Saturday, June 29, 2024 @

Volume 16 Chapter 4 Escape Route

Volume 16 Chapter 4 Escape Route

 "――'I can't...resist...anymore...'"

 The moment Ravuri said that――.

 Countless sea serpents burst out from the lake surface behind her, creating wave-like splashes as they attacked the Inquisitors.

 "...Damn it, monster control!"

 Miss Miimo cried out in frustration.

 The Inquisitors tried to respond with their weapons, but... it seemed they couldn't maintain their encirclement.

 The Inquisitors scattered, and an escape route opened up.

 "Now, Ravuri!"


 I grabbed Ravuri's hand and started running.

 "Don't let them escape!"

 The Inquisitors immediately gave chase, shouting angrily.

 "Little Mimi, spit out water!"


 Mimi spat out water onto the ground, making it slippery. Even if it was just a little, this would slow down the Inquisitors' pursuit.

 "It's like a romantic escape scenario. My heart is racing like a maiden's."

 "You're quite calm, aren't you?"

 "...N-Noo, why?"

 Ravuri's voice was filled with confusion.

 "Why are you trying to help Rav? I'm a bad person..."

 "I'm your bodyguard, that's why."

 "Bodyguard... but if we keep going like this, Noo will become a bad person too..."

 "I'm already a bad person. And I'm more used to being chased by the Inquisitors, anyway."

 I couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

 "So, even if they say it's a rule to kill 'Cursed Users', I can't agree with that."

 I understand how the Inquisitors think. Having worked with them, I know how they act with a sense of justice. They're probably right.

 But I... I've met many 'Cursed Users' so far.

 I just can't think that those people deserve to die.

 Ravuri is the same.

 "I mean, it's because you stopped the monsters at the waterfront, right? That's why there haven't been any victims in the holy city."

 "...Why do you think that?"

 "Because I was trying to do a live show every day."

 No matter how hard it got, no matter how much they tried to stop her, Ravuri kept doing her live shows every day. And during those live shows, there was always a "Instrumental Performance Time" segment, where Ravuri would play the flute.

 She probably used large-scale sound equipment to resonate the flute's sound throughout the city. That's why, on the days Ravuri had a live show, the monsters were unusually calm.

 "Ravuri was controlling the monsters to protect the people of the holy city. You were even willing to take the risk of being discovered by the Inquisitor as a 'Cursed User'..."


 "Earlier, you asked why I would help someone like you, right? But it's the opposite."

 "The opposite...?"

 Even if she was a human who should be killed.

 Even if she was a disaster that brought misfortune to others just by existing.

 "――I wanted to protect Ravuri because you're Ravuri."

 We ran through the holy city.

 Since the Serpent's personnel were divided, the number of Inquisitors chasing us was still small.

 We thought we could shake them off, but...


 We hastily stopped.

 ――Ahead, there was a sign that read "Authority Level D".


 That's right, I had forgotten because I was given a Level S authority permit... but this city was designed like a maze to prevent criminals from escaping, with barriers set up everywhere.

 Ravuri's authority level was E. She couldn't enter areas with a level D or higher authority.

 "This way...!"

 We hastily changed our route. But we didn't know where all the barriers were located.

 While we were stuck in the maze-like barriers, the Inquisitors were using their high authority levels to chase us down with the shortest distance.

 "There they are." "She's a 'Cursed User'!"


 This was a ridiculously one-sided game of tag.

 'Wait, if we keep going like this, we'll get caught for sure. Can't we just destroy the barriers?'

 "No, we can't destroy these barriers."

 Before, when I was dropped into the water route on Mars, I didn't flinch even with the Slime Sword's attack. It's probably because of the powerful cursed equipment's barrier.

 'Then, what do we do?'

 "Don't worry, I have a plan."

 'A plan?'

 "I'll meet up with Cirrul. The Holy City's barrier... isn't in the sky, after all."

 While running, I use Compass Eye to search for Cirrul's location.

 If I can meet up with Cirrul, it'll be like shaking off our pursuers.

 In other words, the place where Cirrul is, is like the goal of this demon's obstacle course.

 However, the barrier still blocks our way.

 "...Dead end!?"

 I was shocked when I reached the fork in the road.

 This path is also a Level D or higher area... It's like being trapped in a bag with Ravuri.


 Ravuri's hand, which I'm holding, tightens its grip.

 '...What do we do, retreat?'

 "No, there's an Inquisitor behind us."

 If possible, I don't want to fight. To begin with, I'm not good at chaotic battles or escort missions. I'm not sure if I can protect Ravuri from a large number of Inquisitors.

 "Uh, chaotic battle...? Protect...?"

 There, I had an idea.

 "No... there is a way, isn't there? A 'loophole' in the barrier?"

 Ah, if there is, we might be able to make it.

 We don't need to ride Cirrul and fly through the air, nor do we need to manipulate the map like Mars.

 Damn it... I was too anxious. I didn't even notice such a simple "loophole".

 No, it's good that I noticed it at this timing.

 "Ravuri... ."

 I hurriedly try to test the "loophole", but――.



 The Slime Shield automatically deploys, and something breaks apart on its surface.

 A faint sweet smell. Was that... candy?

 "――Seriously, are you going to block this too?"

 When I turn around, a young girl is standing there, out of nowhere.

 The strongest Inquisitor of the Holy Kingdom――Miimo Milnas.

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