Saturday, June 15, 2024 @

Volume 8 Chapter 6 ――Finally Came Out

Volume 8 Chapter 6 ――Finally Came Out

 When I look back, the wall is already right behind us.



 There's no choice. I hug Senior Rikka's head and focus my consciousness on the wristband on my right hand.

 In my hand, a slender, water-blue sword appears.

 Slime Sword. The Attack 2000 sword that can change its form at will.

 I swung that sword at the wall, and...

 It was unknown how effective the sword would be against the dungeon's wall.


 To my surprise, the wall was easily cut through.

 The shockwave from the attack reduced the wall to dust, and debris flew everywhere.


 I realized that the surprise had succeeded, and a faint, girly laughter echoed.

 Suddenly, a balloon popped in front of me, and a blood-red banner appeared.


 ...I was being celebrated, it seemed.

 Was I being toyed with?

 "N-Noa...? What's going on? Nothing's happening, though...?"

 Senior Rikka's voice came from my chest, mumbling.

 "Something, it's already okay, I think."

 "Okay? What do you mean...how long are you going to cling to me?"

 "Ah, sorry. I was scared, so..."

 "Seriously, though..."

 I turned the Slime Sword back into an armlet and released Senior Rikka.

 "What, why did the wall break?"

 "Something exploded."


 "It's a mystery."

 Senior Rikka blinked rapidly.

 "This mansion is really weird, isn't it?"

 "Maybe ghosts live here, too."


 The girly laughter continued to echo throughout the mansion.

 What was the purpose of the owner of this voice, anyway?

* * *

 After that, strange phenomena continued to occur in the mansion.

 By the time we returned to the entrance hall, the scenery visible from the window had already turned reddish.

 In the graveyard illuminated by the evening sun, red butterflies were fluttering about.

 "Ugghhh... I want to go home already..."

 Senior Rikka had completely mentally broken down, regressing a bit into childhood.

 That's why I told her to wait outside...

 "Isn't it getting late? Should we wrap up today's investigation here?"

 "Wait, can we go home now?!"

 "No, that's for the senior to decide."

 "Alright then! Let's head back, Noa!"

 It was an instant decision.

 But... I still can't leave this mansion.

 I can't go outside, and that's a problem that still hasn't been solved.

 "What's with the hesitation? You're not saying you don't want to go home, are you?"

 "Yes, I don't want to go home."

 "Is that so? Then... why?"

 Senior Rikka looked puzzled.

 "Senpai... I'm going to stay here tonight."

 "Stay here? In this haunted mansion?"


 "Are you serious?"

 "Yes. I've come to realize that I was meant to stay in this haunted mansion."

 "You don't seem serious at all..."

 I was met with a skeptical gaze.

 "Are you really going to stay? Isn't it dangerous?"

 "That's what makes it good, isn't it!"

 "Well, if you're going to say that..."

 In any case, it seemed like I had convinced her.

 "Then, I'll head back. See you later."

 "Yes, be careful."

 "Oh, and we're meeting at the square tomorrow."

 "Got it."

 "Wait, do you have food? Will you be okay for dinner?"

 "I have some portable food."

 "Alright then, I'll really head back now. I'll really go home, okay?"



 "If you're going to go, then go, senior."

 And with that, the door closed with a creak... leaving me alone in this dark mansion.

 "Finally, I'm alone."

 'Ah, finally, that pesky person is gone!'

 Juju jumped out of my waist pouch and climbed onto my body.

 She settled into her usual spot on my shoulder, swaying her legs back and forth.

 'This is a great mansion! I'll call it "Juju Castle"!'

 "That's a weird name."

 'It's a great name! This year's naming award is a sure thing!'


 Juju's sense of style is quite eccentric.

 "I mean, you're trapped in here and yet you're so carefree."

 'Ah, that's right!'

 "I forgot."

 I wouldn't think that's something one would forget, but...

 Well, anyway, for now... it's about the dungeon's core.

 If I have the core, I can somehow manage the cost of this Parasite Palace, but...


 I turned around to look behind me.

 I knew it was 'there'.

 The Compass Eye (Ra Shingan) needle was pointing that way, after all.

 "――You've finally shown up"

 Before I knew it, a girl was floating behind me.

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