Thursday, June 6, 2024 @

Volume 3 Chapter 1 The Radiant Saint

Volume 3 Chapter 1 The Radiant Saint

 The blessing ceremony of Saint Cirrula Tu Lake was once again packed today.

 In general, blessing ceremonies are long and boring. The ancient sacred language used in the ceremony is probably incomprehensible to most of the congregation. If it weren't mandatory, no one would voluntarily attend. However, in the case of Cirrula's blessing ceremony, everyone was scrambling for seats.

 Why were they so eager to attend the blessing ceremony?

 The reason was very simple.

 Cirrula was beautiful.

 "The Radiant Saint" was a name known to everyone in this region. Her hair shimmered with the soft amber color of spring sunshine. Her facial features were so delicate and well-defined that even an A-rank craftsman's equipment could not replicate them. And above all, the aura of kindness emanating from Cirrula's personality purified the hearts of those who saw her. If Cirrula had a halo or wings, no one would doubt that she was an angel sent from heaven.

 Cirrula Tu Lake... was a girl loved by everyone.

 Finally, Cirrula finished the final verse and exhaled softly.

 It was a sign that the prayer was over. The air in the chapel, which had been filled with solemn silence, suddenly loosened. Under normal circumstances, one would be relieved that the boring ceremony was over and could finally go out for a drink, but in her case, it was the exception for people to try to leave.

 "O Saint! Please eat the vegetables I grew!"

 "You're cheating! My vegetables are better than that guy's..."

 "Please come to our family's banquet...!"

 "Saint, I'll give you flowers!"

 People immediately gathered around Cirrula.

 Men, women, old and young, all competed to offer her tributes.

 "Oh, um, thank you..."

 Cirrula could only lower her eyebrows and smile shyly.

 In no time, a mountain of tributes had piled up in front of Cirrula.

 This was not a special occasion; it was simply part of Cirrula's daily life. This fact alone shows how much she is adored.


 Amidst the crowd, a cough resounded from outside.

 The sound instantly silenced the chattering crowd. It was the arrival of the female bishop.

 She was an elderly woman with a wrinkled face. Behind her sunken eyes, her stern gaze shone coldly.

 "Everyone, the Saint is very busy. Please disperse."

 The bishop's voice echoed coldly through the chapel. Her words were the usual signal to disband. The believers grumbled and complained about her rudeness, but no one dared to confront a high-ranking clergy face-to-face. The believers were merely lambs chased by a dog.

 The bishop, treated like a villain, briefly deepened the wrinkles on her face, but only for a moment. She quickly returned to her expressionless demeanor.

 "And Saint, know that you must also learn to refuse. It's not appropriate to accept everything."

 "Yes, yes... I'm sorry."

 Cirrula slumped down in defeat.

 For her, it was a difficult trial to turn down someone who admired her. However, she would never become a fine clergyman like the bishop if she continued this way.

 Still, Cirrula had a slight complaint.

 "Um, Bishop..."

 "...You should call me 'Your Eminence'"

 "Then, then! You should call me 'Cil' too! The honorific title is a bit..."

 Since becoming a Saint, the bishop had taken a cold and distant attitude towards Cirrula. She thought that she could help her as a Saint, but...

 The bishop closed her eyes and then spoke calmly.

 "Rather, there is another job waiting for you. Get ready quickly, Saint."

 Then, as if remembering something, she added.

 "If you don't do your job properly, the dragon will come, you know?"

 The dragon is coming. It's like a scolding phrase the bishop has been using since a long time ago. Cirrula flinched reflexively.

 "...Yes, you're right."

 In the end, she was once again wrapped in smoke. However, it was true that there was another job waiting. She didn't have much time because of attending to the believers. She had to prepare quickly.

 Current popularity of Cirrula is due to her beautiful appearance.

 On the other hand, that's all she has for now. She can't equip high-ranking holy artifacts like a bishop, and she can't recite all the scriptures and hymns from memory.

 She's not very good at studying, exercising, religious duties, or public speaking either.

 But she can't stay a mascot forever. She doesn't want to remain a mascot. In order to help the bishop and become a holy person like the bishop, she needs to work harder...

 Cirrula encouraged herself with these thoughts and steeled her resolve.

 Before heading to her next job, Cirrula returned to her room to change.

 Religious ceremonies are quite troublesome, as the attire changes with each ceremony. Every day, she has to transform like a bride at a wedding.


 Entering her room, Cirrula's gaze fell on her desk.

 There was an unfamiliar hair ornament placed on it. It was a beautiful hair ornament made of white roses. Even though it was just an accessory, it exuded an air of elegance.

 Did someone mistakenly leave it here?


 Drawn by the fragrance of roses, Cirrula approached the hair ornament, her steps light and unsteady. She had never seen anything so beautiful.

 Even Cirrula, who had little desire for material things, was captivated. It possessed a devilish beauty that melted away her rationality.

 If she put on this hair ornament, she would be more beautiful. If she became more beautiful, maybe more people would love her.

 Maybe even a good-for-nothing like her could be loved forever.

 Suddenly, such a thought crossed Cirrula's mind.

 (...Just a little bit)

 Despite knowing it was wrong, Cirrula couldn't stop her hand from reaching for the hair ornament.

 Even a saint like her was still a teenage girl. She was interested in fashion too.

 But she wasn't stealing it. She would just put it on her hair and strike a pose in front of the mirror. Even so, it was a forbidden adventure that Cirrula couldn't help but feel guilty about.

 Then, with her heart pounding with anticipation, she touched the white rose hair ornament――


 In that instant, lightning struck Cirrula's entire body.

 A searing pain and discomfort that seemed to flip her body inside out.

 Before she knew it, Cirrula was screaming.


 The female bishop kicked the door open and stormed into the room, probably alerted by the screams.

 She took one look at Cirrula's form and her face, already etched with wrinkles, contorted even further.

 Then, she cried out, her voice thick with alarm.

 "――A dragon...! A dragon has attacked...!"

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