Saturday, June 22, 2024 @

Volume 12 Chapter 3 Notice of Peaceful Demise

Volume 12 Chapter 3 Notice Of Peaceful Demise

 After entering the holy city, we walked for a while.

 We passed through the white streets and arrived at a spacious plaza with a great view.


 From this plaza, I could see the gigantic castle standing at the center of the holy city.

 ――The Great Holy Castle.

 It's a pure white castle that combines a cathedral and a castle.

 "The Great Holy Castle is over 200 meters tall (≈656 feet) and is said to be the tallest castle in the world."

 Suddenly, Cirrul's explanation began.

 "The Great Holy Castle is not only a landmark of this holy city but also a famous residence of the Holy King. As for why it can stand tall, it's the same reason why the holy city is floating, and it's one of the Seven Wonders of the Holy City..."

 "Ah, yeah."

 Somehow, Cirrul has become like a tour guide.

 Usually, her clumsiness stands out, but she's trying her best to be helpful here.

 'More importantly, Noroa, isn't there money scattered around that fountain? Let's pick it up quickly!'

 "Yeah, I won't pick it up."

 "Master, look! I picked up a lot of coins!" "...It's a bonus stage!"

 "Hey, you're a rude tourist, huh?"

 I returned the coins to their original place.

 "Anyway, look, these coins are for making wishes."

 '...? Of course, I know that. So what?'

 "That's common sense, isn't it?" "...Sui just wants to eat with someone else's money."

 "Yeah, that makes you even worse."

 I mean, what's going on? Are we not just sightseeing normally?

 I was feeling a bit self-loathing when I heard that.

 "Um, excuse me..."


 Suddenly, an elderly lady passing by called out to us.

 She seems to be a resident of the holy city, wearing a white robe that blends in with the city and a badge indicating her authority level.

 "Are you people visiting the holy city for the first time?"

 First time in the holy city...

 "Well, yeah."

 "Oh my, just in time! You've come at the perfect timing!"

 "Perfect timing?"

 "Yes, it is."

 The elderly lady pointed to a corner of the plaza.

 There, a group of people were kneeling and praying.

 "Today, Her Majesty the Holy King will make a rare appearance. Look, from the balcony on the top floor of the Great Holy Castle."

 "Whoa, from the top floor..."

 I looked up.

 Ugh... I can't see a thing.

 "Um, I don't think I can see..."

 "The Holy King isn't something you see! It's something you feel!"

 "I see."

 "Yeah, you should also worship the Holy King! The fact that you're here now is probably the King's will!"

 The elderly lady's face drew closer, her eyes fixed on me.

 I realized that the group that was praying just a moment ago was now staring at me with an intense gaze.

 "Dude, is this your first time worshiping Her Majesty?" "Don't worry, it's only scary at first." "You'll get used to it and start winning the lottery soon!"

 "Ah, yes."

 This group was seriously creepy.

 Their respect for the Holy King was too strong, and it was scary. I had encountered a group of ghouls recently, but this was even more terrifying. This was a complete brainwashing into a scary cult.

 "Uh, Cirrul..."

 I sought help from Cirrul, who was used to the holy city.

 "Come on, Sir Noroa! Let's worship together! Her Majesty The Holy King will grant us the benefit of a strong bond, you know Come on!"


 No way, Cirrul was completely on their side.

 Come to think of it, Cirrul used to be a saint... and was deeply devoted to her faith.

 '...May I win the lottery...'

 "May my master be pleased with me and pets me a lot..." "May my lord awaken to his lolita complex..."

 And before I knew it, my allies were gone.

 "Ha, haha... I guess I'll just do it once..."

 In the end, I gave in to the peer pressure.

 Well, I suppose this is a memory to cherish.

 I knelt down and prayed to the Holy King in a pretentious way.

 "May the world be at peace..."

 And may I get an equipment girlfriend.

 Personally, I like equipment that's like Adamantite Armor, all sturdy and reliable. The rank would be SSS, of course, and it would be great if no one else had it yet. It would be nice if it had a battle-hardened atmosphere, like it's been through many battles, but is actually fragile and gets hurt easily... That kind of gap moe is appealing, don't you think? I hope my request is granted.

 "Yeah, that's it."

 Yeah, peace is the best, after all. If you believe, your prayers will definitely be heard.

 With that conviction, I stood up.

 "――You're Noroa Rator, aren't you?"

 I suddenly found myself surrounded by a group wearing white military-like uniforms.


 The color was different, but the uniform looked familiar.

 It was the uniform of the Cursed Inquisitor, the public safety organization that kills "curse holders" without hesitation.

 The Inquisitors pointed their weapons at me, who was still in shock.

 "Her Majesty the Holy King requests your presence. Will you accompany us?"

 ...Yes, it seems my peaceful life has come to an abrupt end.

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