Sunday, June 9, 2024 @

Volume 4 Chapter 4 Fort Raid and Equipment Warehouse

Volume 4 Chapter 4 Fort Raid And Equipment Warehouse

 Early in the morning, one night after joining forces with the Emdo Count Knights led by Miss Sera.

 We were stationed near the stronghold of the Underground Equipment Guild under the faint light of dawn.

 When I imagined the hideout of a secret organization, I thought of something like a cave or a hut. But what I actually saw was――

 ――a sturdy fort.

 "Wow, this is..."

 'It's a waste to use it as a hideout for a secret organization.'

 According to Miss Sera, the Underground Equipment Guild is using an abandoned fort that was used several decades ago. The fact that they can repair an old fort to this extent shows the power of the Underground Equipment Guild.

 "Mr. Noroa,"

 Miss Sera came over holding a small bottle of recovery potion.

 "Oh, Miss Sera. What is that?"

 "It's a recovery potion from the supplies. You may not need it, Mr. Noroa, but I'll give it to you just in case."

 "Thank you."

 I have my own recovery potions, but more is always better. A small bottle won't take up much space. I put it in the bottle case in my bag to prevent it from breaking.

 "So, are we attacking soon?"

 "That's the plan. Are you ready, Mr. Noroa?"

 'I'm ready! I'm all set!'

 For some reason, Juju answered instead of me. Speaking of which, Juju has been stretching and stuff since a while ago, but she's not going to go wild, is she...?

 "Well, as Juju says, I'm ready anytime."

 "I see, you're reliable as always."

 Miss Sera nodded in satisfaction.

 Well, I'm in charge of a key role in this operation.

 If I can't do anything, the whole operation will fall apart.

 By the way, here's a rough outline of the operation.

 ――We'll sneak up to the fort under the cover of darkness and launch a surprise attack at dawn. First, I'll use my Bloodsucker Blade to destroy the fort's wall. Then, we'll quickly capture the enemy boss before they can escape.

 That's the plan. It might sound a bit simple or straightforward, but that's what makes it effective.

 Apparently, they originally considered attacking during the day, but the Underground Equipment Guild is on high alert and keeps the drawbridge raised even during the daytime, so they had to abandon that idea. They also considered sneaking in at night and opening the gate from the inside, but there are too many guards, so that plan was also scrapped.

 As a result, they settled on this safe and reliable Plan A.

 Of course, my presence also played a big part in their decision to go with Plan A.

 By the way, Cirrul will be keeping watch from the sky. She can't transform into a dragon in front of Miss Sera and the others, and she can't move around inside the fort in her dragon form. So, I'll have Cirrul watch out for the enemy boss so they don't escape.

 "――Commander, the troops are ready. We can attack at your command."

 Miss Sera's subordinate reports to her.

 "Alright, Mr. Noroa... I'm counting on you."


 Miss Sera pats my shoulder as if she trusts me. It makes me feel a little ticklish.

 I think I'm happy. I haven't really had anyone rely on me before.

 'Let's give them a show they'll never forget, Noroa!'


 I quietly emerge from the bushes and stand in front of the fort.

 A towering, imposing wall stands before me. The pressure is immense, as if the wall is bearing down on me. But for some reason, my heart remains calm.

 I close my eyes and reach for my Bloodsucker Blade.


 I unsheathe my blade.

 And that's all it takes.

 I quickly sheathe my blade and open my eyes. The fort is already in ruins. Most of the wall has vanished without a trace, and the towers have been reduced to piles of rubble.

 The sudden early morning attack throws the fort into chaos. All I did was destroy the fort's wall, but...

 'Well, that should be enough, right?'

 "Yeah, it should be."

 With a swing of the Bloodsucker Blade, I could easily obliterate this entire fortress. But if I do that, we won't be able to capture the guild members and get information from them. Besides, I don't want to destroy the 'unofficial equipment' that's supposedly hidden in this fortress."

 "Oh, as usual, it's got an insane power..."

 Miss Sera's mouth hangs open in shock from a single strike of the Bloodsucker Blade.

 The surrounding knights are also frozen in astonishment.

 "Uh, Miss Sera, what's the signal?"

 "Oh, oh, right... Everyone, charge!"

 And so, the battle between the Emdo Count's Knights and the Underground Equipment Guild begins.

 The knights, with their disciplined and coordinated movements, storm the fortress.

 The guild members try to fight back, but many of them are not fully equipped, probably because it's still early in the morning. The knights' overwhelming superiority quickly leads to the capture of the guild members.


 Miss Sera, as the knight commander, is also very active. She skillfully wields her whip, which branches out into 9 snake-like blades, each of which moves as if it has a will of its own. Each whip strikes down a different enemy, and it's never boring to watch.

 Oh, I see, it's a whip for multiple attacks... I've never seen one before, but it's so cute. The way it wriggles and the soft body, it's a bit too erotic. My heart is pounding more than it should be.

 '...What, are you drooling over other equipment again?'


 Juju pulls my ear, bringing me back to reality.

 Juju is surprisingly strong, so it really hurts.

 'You haven't forgotten your purpose, have you?'

 "Of course not. It's to find cursed equipment."

 That's why I joined this raid on the Underground Equipment Guild.

 'Even though you know that, you were ogling at it in the middle of the battlefield? Are you stupid? Do you want to die?'


 'Fine, whatever. Let's hurry up and find the cursed equipment while those knights are dealing with the small fries.'

 "Yeah... that's right."

 I don't want the knights to see us near the cursed equipment. And it wouldn't be good if they find it first.

 Let's get this over with quickly.

 I followed where the Compass Eye (Ra Shingan) needle was pointing.

 "...Is this it?"

 After walking for a while following the needle, we arrived at a half-ruined building. Some of the walls and roofs had fallen off, but it seemed to have been built quite sturdily, so it hadn't turned into rubble.

 'Let's go in for now.'


 Fortunately, there's no one around.

 I used the fallen door as a foothold and entered the building.


 I couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.

 The building was filled with a huge amount of equipment.

 It was probably an equipment warehouse.

 Looking around, I feel like there are more black-colored equipment. There are many equipments that look bad. As Miss Sera said, they are not the type of equipment that would be sold openly.

 "Hahaha, is this heaven...?"

 'Eh? What, suddenly... scary.'

 Oh, everywhere I look, equipment, equipment, equipment...

 I can't stop being excited. Just seeing this sight makes it worth coming here.

 The problem is, where is the cursed equipment...

 As I was thinking about that, I was looking around the warehouse.

 "――Wh, who's there!?"

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