Saturday, June 29, 2024 @

Volume 16 Chapter 5 The Strongest Inquisitor of the Holy Kingdom

Volume 16 Chapter 5 The Strongest Inquisitor Of The Holy Kingdom

 "――Seriously, are you going to block this too?"

 When I turn around, a young girl is standing there, out of nowhere.

 The strongest Inquisitor of the Holy Kingdom――Miimo Milnas.

 A pistol flew out of her sleeve, emitting white smoke.

 "You're still as unpredictable as ever, aren't you? That's why... I didn't want to make you my enemy."

 Miss Miimo crunched down on the candy she was holding, her eyes devoid of emotion as she gazed at us.

 "...Get back, Ravuri."

 "Uh, yeah."

 There was no escape route. We didn't even have the luxury of trying to find a "side door".

 Even if we managed to escape from this place, she would just chase us down no matter where we went. Miss Miimo's legs were faster than mine, after all.

 I didn't want to, but... I had no choice but to fight.

 I transformed the Slime Sword's wristband into a longsword with a squelching sound.

 "Hmm, a shape-shifting weapon with a defense mechanism. This is going to be tough to deal with."


 I replied while quickly closing in on Miss Miimo.

 Judging from her pistol, she was likely to engage in long-range combat.

 And my prediction was correct――.


 As I closed in, Miss Miimo quickly took a backstep to create distance.

 That was what I was aiming for.

 "Ram." "...Here I go!"

 I focused my thoughts and extended the Slime Sword's blade like a whip.

 Humans tend to freeze up for an instant when they move their feet――especially when they're retreating. In that moment, they can't avoid a whip that's trying to bind their legs.

 That's what I thought, but――.


 ――The whip was deflected mid-air.

 Miss Miimo had used her pistol to deflect the whip's trajectory. And she did it with timing that seemed to anticipate my actions....

 "Then... this time, I'll let you have it."

 "...No way."

 Miss Miimo landed with a thud――and then kicked the ground with a loud "thunk".

 She was propelled forward like a bullet, charging towards me.

 ――She's fast

 I was trying to create some distance between us, but before I knew it, she was already in range.

 And then, a sword flew out from one of Miss Miimo's sleeves.

 Could it be that she was bluffing about being a long-range attacker...?!


 I couldn't respond to close combat with the whip-like Slime Sword.

 I quickly transformed it into a sword shape――.



 A candy bullet flew towards Ravuri, taking advantage of my momentary lapse in thought.

 I barely managed to defend her with my shield, but my thoughts were in disarray. The transformation of the Slime Sword stopped mid-way.

 In that moment of hesitation, Miss Miimo swung her sword at Ravuri.

 I still couldn't defend her with the whip-like Slime Sword.

 Nor could I use the Slime Shield in time.


 I quickly scooped up Ravuri and retreated from the scene.

 It was a narrow escape. While rolling on the ground, I hastily regained my footing――.

 'Noroa! She's still coming!'

 "...One thing after another!"

 There, I swiftly used my shield to deflect the consecutive sword attacks.

 ...I couldn't read her breathing. Her gaze didn't waver. There was no preparatory movement.

 And yet, she continued to execute her best moves without fail.

 It was like fighting a machine.

 However, I couldn't just take it lying down.

 If I couldn't focus my thoughts, then I had to think for myself.

 "Ram, return to your original shape." "Okay!"

 I verbally instructed Ram to transform the Slime Sword back to its original shape.

 And further...

 "Sui, catch the sword." "...Understood."

 I momentarily turned the Slime Shield into a sticky surface――and caught Miss Miimo's sword.


 This was an unexpected move, and Miss Miimo's movements came to a sudden halt.

 In that moment, I transformed the Slime Sword back into a sword shape and aimed for Miss Miimo's head.

 It was the perfect timing for a direct hit.



 Just before the sword hit Miss Miimo's head――.

 With a strange sound, her neck bent at an impossible angle.

 The sword sliced through the air with a whoosh.

 "...I see."

 Miss Miimo discarded her sword and created some distance between us.

 She returned her neck to its original angle and popped a candy into her mouth with a clinking sound.

 "That transforming equipment... I thought it would take on a form that 'I could understand', but it seems that's not the case. Well, I guess it's possible to give instructions orally. However, giving instructions orally takes time, and it would reveal your hand to the opponent...

 After muttering to herself for a bit, she grinned wickedly like a demon.

 "――I see, I understand."


 My spine chilled at the sudden realization.

 Indeed, concentrating is necessary to transform the Slime equipment.

 Although the required time is extremely short, if my thoughts are disrupted at that timing... it won't be able to transform.

 And yet, giving instructions orally takes time, and it would expose my strategy to the opponent...

 'How did she figure this out in such a short time...?'

 "...No, it's not that."

 ――Would you like to join our training as well?

 ――Just how many cursed equipment do you have?

 ――I'm sorry, but I've been relying on you too much.

 When I think about it, I've revealed my hand to Miss Miimo many times, but... I've hardly seen Miss Miimo fight.

 "...Did you think of me as an enemy from the start?"

 "No, I just prepared for any situation. In this line of work, there are many chances to cut off a comrade's head, after all."

 It's easy to say that, but... I didn't tell her the effects of cursed equipment. It's impossible to conduct experiments on countermeasures against Slime equipment, too.

 Even so, being able to respond accurately like this... is because of the overwhelming wealth of experience in fighting against "Cursed Users".

 This is... the strongest Inquisitor of the Holy Kingdom.

 "But, you... aren't attacking me at all. Are you trying not to kill me, or are you afraid of killing someone?"

 "...No, that's not it."

 '*Twitch*!? No, no, no! That's not it at all! The "Cruel Noroa" who can silence a crying child, wouldn't...?'



 "...That reaction is spot on."


 Anyway, I've really shown her my weakness, haven't I....

 "This handicap is too much, I'm about to lose my confidence. I thought I was pretty strong, but..."

 "No way...you're strong, Miss Miimo."

 "You should only say that after using at least 30% of your power, okay?"

 Miss Miimo shrugs her shoulders.

 "Noroa...you're really strong. Among the 'Cursed Users' I've seen so far, you stand out as one of the strongest. But you're...too soft."


 "You're kind, so you won't try to kill me. However, I can't kill you, but I can kill Ravuri-kun. Now, let's see who'll have the upper hand if this fight drags on."

 'Maybe it's Noroa! I'll bet my entire allowance for this month on it!'

 "No...Miss Miimo is right."

 It's frustrating, but her words are true.

 My combat ability is specialized in taking down enemies.

 I'm not cut out for things like disabling enemies or protecting someone.

 "If this fight goes on, I won't be able to protect Ravuri."

 "That's right. So, let's not drag out this pointless fight and hand Princess Ravuri over to me. Who knows, Mars might even make a move while we're at it."

 "...Yeah, you're right."


 "But, isn't this...a story about a 'long, drawn-out fight'?"

 "...What are you...!? ."

 I thrust my left arm forward.

 I roll up my sleeve, revealing the green armband on my wrist.

 And then――.

 "――Parasite Palace, deploy."

 The armband expands rapidly, like a blooming flower――and in an instant, it envelops both me and Miss Miimo.

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