Friday, June 7, 2024 @

Volume 3 Chapter 6 Lovely Girls Don't Vomit!

Volume 3 Chapter 6 Lovely Girls Don't Vomit!

 ――The cost of Beast & Rose is that you can't return to human form unless you kiss someone you truly love.

 The key here is the phrase "someone you truly love." At first glance, it seems to be referring to a lover or a crush. However, the cost description doesn't specify that it has to be someone of the opposite sex with romantic feelings. The words "romantic feelings" and "opposite sex" are probably not necessary conditions.

 So, even if it's something like affection or family love, as long as she truly love them, Cirrul should be able to return to human form.

 This is probably the loophole in Beast & Rose's cost.

 It's still just speculation, but it's worth a try.

 Besides, now is the perfect opportunity. The extermination team to defeat Cirrul should have already left Sunpool. It's hard to imagine that there is any fighting force left in Sunpool that can stand up to Cirrul.

 So, we decided to head straight to Sunpool.

 We rode Cirrul and flew from the sky to Sunpool. It was my first time riding a dragon, but it was quite a thrilling experience. The speed and shaking were unlike anything I had ever experienced, and I quickly felt sick. It felt like my insides were being violently shaken up and down. And since there was no saddle or stirrups, I couldn't even stabilize myself, and I felt like I would fall off if I relaxed.

 'Ugh... I feel so sick...'

 Juju was also pale and holding her mouth. She was as quiet as a mouse, unlike her earlier boisterous "I'm the wind!" It seems that this doll is also equipped with functions like motion sickness and vomiting. I can't imagine what would happen if she vomited in a space where she couldn't move.

 'Are you okay? Do you need a bag?'

 'L-Lovely girls don't vomit!'

 'Oh, um... could you please not vomit on my back?'

 'I told you, I'm not vomiting! I'll swallow it!'

 "Is it okay for a lovely girl to swallow vomit?"

 'It's barely okay!'

 "Is that so... ugh"

 While I was talking to Juju about vomit, I started to feel even sicker.

 Other than that, the journey was smooth. There were no obstacles in the sky. We could take the shortest route to our destination.

 'Oh, I can see Sunpool!'

 After flying for about half a day, as the sun slowly began to set in the west.

 Cirrul suddenly let out an excited voice. Her back swayed back and forth as if she was excited, and I almost fell off. Juju covered her mouth with an 'ugh'.

 "Eh, can you already see it?"


 With my eyesight, I couldn't see Sunpool yet. Perhaps Cirrul's eyesight has also been enhanced by becoming a dragon. Distance-wise to Sunpool, I thought we would arrive tomorrow, but Cirrul's flying speed was much faster than I thought.


 And then, there, I saw a group of people on the ground.

 It was a group of people going down a mountain path. They were probably a dragon extermination team. They were lightly dressed for walking in the forest, but it was clear from afar that they were wearing combat equipment. Perhaps they noticed Cirrul in the sky, but in confusion, they quickly formed a line.


 The magic-equipped people fired ice bullets.

 Of course, the attacks won't hit Cirrul. Even though she had descended a little, she was still in the sky. The attacks didn't even reach her in the first place.

 However, Cirrul was startled and jumped her back. Perhaps because she had never been attacked before, she seemed to have panicked. Trying to avoid the ice bullets, she flew acrobatically in a zigzag pattern――.


 Juju vomited from the shaking.

 'Kyaaaah!?' "Uwawaaaah!?"

 The peaceful journey in the sky turned into a hellish scene in an instant.

 The extermination team continued to fire ice bullets, but they did not reach Cirrul. Perhaps their goal was to provoke her. From the direction we were flying, they might have realized that we were heading towards Sunpool. So, they meant to stop her here.

 But still... there are an awful lot of ice magic equipment.

 It seems that most of the extermination team has it in their hands.

 It's true that preparing ice magic equipment is the most logical choice when it comes to defeating a dragon. Dragons have difficulty regulating their body temperature, so ice magic is considered their weakness. While larger dragons are less susceptible to temperature drops, they become immobile once their temperature falls.

 However, the number of ice magic equipment available is not something a single city can provide. Even if they gather it from different places, it's said that Cirrul was kidnapped a week ago. It's hard to believe they could gather this many in just a week.

 ...Hmm. Somehow, a vague sense of unease washes over me.

 Am I overlooking something important? This heavy, muddy feeling of confusion swirls in the depths of my chest. But I can't turn back now. Cirrul can only go to Sunpool while the dragon extermination team is away.

 In the end, the source of my unease remained unknown until we reached Sunpool.

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