Sunday, June 16, 2024 @

Volume 8 Chapter 10 Investigation Report

Volume 8 Chapter 10 Investigation Report

 The day after we investigated the haunted mansion, Senior Rikka and I came to the Inquisitor's office.

 It was for the investigation report on the haunted mansion.

 "――So, the haunted mansion just vanished, huh?"

 Miss Roreis said quietly, looking at me with an examining gaze.

 I felt like I was being tested, and I unconsciously hid my 'left arm'.

 "That's right! It's exactly like that! When we went there just now, it was gone without a trace An illusion!"

 On the other hand, Senior Rikka, who didn't know anything, was getting excited, her face flushed. She seemed thrilled to have gotten an unexpected scoop.

 "...I wonder where the haunted mansion went, though."

 "It's gotta be Phantom must have taken it away with a swoop!"

 I was taken aback by the sudden mention of that word.

 "You mean Phantom took the mansion away? That's incredible power, Phantom has."

 "Phantom can lift a mansion with just one finger, no problem!"

 Uh, what's with this respect for Phantom...?

 "Well, the mansion was pretty tough, after all."

 "Noa hasn't seen Phantom, so you don't know, right?"

 "That's right, I haven't seen it."

 I thought to myself.

 "But...Phantom, huh?"

 Miss Roreis muttered, then gazed at us for a while.


 She nodded.

 "I understand the report. We can wrap it up for today."

 When I heard those words, I let out a quiet sigh of relief.

 It seemed I had managed to complete my job as an Investigator without a hitch.

* * *

 When we left the office, it was already past noon.

 The Ravenyard city was bustling with energy in the afternoon.

 The vendors' calls, the children running around, the parade-like procession of a wealthy person's funeral...

 It seems like the big festival is coming up soon, and many citizens are already busy preparing for it. Red lanterns are hung above the streets, and around them, red butterflies are fluttering about in the wind.

 It's a peaceful scene.

 Since the equipment hunting has stopped, I feel like there are more people coming and going than before. Maybe Phantom has more influence than I thought.

 "...Was it really okay?"

 Suddenly, I was called out.

 There's no one nearby. Juju is taking a nap right now too.

 So, the owner of the voice is alone.

 I roll up my sleeve and look at the "bracelet" on my left arm.

 "What's okay?"

 "My thing."

 "Kuku's thing?"


 I can't see her figure, but I can tell Kuku is nodding inside the bracelet.

 "If they find out you have me, it'll be bad. I was worried about it earlier too."

 Another voice comes from the bracelet.

 The smooth, green-colored bracelet that reminds me of Kuku's hair.

 This bracelet used to be a haunted mansion until this morning, but Kuku's dungeon operation power turned it into a compact bracelet. Even the "Cost" of "you'll die if you go outside" can be avoided if a part of my body is inside.

 This is a loophole in Parasite Palace's Cost.

 This way, I can go outside without leaving Parasite Palace.

 However, it's still the same ―― I've taken on another curse.

 If Inquisitor finds out, I'm out for sure.

 "Well, it's definitely bad."


 "But I don't regret it."


 "I got a portable home, after all. It's like a dream come true for a guy ―― an equipment house."


 It was a slightly sulky "hmm".

 I can't see Kuku's expression, but I feel like her emotional expression has become a bit richer.

 Maybe something has changed, and she's feeling a bit more relieved.


 "Uh... Missy Kuku?"

 "Hmm... Hmm..."

 But what's with this? Did I say something that bothered her?

 The thing called "equipment heart" is still complicated and hard to grasp.

 Maybe it's better to change the subject, but...

 "Ah, that's right"

 Suddenly, I remember.

 Come to think of it, there was something I forgot to say while we were chatting.

 It's not a big deal, but I'll make sure to convey it properly.

 "I'm a bit late, but..."

 I say, stroking my wristband.

 "From now on, nice to meet you... Kuku"


 Kuku lets out a small voice again.

 This time, her "un" sounds like it's resonating with a hint of excitement.

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