Tuesday, June 25, 2024 @

Volume 13 Chapter 5 Awakening

Volume 13 Chapter 5 Awakening


 After I escaped from the waterway, I was out of it for a while. Unconsciously, I must have drunk a lot of water. My eyes hurt, and my nose was throbbing.

 'I'm not taking this anymore! My clothes and hair are all messed up! I'm going to sue that Glasses Beam for cleaning costs!'

 "...Can't you see that I almost got killed? That's what I'm worried about."

 I let out a deep sigh and looked around.

 It was like Mars had gone crazy... The buildings and roads around us were all tangled up, creating a chaotic scene. The citizens were gathering around, making a ruckus.

 "...This is ridiculous."

 'It's just too much...'

 The map had completely changed.

 How could something like this happen so easily? It was just like the cursed equipment was showing off its power.

 But I thought I had a cursed equipment related to monsters...


 "What's going on?"

 And then I realized Ravuri was right me.

 I had no idea how I got spat out of the Gluttony Mimic Bag, but she was lying there, looking like she had been pushed down by me.

 Her eyes were red and puffy, like she had been crying.

 "Ah, Ravuri...you're okay, that's good..."



 She suddenly hugged me tightly.

 "I thought you were dead I thought you were dead!"

 "Well, I thought I was dead too..."

 Honestly, this time I really thought I was going to die.

 But I happened to see the monster's mouth and thought of Little Mimi, which helped me find a way out.

 There wasn't a hole big enough for a person to fit through, but if the Gluttony Mimic Bag could fit through the gap, then...it could temporarily store me and spit me out later, right?

 Of course, it was a bit of a gamble, but...it worked out well.

 "I'm sorry...it's all because of me, Ravuri..."

 "No, it's not your fault."

 'Yeah, the bad guy is that Mega Glasses Beam.'

 "But if you didn't protect Ravuri..."

 It seems like she's feeling responsible. At first, I thought she was just a carefree girl who did things at her own pace... but that wasn't the case.

 Ravuri is a kind-hearted girl who can shed tears for someone else.

 Really... she's not a girl who deserves to be killed.

 Then, I'll make up my mind too.

 I'm still hugging Ravuri, and I pat her on the back.

 "By the way, Ravuri. Can I continue the conversation from earlier?"

 "Earlier conversation... you mean before we met Glasses Beam?"

 "Yeah, that's right... but it's amazing how naturally 'Glasses Beam' title stuck."

 Thanks to Glasses Beam, having a serious conversation is tough.

 To change the mood, I try to clear my throat and stuff.

 "So, about your bodyguard..."

 "...So, have you gotten tired of it after all? You almost died, after all..."

 "No, I want you to accept my offer to be your bodyguard."


 She looks at me with a puzzled expression.

 "You almost died, but you still want to be my bodyguard...?"


 "You were almost caught by the equipment earlier, right?"

 "...Uh, yeah."

 Getting hit there hurts a lot.

 "But... I've reconsidered. I won't be able to protect you if I'm not by your side."


 Ravuri's face turns slightly red as she asks hesitantly.

 "How... does Noo... go that far to protect Rav...?"

 "Uh, it's for the sake of resolving the curse."

 "Ah, I see."

 Of course, I also want to protect Ravuri herself, but it's embarrassing to say that honestly.

 '...You've raised the flag so grandly, haven't you?'

 I'm not sure what Juju is saying.

 "Yeah, I understand about the bodyguard."

 Ravuri shrugs her shoulders with a 'shun' sound.

 "Rav was a bit too optimistic too..."

 "It's fine as long as you understand."

 I never thought I'd get rejected as a bodyguard on the first day, or that I'd almost get killed by the curse's perpetrator.

 But in the end, it seems like everything has been resolved thanks to those events.

 "Uh... Noo."


 "Noo, maybe... you're from Town of Mahariji...?"


 "...Ah, no, it's nothing. Maybe it's just my imagination."

 I forced a laugh, trying to play it cool.

 It was a slightly strained laugh.

 But... didn't she just say "Town of Mahariji" a moment ago?

 That's the name of my hometown. I didn't mean to mention it, though...

 "What's going on...?! This is a disaster!"

 "Sir Noroa, are you there?!"

 And then, I heard a familiar voice.

 "Ah, that's cil's voice."

 'And Tsundere Gold-haired is with her, too.'

 "Is that Mr. Sein you're talking about?"

 It was Cirrul and Mr. Sein, who had been searching for Ravuri.

 "Perfect timing."

 I didn't mention that we had found Ravuri.

 "Cirrul, Mr. Sein, over here!"

 "Ah, there you are――!!"

 "Ah, Sir Noroa――!!"

 For some reason, the 2 of them froze when they saw us.

 "W-what are you doing, you're supposed to be guarding her! She's a princess of a country, you know!"

 "...Sir Noroa, are you cheating on me?"

 "Eh, what's going on..."

 And then, I remembered. I was still hugging Ravuri.

 And Ravuri's eyes were red and puffy from crying.

 No wonder they got the wrong idea.


 I tried to calm down and gently pry Ravuri off me.

 But she wouldn't let go. She was holding on tight.


 When I looked down, Ravuri was sticking out her tongue mischievously.

 What's she trying to do?

 "Hey, how long are you going to cling to her?!"

 "...Please calm down. This is an important part of my job as a guard."

 "Abuse of authority!"

 Mr. Sein scolded me.

 I was just trying to take care of Ravuri's feelings...

 "It's just as I thought, we can't trust someone like you with guarding her!"

 "...I thought so too."

 "Why is that?"

 I had just gotten Ravuri to acknowledge me, and now this...

 It's still going to be a tough road ahead...

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