anyway?"

 'You mean Kuku?'


 'Well, she's probably the soul of this Parasite Palace'

 Juju said this while struggling with the cheese on her sandwich, as if it was no big deal.

 "What do you mean?"

 'What do you mean? Equipment is a "contract between the soul and the equipment", right? It's a contract between the human and the equipment's souls, isn't it?'

 Indeed, in this world, all things had souls. That's why, even with a tree branch or a pebble, you could make a contract with its soul and equip it. And if the soul of the material used to make the weapon was strong, the equipper could gain immense power.

 'So, that weapon's soul sometimes has a self. Like me or the twins, you know?'

 "The weapon has a self..."

 'Well, it's a special case, limited to cursed equipment, you see.'

 "Cursed equipment only?"

 I wondered what that meant, and I had many questions... but when I looked at Juju's face, I couldn't ask anymore. I knew there was something she didn't want to say.

 So, I asked instead.

 "Hey, Juju. What's it like when you're not equipped?"

 'How should I know? It's different for each weapon, right? I'm always thinking, "My back itches..." or something.'

 "Your back itched, huh?"

 'That was hell.'

 After that, Juju slightly tousled her hair.

 'But, no matter what weapon it is, I don't think it's a good feeling.'

 "Ram was lonely too!" "I was stuck in a box for a long time..."

 "Yeah, I guess so."

 It seems that even if they're not equipped, they can still feel lonely.

 ...I wonder what kind of thoughts Kuku had until now.

 She never got to be equipped properly, and whenever a wielder appeared, they'd die right away.

 I carelessly looked around the mansion.

 It was still an incredibly luxurious space, with intricate decorations everywhere.

 The floor, walls, and ceiling were all adorned with elaborate designs. There wasn't a single tapestry or wall hanging without embroidery.

 Gold leaf, paintings, marble, and jewels... every corner was overflowing with extravagance.

 It was a world where everything was fulfilled.

 But... there was a fatal flaw here.

 "...Yeah, it's no fun if you can't catch me."

 Tag is a game where you enjoy being caught.

 You can't play it alone.

 Hiding or running away isn't fun either.

 You need someone to catch you, and that's when it becomes enjoyable.

 It must be lonely if no one catches you.

 'Hmm? You have a hand, don't you?'

 "It's a cowardly hand, though."

 In a sense, it's a surefire way to win at tag.

 It's a gray-area tactic, but the other side is using dirty tricks too, so it's fair game.

 ――Let's play with me in this mansion. Forever, okay?

 I remembered Kuku's words. If that was her wish, then...

 Suddenly, she appears.

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